Helen Marriage: Public art that turns cities into playgrounds of the imagination
Helen Marriage: Seni publik yang mengubah kota-kota menjadi taman bermain penuh imajinasi
Helen Marriage cofounded a company that specializes in creating disruptive, whole-city arts events that surprise and delight everyone who comes across them. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
increasingly tyrannized by the screen,
semakin dikuasai oleh layar,
by our televisions and our computers.
televisi, dan komputer.
apa saja yang kita mau,
sebanyak yang kita mau,
to a different kind of world,
ke dunia yang berbeda,
tool that we have,
paling kuat yang kita punya,
our physical surroundings,
penampilan sekitar kita,
forever how we feel
mengubah perasaan kita selamanya
yang berbagi planet ini dengan kita.
that we share the planet with.
which I cofounded in 2006,
yang ikut saya dirikan tahun 2006,
dan waktu kita terbaring sekarat,
and when we're on our deathbeds,
the daily commute to work
harian menuju kantor
every day when we go to the shop.
tempat parkir saat kita pergi belanja.
anak kita melakukan langkah pertamanya
when our kid took their first step
for the football team
untuk regu sepak bola
moving, ephemeral moments
momen yang bergerak dan tidak kekal
using the imagination of the artist
dari seniman
apa yang mungkin.
di antara puing-puing.
everyone is invited,
semua orang diajak,
atau untuk ambil bagian.
way back in the 1990s,
in the tiny British city of Salisbury.
festival di Salisbury, kota kecil Inggris.
and here's the nearby Stonehenge Monument,
dekat dengan monumen Stonehenge,
for hundreds of years by the Church,
oleh gereja selama ratusan tahun,
really love to observe the rules.
gemar sekali menaati peraturan.
year in the city,
di kota,
down a one-way street, late.
helpfully shouted at me,
saya dengan berteriak,
I said, "Yeah, I know."
"Ya, saya tahu."
where I was in trouble.
tempat di mana saya dalam masalah.
everything I could deploy --
semua yang bisa saya lakukan --
or a poetry reading,
membaca puisi,
teater jalanan Perancis
street theater company
complete with handheld pyrotechnics.
lengkap dengan petasan genggam.
stopped me in the street and said,
menghentikan saya di jalan dan berkata,
jawab atas semalam?"
"I knew it wasn't for me.
"saya tahu itu bukan untuk saya.
these ideas to a larger stage
ide ini ke panggung yang lebih besar
to do the same kind of thing to London.
yang sama di London.
to toil, trade and traffic.
bekerja, berdagang dan pengangkutan.
to work on time and back,
kembali tepat waktu,
the routines to be fixed
rutinitas itu selalu ada
what's going to happen next.
yang akan terjadi kemudian.
could be turned into a stage,
luar biasa ini diubah menjadi panggung,
tak terbayangkan
mengubah hidup banyak orang?
transform people's lives?
dari manapun Anda berasal.
It's always about winning things.
Selalu tentang memenangkan sesuatu.
sebuah perusahaan Perancis:
and a giant elephant
gadis kecil dan seekor gajah
the public authorities
membujuk pihak berwenang
was something completely normal.
adalah hal yang sangat wajar.
enjoying themselves,
this extraordinary artistic endeavor
karya artistik yang luar biasa
company Royal de Luxe.
Royal de Luxe.
almost always men -- sitting in a room,
hampir selalu pria -- duduk di ruangan,
a little girl and this giant elephant,
gadis kecil dan gajah raksasa,
selama empat hari
to come and watch and play."
menonton dan bermain."
kunjungan kepresidenan?
between France and England?
antara Perancis dan Inggris?
Are you trying to raise money?"
Apakah kau berusaha mengumpulkan uang?"
"Kenapa kita melakukan ini?"
this extraordinary thing happened.
hal luar biasa ini terjadi.
I'd been to for four years,
selama empat tahun ini,
"Tolonglah, tolong, izinkan saya?"
tidak berkata, "Tolong."
been talking about for such a long time,
membicarakan hal ini,
that somebody else had said yes.
memutuskan yang lain sudah setuju.
being asked to take responsibility,
diminta bertanggung jawab,
was being asked to take responsibility
diminta bertanggung jawab
was being asked to close the roads,
untuk menutup jalan,
being asked to sort out the Underground.
untuk mengatur kereta bawah tanah.
melakukan hal yang bisa mereka lakukan
to do the thing that they could do
to take responsibility.
bertanggung jawab.
"Well, I'll take responsibility,"
"Ya sudah, saya yang bertanggung jawab,"
a million people on the street.
ternyata muncul di jalan.
the nature of the appreciation of culture,
mengubah cara mengapresiasi budaya,
not in an opera house,
bukan di gedung opera,
for the broadest possible audience,
sebanyak mungkin penonton,
untuk menonton apapun.
buy a ticket to see anything.
to produce work of this kind.
memproduksi karya semacam ini.
work is astonishing,
perusahaan mengagumkan,
that permission was granted.
bahwa izin dikabulkan.
after terrible terrorist bombings
teror bom yang mengerikan
whether it was possible
in even more complicated circumstances.
situasi yang bahkan lebih rumit.
to Northern Ireland,
ke Irlandia Utara,
depending on your point of view.
sudut pandang Anda.
Scotland, Wales and Ireland,
Wales dan Irlandia,
terjadinya konflik,
it's been a place of conflict,
loyalist community --
Protestan yang besar --
for over 30 years.
selama lebih dari 30 tahun.
there is a peace process,
ada proses perdamaian,
Londonderry if you're a loyalist,
jika Anda adalah seorang loyalis,
the community tribalism could be addressed
kesukuan bisa diatasi
with effigies and insignia
patung dan lambang
on the other side.
yang ada di pihak lain.
from the loyalist community.
mereka membakarnya.
to the Nevada desert, to Burning Man,
ke Burning Man,
different set of values.
and his extraordinary temples,
dan kuil-kuil luar biasanya,
the Burning Man event
komunitasnya untuk datang,
and his community to come,
of the political and religious divide:
politik dan agamanya:
saling bersinggungan
normally come across each other
work rose a temple
berdirilah kuil
that exist in the town,
yang ada di kota,
tapi untuk semuanya.
kata orang tidak akan dikunjungi.
where everyone told me nobody would come.
Terletak di antara dua komunitas.
It sat between two communities.
"But it's got such a great view."
"Tapi pemandangannya indah sekali."
primary school children
by the head teacher,
kepala sekolah mereka,
to lose this opportunity.
kesempatan ini.
65,000 of them,
65.000 orang,
their pain, their hope,
rasa sakit, harapan mereka,
this is only about love.
ini semua tentang cinta.
that it was more than that --
berasumsi lebih dari itu --
whose father was shot when he was nine,
yang ayahnya tertembak saat ia 9 tahun,
the elderly Protestant lady
seorang wanita tua Protestan
we opened the temple to the public.
membuka kuil untuk umum.
di sana selama lima hari.
band of nonsectarian builders,
non-sektarian kecil tukang bangunan kami,
for this period of months
bagi kami selama beberapa bulan
who would incinerate it.
yang akan membakarnya.
on a dark, cold, March evening,
di petang Maret yang gelap, dingin,
to put their enmity behind them,
melupakan perselisihan mereka,
to say the things that had been unsayable,
yang sulit dikatakan sebelumnya,
but I forgive you."
tapi aku memaafkanmu."
of this thing that was so beautiful,
hal yang begitu indah
Helen Marriage - Maverick producerHelen Marriage cofounded a company that specializes in creating disruptive, whole-city arts events that surprise and delight everyone who comes across them.
Why you should listen
Helen Marriage writes: "I am a producer of large-scale disruptive moments that place an artist's ideas in the heart of a city. I started life unsure of how to find a job and began helping a street theater company perform at the Edinburgh Festival. Only then did I realize that this could be a career. That was forty years ago. Since then, I've gone on to shut down central London and other cities with ephemeral events that transform people’s understanding of what a city is for and who controls it.
"I don't believe that cities are exclusively about shopping and traffic. Over the years I've developed a real sense of how artists can change the world, if only we make space for their vision. I guess that's my job -- to create a context in which the normal routines of daily life are disrupted for a moment to allow the public, especially those who know they’re not interested in anything the arts might have to say, to discover a new world we’d all like to live in."
Helen Marriage | Speaker | TED.com