Jeanne Pinder: What if all US health care costs were transparent?
Jeanne Pinder: Que pasaría se os custos sanitarios nos EUA fosen transparentes?
Jeanne Pinder asks why it's so hard to make sense of US healthcare bills -- and suggests what we might do about it. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
had three bits of minor surgery,
tres pequenas cirurxías
alone was 2,000 dollars;
xa eran 2000 dólares;
I'm like, what's up with that?
como é posible?
for the expensive one,
for a generic anti-nausea drug
por un xenérico antináuseas
for two dollars and forty-nine cents.
por 2,49 dólares.
argument with the hospital,
e insatisfactoria co hospital,
that this was totally fine.
I talked to people, the more I realized:
máis conta me daba dunha cousa:
what stuff costs in health care.
que ten a sanidade.
that procedure or test
de calquera proceso médico
what it's going to cost.
an "explanation of benefits"
a "explicación de prestacións"
un pouco despois.
a little while later.
from the New York Times,
do New York Times
20 years as a journalist.
máis de 20 anos.
was to build a company
in health care.
dos coidados sanitarios.
pitch contest to do just that.
para facer xusto iso.
do PIB o ano pasado
of our gross domestic product last year,
custan as cousas.
as a cash payment for simple procedures.
let us tell you that,"
falar diso".
that here in the New York area,
que aquí en Nova York
for 200 dollars in Brooklyn
por preto de 200 $ en Brooklyn
estando a moi poucos quilómetros.
just a few miles away.
análise de sangue sinxela
noutro moi preto.
por unha resonancia magnética
for all the procedures
en todos os procedementos
polas súas facturas médicas.
to tell us their health bills.
WNYC here in New York,
de aquí, de Nova York,
the prices of their mammograms.
os prezos das súas mamografías.
that it was too personal.
que era demasiado persoal.
dos seus prezos.
for people to share their data
na nosa plataforma en Internet.
a aplicación Waze pero para a saúde.
and the Waze traffic app for health care.
guide to health costs.
dos custos da saúde.
grew into partnerships
e colaboración aberta
con redaccións de todo o país:
Miami and other places.
ou Miami, entre outros.
about people who were suffering
das persoas que sofren,
to avoid that "gotcha" bill.
estas facturas.
nearly 4,000 dollars using our data.
uns 4000 $ grazas aos nosos datos.
saved nearly 1,300 dollars
case 1300 $
who are going to in-network hospitals
á súa rede de hospitais
that continued to bill a dead man.
a un home xa finado.
wanted to tell us their prices.
nos querían dicir os seus prezos.
them and their friends and families.
que lles afecta a eles,
vender o coche
to sell a car to pay a health bill,
que entraran en quebra,
polo alto prezo.
sobre os custos
but also their patients,
pero tamén cos doentes.
that had been stalled
ao consumidor,
public health crisis
da sanidade pública
nos vaia axudarnos no curto prazo.
going to help us out anytime soon.
fosen públicos?
Our health premiums?
of the developed world,
to worry about money.
que preocupar polo diñeiro.
will not solve every problem.
nos prezos non o resolve todo.
no noso sistema de seguros.
de sobretratamento e sobrediagnóstico.
with overtreatment and overdiagnosis.
the cheapest appendectomy
máis baratos.
about these clear effects,
that's actually very simple.
realmente moi sinxelo.
para pedir prezos,
we were going to be arrested.
to talk about medicine and health care
de medicina e de asistencia sanitaria
out there in the system
a ter os coidados que precisan
get the care they need
in health care in advance?
os coidados médicos por adiantado?
you Googled for an MRI,
"resonancia magnética"
where to buy and for how much,
sobre onde comprala e os prezos,
you Google for a laser printer?
unha impresora láser?
and money that's spent hiding prices
diñeiro que se gasta ocultando os prezos
the $19 test every time
escoller a proba de 19 $
you'll never know.
nunca o saberemos.
moitos cartos.
and the system itself
e o propio sistema, seriamos máis sans.
Jeanne Pinder - JournalistJeanne Pinder asks why it's so hard to make sense of US healthcare bills -- and suggests what we might do about it.
Why you should listen
Lifelong journalist Jeanne Pinder is founder and CEO of ClearHealthCosts, a digital media startup that demands price transparency from the US healthcare system. After taking a buyout from the New York Times, where she worked for more than 20 years, she won a Shark Tank-style competition with her ClearHealthCosts pitch and hasn't looked back.
Since its founding in 2011, ClearHealthCosts has won a slew of journalism grants and prizes and has reported on and crowdsourced health price data in partnership with prestigious newsrooms in New Orleans, Philadelphia, Miami, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and elsewhere. This work has won numerous journalism prizes -- a national Edward R. Murrow award, a Society for Professional Journalists public service gold medal and a spot as a finalist for a Peabody Award, among others.
Pinder and the company have won grants from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the International Women's Media Foundation, the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and others.
Previously, in her native Iowa, Pinder worked at The Des Moines Register and the Grinnell Herald-Register, a twice-weekly newspaper that her grandfather bought in 1944.
Pinder speaks fluent but rusty Russian. In a previous lifetime, she lived in what was then the Soviet Union, a place almost as mysterious as the US healthcare marketplace.
Jeanne Pinder | Speaker |