Brian Little: Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality
Brian Little: Kes oled sa tegelikult? Isiksuse mõistatus
Cambridge research professor Brian Little analyzes and redefines the threads of our personalities -- and suggests ways we can transform ourselves. Full bio
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group of individuals you are ...
over the last couple of days
jooksul olnud võimalus
of your conversations
psühholoogilisi sümptomeid,
I would like to discuss today.
kes meil siin konkreetselt on.
like to know who you are.
parem üht-teist sellist,
a few facts and stories,
a glimpse of yourself.
known as personality psychology,
on isikusepsühholoogia
personality science
uurivast teadusvaldkonnast,
from neurons to narratives.
närvirakkudest kuni narratiivideni.
be saying of yourself,
in the Western Hemisphere."
as a great, thundering twit."
mind täiesti napakaks.”
või sünnipärane napakus ongi see,
and your inherent "twitiness"
teie juures kõige rohkem köidab.
really fascinated by you.
isiksuse teaduslikus kirjeldamises
in personality science
which are normally distributed,
peamise iseloomuomaduse lõikes,
mis inimesi eristavad.
of difference between people.
moodustub sõna OCEAN.
kes on rohkem kinnised.
lackadaisical approach to life.
to more introverted people.
pigem introvertsetele inimestele.
eelistavad olla vähemsotsiaalsed.
decidedly not agreeable.
implications for our well-being,
mõjutavad meie heaolu
avatus ja kohusetunne
are very good predictors of life success,
through being audacious
tänu oma hulljulgusele
achieve it through sticking to deadlines,
tänu tähtaegadest kinnipidamisele
having some passion.
are both conducive
äärmiselt põnevad.
I find intriguing.
give them a basic fact
with respect to their personality:
impossible for adults
on peaaegu võimatu
küünarnuki väliskülge.
oma küünarnukki limpsida.
to lick the outside of your own elbow.
ainult korraks ei proovinud,
who have not only tried,
lisaks oma küünarnukile
licked the elbow
with extroversion,
and it's intriguing,
meie kolmest olemust.
what I call our three natures.
our neurophysiology.
meie neurofüsioloogia
and social aspects of our lives.
kultuurilisi ja sotsiaalseid apekte.
inimesest omanäolise, tema isikupära.
individually you -- idiosyncratic --
on vajadus stimulatsiooni järele.
extroverts is they need stimulation.
by finding things that are exciting:
leiab sealt, kus on põnev:
and social events here at TED --
nagu siin TED-il.
nii öelda magneetilise tuuma.
forming a magnetic core.
pigem vaiksemates kohtades
to spend time in the quiet spaces
to reduce stimulation --
kui mitte-sotsiaalsust,
as being antisocial,
et saate paremini hakkama,
that you do better
to lower that level of stimulation.
mis tuleb organismist seespoolt.
stimulant, from your body.
palju positiivsemalt kui introvertidele.
with extroverts than it does introverts.
hommikul kell 9 kontorisse
at nine o'clock in the morning
they're engaged in --
ja tööd on palju
et neil ei ole eriti midagi käsil,
of not being particularly quantitative.
that are really quite intriguing:
kellena väljast paistame
kui järgmise asja juurde läheme
individuals engage in the conjugal act,
nii introvertide kui ekstravertide lõikes.
introvert, extrovert.
rottidega tehtud uuring.
introvertse mehe pilgu läbi,
kõikide meesoost ekstravertidega,
all the male extroverts,
hea hulga introverte.
extroverts and introverts.
väljendavad ennast erinevalt.
ja väikest distantsi.
punctuated by closeness.
olla teisele lähedal.
for comfortable communication.
when they meet somebody.
tuttavaks Charlesiga,
and then "Chuck,"
a pass to be more intimate
konkreetset ja lihtsat keelt.
concrete, simple language.
ja ma pean taaskord toonitama,
and I must again tell you
keda suudate eales ette kujutada,
as you could possibly imagine --
üksteisest täiesti mööda.
I shared with a colleague
kolleegiga nõustamisleping,
as two people can possibly be.
kui üldse saab olla.
inimene kes üldse olemas on.
a person as you could find.
isegi kohvi juua,
after three in the afternoon
veel ühe mehe nimega Michael.
a fellow called Michael.
the project to a crashing halt.
kogu projekti tuksi keeranud.
soovitas, küsis Tomilt ja minult:
asked Tom and me,
what Tom said in a minute.
mis ütlesin mina
heard what I said,
a tendency at times
that some of us might see
ennast kehtestava inimesega.”
than is normally called for."
mis mina ütlesin,
mõnele “sitapeale" omasele joonele
"assholic" qualities
sitapea, siis see ta ongi.”
like one, I call him one."
that we should be heedful of?
või neurootilisuse tunnused.
or your neuroticism.
omased jooned sinu käitumises
Elizabethan features of your behavior,
kui lihtsalt iseloomujoonte rägastikku?
better than just a bunch of traits?
mingit konkreetset tüüpi inimene.
a certain type of person.
lahterdada inimesi kategooriatesse.
people in pigeonholes.
belong in pigeonholes.
in our life -- the personal projects.
to the hospital,
ajal käitunud teistmoodi.
kuid käituda ebameeldivalt,
but you act disagreeably
läbi administratiivse rägastiku,
of administrative torpor
for your mom or your child.
mida me järgime,
mis on meile elus oluline.
a core project in our lives.
on need, mis tegelikult loevad.
mis tüüpi inimene nad on,
kõige olulisemad asjad?”
projects in your life?"
kinnistamata loomuomadustel.
which is to profess.
on õpetatada.
about what's new, what's exciting,
to keep them going
oma loomusele mittevastavalt.
enda eest piisavalt hoolt.
that we don't take care of ourselves.
pseudo-ekstravertse käitumise perioodi,
of pseudo-extroverted behavior,
oma raamatus “Vaikus",
veidrast Kanada professorist,
the strange Canadian professor
noolerahe eest.
of outrageous extroverts.
kui olin eraldunud ühte kabiini
when I was retired to a cubicle,
tuli minu kõrvale.
in beside me -- not right in my cubicle,
vaid minu kõrvalkabiini.
soolestikku puhastavaid helisid,
evacuatory noises,
isegi oma enda omasid,
peale lõpetamist kui ka poole peal.
during as well as after.
this gravelly voice saying,
üht ragisevat häält küsimas:
introverdil kuueks kuuks kõhukinnisuse,
to constipate an introvert for six months,
Brian Little - Personality researcherCambridge research professor Brian Little analyzes and redefines the threads of our personalities -- and suggests ways we can transform ourselves.
Why you should listen
Brian Little is an unapologetic introvert -- but in front of a classroom or a lecture hall, he delivers impassioned and witty explorations of contemporary personality psychology. In Little's view, we are as driven by spontaneous, "out of character" moments (and the projects we are passionate about) as we are by innate and learned traits.
Little's book Me, Myself and Us not only beautifully outlines Little's personality theories, but also imparts potentially life-changing advice for readers, while it warns of the hidden costs of hiding your true personality.
Brian Little | Speaker |