Yana Buhrer Tavanier: How to recover from activism burnout
Yana Buhrer Tavanier: Cara untuk sembuh dari kelelahan aktivisme
TED Senior Fellow Yana Buhrer Tavanier explores human rights innovation at the intersection of activism, art, tech and science -- and their potential to instigate change. Full bio
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by her partner in Sofia.
oleh pasangannya di Sofia.
that they heard her screams,
mereka mendengar teriakannya,
and many other societies,
as a private matter.
biasanya dianggap hal pribadi.
to any other kind of noise.
pada suara berisik lainnya.
the absurdity of this.
mempengaruhi fenomena absurd ini.
just below V's for one night.
tepat di bawah apartemen V.
we had assembled in the living room
yang kami pasang di ruang keluarga...
hesitant to press the bell.
tetapi ragu untuk menekan bel pintu.
the ominous silence
yang mengeksplorasi sunyi yang kelam
and it became instantly viral.
dan langsung menjadi viral.
the voices of survivors
suara para korban
secara daring.
bagi tetangga
with specific advice,
melakukan sesuatu.
the body of a woman
badan seorang perempuan
inovasi hak asasi manusia.
for socially engaged creative solutions.
untuk solusi kreatif dan sosial.
how to make people care and act.
cara membuat orang peduli dan bertindak.
that creative actions can save the world,
dapat menyelamatkan dunia.
and human rights in the same sentence,
bermain dan hak asasi manusia bersamaan,
that we can't win this.
kami tak bisa memenangkan ini.
published by Columbia University,
dirilis oleh Columbia University
are widespread amongst activists.
dialami hampir semua aktivis.
saya sendiri kelelahan.
I felt at my final stop.
untuk maju, saya merasa buntu.
dan kesuraman?
and play researcher Dr. Stuart Brown
permainan Dr. Stuart Brown berkata,
lights up the brain like play,
into what I call today "play-tivism."
menjadi yang saya sebut "play-tivism".
yang lain akan bergabung.
is filled with artists,
dipenuhi seniman,
in radical collaboration.
dalam kolaborasi radikal.
to empower activism.
untuk memberdayakan aktivisme.
bermain adalah tindakan perlawanan.
the project I talked about earlier,
proyek yang saya ceritakan sebelumnya,
and a software engineer
drumer dan engineer perangkat lunak
two days before they pitched the idea.
dua hari sebelum mereka munculkan ide itu.
in our lab series
serial lab kami
to work on human rights issues.
dan teknolog untuk isu hak asasi manusia.
include a pop-up bakery
termasuk toko roti pop-up
beautiful but horrible-tasting cupcakes --
kue cantik tetapi rasanya tak enak...
in the shoes of a dictator
yang menjadikan Anda diktator
of tools and tactics of oppression.
jangkauan alat dan taktik opresi.
just to test the idea,
hanya untuk mengetes ide,
and if we can make it better.
apa kami bisa buat lebih baik.
that we put it all online
kami membuat semuanya online
of experimentation in activism.
nilai eksperimentasi dalam aktivisme.
if we are not afraid to lose.
jika tak takut kalah.
Stanford University
by Stanford University
of what makes people care
been hearing for years:
selama ini:
not from more information
dari lebih banyak informasi,
yang menggugah empati.
dan kesenian,
global armed conflict through light bulbs,
konflik bersenjata global melalui bohlam
di Amerika Serikat
one single monument of a woman in Sofia
bahkan nihilnya monumen wanita di Sofia
understanding and direct action.
dan aksi langsung.
taking risks and trying and failing
mengambil risiko, mencoba, dan gagal,
"Sangat tak bertanggung jawab,"
sebagai keacuhan.
or spark better ideas.
atau memunculkan ide lebih baik.
to be able to breathe.
yang kita butuhkan untuk bernafas.
by a communist dictatorship.
kediktatoran komunis.
adalah mimpi buruk.
all the past will be forgotten
semua masa lalu dilupakan
the blood of past mistakes.
dari kesalahan masa lalu.
of our humanity will crumble,
semua mercusuar kemanusiaan akan runtuh,
demi keadilan dan kemerdekaan,
and beauty of us playing together.
dan keindahan kita bermain bersama.
Yana Buhrer Tavanier - Creative activist, social entrepreneurTED Senior Fellow Yana Buhrer Tavanier explores human rights innovation at the intersection of activism, art, tech and science -- and their potential to instigate change.
Why you should listen
Yana Buhrer Tavanier is the cofounder and executive director of Fine Acts, a global platform for socially engaged creative solutions. As a creative activist and a social entrepreneur with a background in investigative journalism, she explores human rights innovation at the intersection of activism, art, tech and science.
Buhrer Tavanier is also cofounder of TimeHeroes.org, a do-more-good platform building volunteering culture in developing societie. She is a board member of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, the country's leading human rights group, and an expert member of Amnesty International's Europe and Central Asia Regional Oversight Group. She has a BA in communication and MA in political science from Sofia University, along with executive education at Harvard University, Yale University and Oxford University. She is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, a fellow of the Royal Society of Art and was named one of 50 people who will change the world in WIRED's Smart List 2012.
Yana Buhrer Tavanier | Speaker | TED.com