Olympia Della Flora: Creative ways to get kids to thrive in school
Olympia Della Flora: Cara-cara kreatif agar anak-anak sukses di sekolah
Olympia Della Flora wants schools to think differently about educating students -- by helping them manage their emotions. Full bio
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in Columbus, Ohio.
there was a student named D.
ada murid bernama D.
he was six years old:
mulai bersekolah di sini:
the entire room.
seperti membanting meja,
the entire school into lockdown mode
kami mengarantina satu sekolah
makan waktu lebih dari satu jam.
I was the principal at this school.
saya kepala sekolah SD itu.
learned with my staff
sekilas bersama staf saya,
been trained for.
pernah kami pelajari.
my principal prep coursework?
pelatihan kepala sekolah?
with a kid like D?
dengan anak seperti D?
from impeding the learning
agar tidak menghambat proses belajar
that we thought we knew,
hal yang semula kami pikir benar,
was to kick him out,
adalah mengeluarkannya,
are struggling with their education.
bermasalah dengan pendidikan mereka.
with a fail-safe solution,
solusi yang 100% efektif,
to not only survive in school
tidak hanya bertahan di sekolah
how to read and write
and manage their own emotions.
dan mengatasi emosi mereka sendiri.
we were able to move our school
meningkatkan performa sekolah kami
in the state of Ohio,
in just a matter of a few years.
hanya dalam waktu beberapa tahun.
on the emotional well-being of their kids.
kesejahteraan emosi murid-murid mereka.
full of 30 students
di ruang kelas berisi 30 murid
melempar meja ke arah Anda,
inside of his head.
apa yang dirasakannya.
can make huge differences,
perbedaan yang signifikan,
or grand strategic plans,
atau rencana strategis yang hebat,
of thinking about what you have
dengan apa yang dimiliki
look outside the box for answers,
mencari jawaban di luar pemikiran,
enough time, money and effort
uang, dan tenaga yang cukup
inside the box.
yang sudah kita miliki sejak awal.
can happen fast.
dapat terjadi dengan cepat.
to figure out how he had become so angry.
terkait mengapa dia jadi suka marah.
his father had left the home
ayahnya sudah minggat dari rumah
in order to support the family,
untuk menyokong keluarga,
for D to connect with --
hubungan dengan orang dewasa --
of his younger brother
menjaga adik laki-lakinya
that D was six years old?
hanya enam tahun?
for having some trouble
yang bermasalah
to help him with these big emotions
membantunya mengatasi emosi besar ini
of reading and math.
seperti membaca dan matematika.
where he was struggling the most.
dia paling bermasalah dengan apa.
can be a tough transition time
waktu transisi yang sulit
a less structured home environment
lingkungan rumah yang kurang terstruktur
yang lebih terstruktur.
we created a calming area for him
menenangkan untuk D
and soft cushions and books,
bantal empuk, dan banyak buku,
to this place in the morning,
ke tempat ini setiap pagi,
back into the school environment
kembali dengan lingkungan sekolah
that helped him calm down.
yang membantu menenangkan dirinya.
younger students,
murid-murid yang lebih muda,
asisten anak TK,
the kindergarten classroom
how to write their letters.
cara menulis huruf abjad.
successful with a few of them
membantu beberapa dari mereka
kindergarten students down,
berkebutuhan khusus itu agar tenang,
of peers on behavior was far greater
rekan seusia terhadap perilaku lebih besar
orang dewasa.
lagu dan humor.
would actually laugh with kids,
tertawa bersama anak-anak
wajah terkejut D
or singing a song from the radio station,
atau ikut menyanyikan lagu dari radio,
with him in his world.
to lay on this kind of special treatment
praktis untuk diterapkan,
the tools and tactics that worked for D,
alat dan taktik yang manjur untuk D,
and use them with other students.
menerapkannya dengan murid lain.
student behavior
perilaku murid secara proaktif
during the lesson plan
merancang silabus ajaran
their feelings
cara mengetahui perasaan mereka
coping strategies for dealing with them,
sehat dan wajar,
throughout the day,
sepanjang hari,
physical activities.
olahraga terstruktur.
with sitting for long periods of time,
kesulitan duduk dalam waktu lama,
underneath their desks.
mengayuh di bawah meja sendiri.
to stay in the classroom,
mereka tetap betah di kelas,
a whole lot of extra money.
tidak terlalu banyak.
about what we had.
kita punya secara berbeda.
has an instructional supply line.
pemasok bahan ajar.
of a school a more calming color,
sekolah dengan warna menenangkan,
in the academic tools --
alat-alat akademis --
seriously, too.
pentingnya alat-alat sosial.
of our kids seriously
emosi anak-anak kita,
in our reading and math scores,
dalam nilai bahasa dan matematika,
of expected growth
perkembangan setahun kami
with our same demographic.
demografisnya sama dengan kami.
to help our kids manage their emotions
anak-anak meregulasi emosi
might be facing at home,
dihadapi murid kami di rumah,
or funded to address it directly.
untuk langsung menghadapinya.
to local groups,
with the Ohio State University
Universitas Negeri Ohio
and school social work.
ilmu sosial sekolah.
with our teachers
dengan guru-guru kami
paling bermasalah.
to the latest college-level thinking,
pemikiran tingkat kuliah terkini,
got real-world, life experiences
pengalaman kerja nyata
Nationwide Children's Hospital
nasional daerah kami
a health clinic within our school,
kesehatan dalam sekolah
resources for our students.
dan mental murid-murid kami.
mendapat manfaatnya.
mampu menerima konseling
during the school day.
was not in D or in the kids at all.
bukan dalam D atau murid-murid.
academic instruction,
the scope of the job.
pekerjaan guru.
of our kids seriously,
emosional murid-murid kami,
rasa hormat dan percaya.
membuat perubahan,
that took that leap with me.
yang ikut bersama saya.
professional development plan,
pengembangan profesional kami,
of different childhood experiences
beragam pengalaman masa kecil
some of our students' experiences,
pengalaman beberapa murid kami,
perkembangan otak anak.
the behaviors that we were seeing.
perilaku-perilaku yang sering kami lihat.
barriers to learning,
menghalangi pembelajaran,
to practice with lesson plans,
belajar mempraktikkan silabus,
with a single focus,
dengan satu tujuan,
these movement breaks,
rehat untuk bergerak
and dance for two minutes straight,
dan menari di kelas selama 2 menit,
helps the learner retain new information.
membantu mempertahankan informasi baru.
provides a perfect short dance party.
cocok untuk pesta dansa singkat.
"What happened to you?"
"Kamu kenapa?"
instead of "Get out."
ketimbang "Keluar."
made huge differences,
membawa perubahan signifikan,
in our academic scores.
dalam nilai akademis.
got to fourth grade,
with other students.
kepada murid lain.
continue to improve,
sekolah kami terus meningkat,
not only for children
tidak hanya untuk anak-anak,
education program
program pendidikan alternatif
in traditional high school setting.
dengan latar sekolah tradisional.
some of their histories.
latar belakang mereka.
detention system
of them exhibit the same behaviors
kebanyakan dari mereka sama seperti
healthy coping strategies early on
strategi bertahan dengan sehat sejak awal
in a regular high school?
di sekolah umum?
I believe that it would've helped.
itu akan membantu mereka.
the social and emotional development
memedulikan perkembangan sosial dan
and say what we need to do for our kids.
apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk anak-anak.
and write, and they graduate
dan pada akhirnya mereka lulus sekolah,
how to manage emotions,
perasaan mereka,
atau merugi nanti.
for us to invest in our kids.
bagi anak-anak kita adalah sekarang.
that can or cannot pass a test.
lulus atau gagal ujian.
Olympia Della Flora - EducatorOlympia Della Flora wants schools to think differently about educating students -- by helping them manage their emotions.
Why you should listen
Olympia Della Flora wants to seek solutions versus focusing on problems. This is why she became a principal at one of the lowest performing schools in Ohio. She believes that it takes a village to improve schools and has found ways to engage multiple stakeholders in this work including students, staff, parents and community members. Through focusing on this philosophy, Della Flora was able to successfully lead efforts to move her elementary school in Ohio out of failing status with the state. She attributes this success to collaborating with community partners and providing ongoing professional development for staff around social and emotional learning supports for students. She believes that schools should seek ways to address and support the whole child when it comes to learning, addressing not only academics but also social and emotional outcomes. She's now expanding this work through supervising and supporting principals in Connecticut, where she serves as the Associate Superintendent for School Development for Stamford Public Schools.
Olympia Della Flora | Speaker | TED.com