Julio Gil: Future tech will give you the benefits of city life anywhere
Julio Gil: Buduća tehnologija dat će vam sve pogodnosti gradskog života, bilo gdje
UPS's Julio Gil thinks that technology is flipping the equation on future cities, and that rural may soon become the new urban. Full bio
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of the world's population lives in cities.
svjetske populacije živi u gradovima.
started in the late 1700s
krajem 18. stoljeća
will live in cities
the World Health Organization,
for the increased density,
za povećanu gustoću naseljenosti,
like inequality, congestion, crime
poput nejednakosti, zakrčenosti, zločina,
and city developers
denser, bigger cities.
gušćih, većih gradova.
reaching the end of its cycle,
zapravo dosegla kraj svog ciklusa
moving back to the countryside.
"But what about the trend?"
"Ali što je s trendom?"
ne traju dovijeka.
lovom i sakupljanjem.
is to live in a farm and have cattle,
živjeti na farmi i držati stoku.
the urbanization process.
što je započelo proces urbanizacije.
can also bring the end of this cycle.
ovaj ciklus dovesti do svog kraja.
for most of my career.
with 3D printers and smart glasses,
3D pisačima i pametnim naočalama.
but also prototypes.
u trgovinama već i s prototipovima.
that will radically change
koje će radikalno promijeniti
to enjoy the benefits of city life
u pogodnostima gradskog života
with a lower crime rate
koje ima malu stopu zločina,
people moved to the cities
you could have in a city,
i stvaranje karijere.
are starting to realize
and being in the office
by Global Workplace Analytics,
would like to work from home.
voljelo bi raditi od kuće.
for a company to even have an office?
tvrtke da imaju uredski prostor?
even 50 percent of the time,
would exceed 500 billion dollars,
premašila 500 milijardi dolara,
by 54 million tons.
stakleničke plinove za 54 milijuna tona.
off the streets for a whole year.
na cestama za cijelu godinu.
would want to telework,
više voljeli raditi od kuće,
makes the experience isolating.
čini to iskustvo osamljujućim.
i teleprisutnim robotima.
environment everywhere with you.
a pair of smart glasses,
prijenosno računalo i pametne naočale
and your spreadsheets
i radne dokumente
have become very common these days,
postali su vrlo učestali u današnje doba,
on a flat screen,
even know who is talking.
way better than static videocalls:
puno bolje od statičnih video poziva:
communication is nonverbal?
uglavnom neverbalna?
give you any of that.
in a nice hologram
omotati robota u lijepi hologram,
and moves like a person.
and that will feel so real,
doživljavati toliko stvarno,
why people move to cities?
zašto će ljudi seliti u gradove?
pristupiti i elektronski.
of their retail purchases online,
obavili elektronski.
at two trillion dollars.
by the end of 2017,
da će doseći 2,38 bilijuna dolara
to a shopping mall is easy.
and take it home themselves.
having a birthday party for 20 people
rođendansku zabavu za 20 ljudi
in the countryside,
s e-trgovine na selo,
between one address and the next one.
da bi došli od jedne adrese do druge.
deliveries of all.
koji je u pokretu.
back and forth from the truck as it moves.
for delivery is reduced,
prosječni troškovi dostave
in the countryside.
a drone pod in the yard.
pristanište za dronove.
neće više biti problematične,
is not a problem,
to buy things anymore.
da biste mogli kupovati stvari.
why people move to cities?
in the city for that these days.
they chat, gossip and flirt
ogovaraju i flertuju
active social media users in the world.
aktivnih korisnika društvenih mreža.
like we are connected
shvaćanje da smo povezani
some real human contact.
potreban pravi ljudski kontakt.
with its population density,
svojom gustoćom stanovnika,
postaju manje,
zadovoljstva životom
budu nastanjivali u selima,
service companies will thrive.
razvijati poslovanje.
workers from the cities
radnici iz grada,
and waste recycling utilities,
za recikliranje otpada.
and using it to also power the family car.
struju i njome pokretati obiteljski auto.
as being more energy-efficient,
energetski učinkovitijim,
can be eco too.
također može biti ekološko.
of all the advantages of country living.
sve pogodnosti života na selu.
we packed our stuff,
žena i ja smo spakirali stvari,
we bought a house with a garden
singing in the morning.
not really the countryside yet.
ne baš u osamljenoj prirodi.
mjesto za dronove da mogu sletjeti.
to have a good spot for drones to land.
like I'm trying to convince somebody
kao da uvjeravam nekoga
the same benefits the city has.
iste pogodnosti kao i u gradu.
recover a better flow and balance.
boljeg protoka i balansa.
you have some thinking to do.
imate o čemu razmišljati.
you need to live in the city?
živjeti u gradu?
Julio Gil - Logistics expertUPS's Julio Gil thinks that technology is flipping the equation on future cities, and that rural may soon become the new urban.
Why you should listen
Julio Gil is an Industrial Engineering Manager in the Innovation and Advanced Technology Group at UPS Corporate. Gil has spent 15 years driving innovation and logistics improvements at UPS. He is always looking for the next great disruptive technology. As an engineering manager, he has pioneered new technologies for drones, 3D printing, the Internet of Things and wearables. As an inventor, he has developed four patents for drone technology and one for augmented reality applications for sorting processes. Gil holds a master's in law from the University of Alcalá de Henares in Spain.
Julio Gil | Speaker | TED.com