Shai Reshef: An ultra-low-cost college degree
Shai Reshef: Iznimno pristupačna fakultetska diploma
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i motiviranih pojedinaca
s gotovo savršenim ocjenama.
prema visokom obrazovanju
svoga snova o visokom obrazovanju.
za načinima kako bi studirao.
iz mjeseca u mjesec,
za visoko obrazovanje
je biti pravo za sve
za visoko obrazovanje,
dovoljno mjesta
kako bi se zadovoljila potražnja.
University of the People,
mjesto boravka,
snagu Interneta
u kupovinu udžbenika.
bilo kojemu sveučilištu,
any university balance sheet,
potpredsjednika rektora,
našim studentima.
u umreženo učenje.
studente iz cijelog svijeta
napravio globalnim selom
svoje buduće vodstvo.
i informatičke znanosti.
onima kojima je potrebna.
otvoramo umove naših učenika,
strane njihovih kolega,
u sljedeći tjedan.
na sljedeća predavanja.
visokom obrazovanju,
jezika i Internetskom vezom
Mi ne koristimo video.
kojega dijela svijeta
mogućnosti priustiti
ne bude izostavljen,
u potpunosti akreditirano sveučilište.
vrata visokog obrazovanja
Shai Reshef - Education entrepreneurShai Reshef wants to democratize higher education.
Why you should listen
Reshef is the president of University of the People, an online school that offers tuition-free academic degrees in computer science, business administration and health studies (and MBA) to students across the globe. The university is partnered with Yale Law School for research and NYU and University of California Berkeley to accept top students. It's accredited in the U.S. and has admitted thousands of students from more than 180 countries. Wired magazine has included Reshef in its list of "50 People Changing the World" while Foreign Policy named him a "Top Global Thinker." Now Reshef wants to contribute to addressing the refugee crisis. "Education is a major factor in solving this global challenge," he says. UoPeople is taking at least 500 Syrian refugees as students with full scholarship. Before founding UoPeople, Reshef chaired KIT eLearning, the first online university in Europe.
Shai Reshef | Speaker |