Mark Tercek: An ingenious proposal for scaling up marine protection
Mark Tercek: Gagasan cemerlang untuk mendongkrak perlindungan laut
Mark Tercek leads a team committed to tackling the world's biggest environmental challenges -- protecting land and water, addressing climate change, providing food and water sustainably, and building healthy cities. Full bio
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inspiring, life-sustaining.
quite aware, more or less screwed.
sedikit banyak telah tercemar.
telah mengakibatkan pemutihan karang.
have left corals bleached.
menyebabkan jumlah ikan merosot.
fish stocks to plummet.
are strategically protected,
daerah perlindungan laut.
protected areas isn't easy.
daerah yang akan dilindungi.
of figuring out where to protect.
penangkapan ikan internasional,
international fishing route,
harus memikirkan
must take into account
mempengaruhi area lain.
dukungan semua pihak.
of getting everyone on board.
mengandalkan perikanan dan pariwisata.
often rely on fishing and tourism.
mereka tak bisa bekerja,
kepercayaan lokal yang penting
the local buy-in you need
juga harus ditegakkan.
must also be enforced.
berperan besar dalam rencana itu.
must be deeply invested in the plan.
mungkin ingin melindungi perairannya,
may want to protect their waters,
hutang negara sangat besar
have very high debt
to prioritize conservation.
untuk mendanai perlindungan laut,
to fund marine protection,
daerah perlindungan laut
marine-protected area here,
perlindungan laut dengan cepat,
marine protected areas faster,
konservasi laut yang cerdas?
smart ocean conservation look like?
pemerintah, dan perencanaan cermat
government support and careful planning
both local economies
yang sangat berani
an audacious idea
semua masalah ini sekaligus.
all of these things in one fell swoop.
negara-negara kepulauan dan pesisir
by island and coastal nations
mampu mencapai tujuan konservasi.
to achieve their conservation goals.
merestrukturisasi hutang ini,
dan niat politik
bakau, dan perikanan.
kredit rumah Anda
of a better interest rate,
untuk menginsulasi loteng.
to insulate your attic.
for entire coastal countries.
Conservation untuk negara-negara pesisir.
untuk dana daerah perlindungan laut.
to create marine protected areas.
lebih rumit dari itu,
is more complicated than that,
40 juta dolar saat ini,
40 million dollars now,
1.6 milyar dolar untuk konservasi laut.
for ocean conservation.
melindungi setidaknya 30% area lautnya.
at least 30 percent of its ocean areas.
mengajak investor, pendana publik,
bring investors, public funders
development organizations
merestrukturisasi porsi hutang negara,
a portion of the nation's debt,
dan periode pembayaran lebih panjang.
and longer repayment periods.
bekerja dengan ilmuwan kelautan,
works with marine scientists,
konservasi yang terperinci
dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.
with the needs of the people.
yang dikelola secara terpisah.
conservation trust fund.
disetor ke sana
restructure goes into it
perlindungan laut baru.
bertanggung jawab atas komitmennya,
accountable for its commitments,
semestinya untuk usaha perlindungan.
finance real protection efforts.
conservation plan in the Seychelles.
rencana konservasi nasional di Seychelles.
of the government's debt.
22 juta dolar hutang pemerintah.
untuk melindungi 30 persen area lautnya.
to protect 30 percent of its marine areas.
square kilometers of ocean.
roughly the size of Germany.
is protecting its coral reefs,
terhadap perubahan iklim.
to climate change.
it's strengthening its economy.
pemerintahan lain.
other governments take note.
memperluasnya, secara dramatis.
to scale this up, dramatically.
di mana rencana ini bisa dilakukan.
where such a plan should be possible.
butuh modal dasar,
membangun rencana konservasi,
who can develop conservation plans,
dan menyusun kesepakatan.
and structure the deals.
over the next five years,
sampai lima tahun ke depan,
empat juta kilometer persegi lautan.
square kilometers of ocean.
jumlah area perlindungan
the amount of protected areas
di dunia untuk pulih dengan cepat
of the world's coral reefs to replenish
bagi banyak spesies.
20 countries in the world
dapat dijalankan.
conversion would work.
kita semua diuntungkan.
Mark Tercek - Environmental leaderMark Tercek leads a team committed to tackling the world's biggest environmental challenges -- protecting land and water, addressing climate change, providing food and water sustainably, and building healthy cities.
Why you should listen
Mark Tercek is CEO of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the world's largest conservation organization, and author of the best-seller Nature's Fortune: How Business and Society Thrive by Investing in Nature. After a 24-year career at Goldman Sachs, where he served as a managing director and Partner, Tercek became an "investment banker for nature." He brings deep business experience to his role at TNC, where he leads the organization's efforts to bring together diverse groups to find pragmatic, common-ground solutions to protect nature at scale. He is a champion of the idea of natural capital -- valuing nature for its own sake as well as for the services it provides for people, such as clean air and water, productive soils and a stable climate. Growing up as a city kid in Cleveland, Tercek was a late-bloomer to conservation. It was becoming a parent that sparked his passion for nature. "I want to be able to look my kids in the eye and tell them I did all I could to leave the world a better place," he says.
With support from the Audacious Project at TED, Tercek and his colleagues at TNC are launching a bold plan that could protect 4 million square kilometers of ocean over five years.
Mark Tercek | Speaker |