Jessica Ladd: The reporting system that sexual assault survivors want
Jessica Ladd: O sistema de denuncia que as vítimas de agresións sexuais queren
Jessica Ladd is using technology to combat sexual assault, empower survivors and advance justice. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
á universidade.
to get out of her parents' house,
a casa dos seus pais,
que pertence ao seu grupo.
that she belongs.
that she has a crush on.
with a pounding headache.
cunha forte dor de cabeza.
the night in flashes.
outside Mike's room
mentres el estaba dentro dela,
while he was inside her,
a tremer e a cambalear.
what sex in college is?"
na universidade".
mozos, serán agredidas/os sexualmente
will be sexually assaulted
in the United States.
universitaria nos EE. UU.
their assault to their school
estas agresións na súa facultade
wait 11 months to make the report.
de media, 11 meses para facelo.
para si o que lle sucedera.
with what happened on her own.
á casa despois das festas,
taking girls home from parties,
decátase de que foi unha das cinco mozas
who Mike did the exact same thing to.
repeat perpetrators will be reported,
mesmo os reincidentes sexan denunciados,
que lles aconteza algo se o son.
denunciadas na policía rematan co agresor
of assaults reported to the police
spending a single day in prison.
that they'll get away with it.
de que consigan saír impunes.
pode disuadir estas agresións nos EE. UU.
no deterrent to assault
especializada en doenzas infecciosas.
epidemiologist by training.
para facer o mellor ben posible.
our resources to do the most good.
tráxico pero que ten solución.
but a solvable problem.
das agresións nos campus
started hitting the news a few years ago,
hai uns poucos anos,
to make a change.
unha oportunidade única para o cambio.
to college survivors.
coas víctimas na universidade,
in college is pretty simple;
era algo ben simple;
at the time and place
sobre as súas opcións de denuncia,
about their reporting options,
a agresión electronicamente,
report their assault,
who may or may not believe them.
a secure, timestamped document
seguro e con marca de tempo, do ocorrido,
even if they don't want to report yet.
se finalmente non se quere denunciar.
o máis importante,
reported the same assailant.
denuncia ao mesmo agresor.
múdao todo.
the only one changes everything.
a túa propia experiencia,
you frame your own experience,
acerca do autor do delito,
you think about your perpetrator,
apoiará, e esa protección será mutua.
and they'll have yours.
que consegue realmente isto,
that actually does this
en dous campus universitarios.
had come forward,
entered into the matching system
fixese o mesmo,
had done the same thing
of both survivors
de ambas as vítimas
to the authorities at the same time
for Hannah and her peers,
that they would have reported,
fose a prisión,
kicked off campus,
gotten the help that he needed.
a axuda que precisaba.
aos reincidentes coma Mike,
repeat offenders like Mike
following a match,
aínda a ser agredidas en primeiro lugar.
would never even be assaulted
das agresións sexuais,
59 percent of sexual assaults
repeat perpetrators earlier on.
un método disuasorio real da agresión,
a real deterrent to assault,
would never even try to assault anyone.
da información depositada,
to information for you
conditions are met,
certas condicións preestablecidas,
is for college campuses.
podería usarse no exército
could be used in the military
get away with it.
onde quen comete delitos
are held accountable,
and justice they deserve,
e a xustiza que merecen,
da información que precisan,
get the information they need,
of another human being.
dos dereitos doutro ser humano.
Jessica Ladd - Founder and CEO, CallistoJessica Ladd is using technology to combat sexual assault, empower survivors and advance justice.
Why you should listen
Jessica Ladd is the founder and CEO of Callisto, formerly Sexual Health Innovations, and a TED Fellow. She has been honored as a fearless changemaker by the Case Foundation, an emerging innovator by Ashoka and American Express, and as the Civic Hacker of the Year by Baltimore Innovation Week.
Before founding Sexual Health Innovations, Ladd worked in the White House Office of National AIDS Policy as a public policy associate at The AIDS Institute and as a sexual health educator and researcher for a variety of organizations. She also founded The Social Innovation Lab in Baltimore and a chapter of FemSex at Pomona College. She received her Masters in Public Health at Johns Hopkins and her BA in Public Policy/Human Sexuality at Pomona College. She left a PhD program in infectious disease epidemiology at Johns Hopkins in order to pursue work at Sexual Health Innovations full-time.
Ladd has created a platform, Callisto, for survivors of sexual assault to electronically document and report what happened to them. The platform helps identify serial sexual offenders, allowing victims to either (1) directly report to an institution or (2) store their identity in escrow and only release it to an institution if another victim names the same assailant.
Jessica Ladd | Speaker |