Julian Burschka: What your breath could reveal about your health
Julian Burschka: Que pode dicir o teu alento da túa saúde
Driven by his curiosity, Julian Burschka is combining multiple technical disciplines with strong business acumen to drive innovation and enable new technological advancements. Full bio
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this habit plays tricks on me.
este costume xógame malas pasadas.
unexpected pain in my body
inesperada no corpo
and that I cannot attribute,
e que non sei a que atribuír,
might turn a tense back into heart disease
pensar que é unha cardiopatía
into deep vein thrombosis.
é unha trombose venosa.
with any deadly or incurable disease.
ningunha doenza fatal ou incurable.
for no clear reason.
tanta sorte coma min.
50 million people die worldwide.
morren no mundo.
economies like ours,
con altos ingresos como a nosa,
by slowly progressing diseases:
por enfermidades de evolución lenta:
cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes,
cancro, alzhéimer, diabetes,
in diagnosing and treating many of these.
diagnosticando e tratando moitas delas.
where further advancement in health
no que non se pode avanzar máis en saúde
by developing new treatments.
when we look at one aspect
diseases have in common:
teñen en común:
when treatment is started.
once symptoms occur.
se detecta cando hai síntomas.
many diseases can remain asymptomatic,
que, de feito, poden ser asintomáticas,
for a long period of time.
durante moito tempo.
a persisting need for new ways
de novos métodos
chámaselle rastrexo,
the World Health Organization,
da Organización Mundial da Saúde,
identification of unrecognized disease
dunha enfermidade non recoñecida
rapidly and easily ..."
rápida e sinxelamente..."
so let me repeat it:
así que a vou repetir:
non recoñecida
both rapidly and easily.
rápida e sinxelamente.
on the words "rapidly" and "easily"
nas palabras "rápida e sinxelamente"
screening methods
who have undergone colonoscopy
por unha colonoscopia
for colorectal cancer
de cancro colorrectal
of medical tools available
de ferramentas dispoñibles
such as radiography
como a radiografía
that for long has been overlooked:
durante moito tempo:
for medical analysis.
nas análises médicas.
composed of five components:
esencialmente por cinco compoñentes:
water and argon.
dióxido de carbono, auga e argon.
hundreds of other components
doutros compoñentes
organic compounds,
even thousands of them
organic compounds in our breath
orgánicos volátiles no noso alento
have already experienced breath analysis.
xa experimentastes a análise do alento.
late at night,
para casa de madrugada,
a friendly police officer
aparece un amable policía
pero con firmeza
into a device like this one.
e sopredes por un aparato coma este.
the ethanol concentration in your breath
a concentración de etanol no alento
in your condition is a clever idea.
nesas condicións é unha boa idea.
to worry about, all fine.
todo ben.
alcohol levels in your breath,
no voso alento,
like the ones I've shown you
como as que citei antes
the smell of a person's breath
o cheiro do alento dunha persoa
on breath analysis have skyrocketed,
do alento só se dispararon recentemente,
is now becoming reality.
estase a converter nunha realidade.
that I showed you earlier.
esta lista que vos ensinei antes.
aquí enumeradas,
could be detected by breath analysis.
detectarse cunha análise de alento.
organic compounds in our breath.
volátiles no noso alento.
to a breath sample,
a unha mostra de alento,
organic compounds that we exhale.
orgánicos volátiles que exhalamos.
a fingerprint of your metabolism,
unha pegada do teu metabolismo,
that occur in your body.
que ocorren no teu corpo.
of your exhaled breath.
do teu aire exhalado.
is to correlate a certain signature
é correlacionar tal marca
of certain medical conditions.
de certos problemas médicos.
several undeniable benefits.
varios beneficios innegables.
pode facerse en miniatura
handheld devices
pequenos e portátiles
in many different settings
en moitas situacións diferentes
a test shall be performed.
que haxa que facer unha proba.
non é invasiva
into an alcohol breath tester.
coma soprar nun alcoholímetro.
would reduce patient burden
reduciría a carga para o paciente
for broad adoption of the technology.
para adoptar a tecnoloxía de forma xeral.
a tecnoloxía é tan flexible
of medical conditions.
de problemas de saúde.
for multiple diseases at the same time.
para detectar moitas enfermidades á vez.
a different medical tool
un instrumento médico diferente
what you're looking for.
o que estás a buscar.
breath analysis is predestined
a análise do alento está destinada
screening tests are lacking.
a moitas probas tradicionais.
eventually provide us
deberían proporcionar co tempo
low cost per test.
a un atractivo baixo custo por proba.
os instrumentos médicos existentes
needs to be restricted,
ten que estar restrinxido,
can only be performed
a) as probas só se poden realizar
for example, the high-risk population;
por exemplo, na de alto risco;
per person needs to be kept at a minimum.
tense que manter reducido ao mínimo.
on a larger group of people,
máis grandes de xente,
of time for each individual?
maior para cada individuo?
to something very valuable
a algo moi valioso
that tracks the same patient
de datos que monitorizan o mesmo paciente
are often based on a limited data set,
basearse nun conxunto limitado de datos,
of a patient's medical history
ó historial médico dun paciente
of a reference population.
dunha poboación de referencia.
open up a new dimension
unha nova dimensión
dun paciente.
para un tratamento personalizado.
for personalized treatment.
that is something like,
que será máis ou menos así:
then why aren't we using it today?"
por que non se utiliza na actualidade?"
challenges, for example.
extremely reliable sensors
extremadamente fiables
of volatile organic compounds
de compostos orgánicos volátiles
in a very defined manner
de xeito tan definido
to be validated in clinical trials,
en ensaios clínicos,
can be measured against baselines.
poidan medirse con respecto ós estándares.
can be generated
holds up to its promises,
cumpre as expectativas,
that could truly aid us
nos podería axudar
by symptoms of disease
os síntomas de enfermidade
diagnosis and treatment
o diagnóstico e o tratamento
and it's a fundamental one.
e é un fundamental.
can be commercialized as I describe it,
poida ser comercializada como digo,
is, in fact, a problem
un problema
calquera medida de prevención
with sufficient certainty
con suficiente seguridade
would ever cause any symptoms
a causar síntomas
that you would never suffer from it.
de que nunca a vaias sufrir.
a potentially deadly disease?
potencialmente mortal?
that the disease was detected
de que se detectase a enfermidade
is to undergo early treatment
a un tratamento anticipado
without side effects.
efectos secundarios.
has to be treated immediately
teñen que tratarse ao momento
of routine screening
de exames rutineiros
that can rationalize treatment,
que pode xustificar o seu tratamento,
that should not be a source of concern?
ser motivo de preocupación?
using breath analysis
rutineiras usando a análise do alento
e mellor comprensión
we'll be able to break this dilemma
poidamos romper este dilema
organic compounds that we exhale
orgánicos volátiles que exhalamos
on our physiological condition.
sobre a nosa condición fisiolóxica.
we have only scratched the surface.
só rozamos a superficie.
and breath profiles across the population,
recollamos en toda a poboación,
age, origin and lifestyle,
orixe e estilo de vida,
should increase.
should provide us with a powerful tool
unha potente ferramenta
specific diseases
enfermidades específicas
and ultimately prevent them.
e finalmente previlas.
and challenges
part-time hypochondriacs like me.
hipocondríaca a media xornada coma min.
Julian Burschka - TechnologistDriven by his curiosity, Julian Burschka is combining multiple technical disciplines with strong business acumen to drive innovation and enable new technological advancements.
Why you should listen
Julian Burschka has spent many years developing materials for efficient solar energy conversion. Notably he pioneered an elegant method to fabricate so-called perovskite solar cells -- seminal research that later was published in Nature and cited several thousand times since.
Born a scientist at heart, Burschka is constantly striving to expand his horizon and is thrilled by new technological discoveries that might fundamentally change our daily lives. More recently, his interest was sparked by ultra-sensitive gas sensors and the detection of volatile organic compounds for various applications.
In his current role as a senior project manager at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Burschka is leading a multinational R&D team that develops smart material solutions to enable next-generation displays. He holds a Master of Business Administration and a PhD in chemistry, both of which he obtained following multilingual studies in Germany, France and Switzerland.
Julian Burschka | Speaker | TED.com