Matthias Müllenbeck: What if we paid doctors to keep people healthy?
마티아스 물렌벡(Matthias Müllenbeck): 의사에게 치료비가 아닌 건강 유지비를 낸다면 어떨까요
As the Biopharma director for licensing and business development at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Matthias Müllenbeck is responsible for leading strategic partnering initiatives in the field of oncology and immuno-oncology. Full bio
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단 한가지 생각밖에 할 수 없었어요.
fell off the evening before.
전날 저녁에 떨어져 나갔어요.
I'm sitting in a dentist's chair.
so that I can get rid of my pain,
제 고통을 없애는 대신
of a titanium implant surgery.
장점을 어필하기 시작했습니다.
a damaged tooth
교체한다는걸 뜻해요.
may add up to 10,000 US dollars.
10,000달러에 이를 수 있습니다.
교체하는 것은
that could be earned with me
건강이 더 중요했을까요?
for my dentist?
치료비가 더 중요했을까요?
wasn't an isolated case.
estimated that in the United States,
surgical procedures --
and pacemaker implantations,
options had not been fully exploited
in other countries,
조금 다를 수도 있지만
if you go to a doctor in the US,
미국에서 병원에 갈 경우
to be subjected to a surgical intervention
an immediate need for it.
to run such unnecessary procedures?
권유하는 것 일까요?
health care systems themselves
certain procedures or treatments.
reimburse practitioners
특정 치료나 치료 건수에 따른
of treatments performed,
that tempts some practitioners
여러 치료 방법을 고려하기 보다는
surgical treatments
other treatment options.
started to implement
자질과 효율성에 초첨을 맞춘
health care systems' architecture
of a disease in the first place
applied to a patient
최소화 하는 것에 대한
고칠 수 있을까요?
system's architecture --
of the incentive structure.
다시 생각하는 것입니다.
의료 보험 제도란
for keeping their customers healthy
상환금을 지급하는 것입니다.
once people are already sick.
상환금을 지급하는 대신에요.
의료 보험 제도란
that largely cares for the sick,
오늘날의 시스템을
관여하는 시스템으로 바꾸는 것입니다.
관점에서 보지 않고
관점에서 보는 것이지요.
people once they have become sick
그들을 치료하는 것 에서
before they get sick.
패러다임의 전환입니다.
of all those involved --
연관된 모든 구성원들
to pharmaceutical and medical companies --
제약 및 의료회사가
ultimately sells:
바꾸도록 만들 수도 있습니다.
바꾸면 어떨까요.
reimburse practitioners
performed on a patient
individual is kept healthy
건강하게 사는 일수 만큼
to an insurance company
is kept healthy
받을 필요가 없는 일수 만큼
of acute medical intervention.
any further monetary compensation
건강료를 받을 수 없고
to treat the disease of that individual,
for every evidence-based treatment option
will be paid again.
건강료를 받는 것이지요.
관여된 모든 구성원이
their customers healthy,
any unnecessary medical interventions
that eventually become sick.
인센티브를 받는 것입니다.
to treat the sick will be,
for all parties being involved
경제적 이득이 돌아갑니다.
structure shifts, now,
health care system
현재의 의료 시스템에서
and singular treatment options,
이득이 되는 것에 집중하는
to stay healthy and live long.
to share their health data
자신의 건강에 관한 데이터를
understands early enough
의료 보험사들이 의학적 대안을
to their health is needed.
cardiometabolic profiling
and general practitioners,
그리고 신체적 활동을
and their physical activity --
무서운 질병에 거릴 확률을
individual high-risk disease.
data analysis
of sensor technologies
of the individual health status possible.
이미 가능한 일입니다.
by devices like this
두 가지 예를 들자면
tumor DNA in your bloodstream
신진대사 변수를 재는 것과
for such monitoring technologies.
초기에 발견하는 것이 있습니다.
in certain oncological diseases
is diagnosed too late
하기에는 늦은 시점에서
that could potentially have cured them
been detected earlier.
based on a few milliliters of blood,
몇 밀리리터의 혈액만 가지고도
of circulating tumor DNA
detection can have
for non-small cell lung cancer
which is early, is 49 percent.
49 퍼센트에 달하지만
at stage four, which is late,
to prevent a large number of deaths
간단한 의술만 가지고도
for circulating tumor DNA
a manageable disease,
불치병으로 남지 않으며
can likely be increased.
살릴 수 있는 것입니다.
had a single chronic disease,
만기성 질환을 가지고 있었습니다.
of the $3 trillion US health care budget
미국 의료 보험 예산의 86%가
such chronic diseases.
to reduce this 86 percent,
86%라는 수치를 줄일 수 있다면
not reacted and changed already?
그대로 일까요?
is a sick care system
현재의 시스템을
that focuses on prevention
행동양식의 변화에 중점을 둔
in the system to change.
노력을 요구합니다.
to shift budgets and policies
보건 교육에 관한
and non-financial incentives.
인센티브를 디자인 해야 하지요.
a regulatory framework
of personal health data
엄격하면서도 합리적인
stringent and sensible.
pharmaceutical and medical companies
그리고 제약 및 의료 회사들이
and, most important,
또 무엇보다도
the willingness and motivation
유지하는 것을 우선시 하는
in a sustained way,
전환하는 것이
the health data on a constant basis.
데이터를 공유해야 하는 것은 물론이고요.
하루아침에 올 수는 없지요.
within the health care industry today
의료 보험 제도의 인센티브를
more diseases in the first place
예방할 수 있을 뿐 아니라
the onset of certain preventable diseases
and healthier lives for more people.
공헌할 수 있습니다.
that we need to initiate that change
대부분의 기술이
Matthias Müllenbeck - Business developerAs the Biopharma director for licensing and business development at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Matthias Müllenbeck is responsible for leading strategic partnering initiatives in the field of oncology and immuno-oncology.
Why you should listen
Throughout his career in various roles at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, Matthias Müllenbeck worked on strategic asset, technology and diagnostic-licensing deals and on bringing to market innovative chemical products. He holds a PhD in immunology from the Humboldt University in Berlin and has worked at the Max-Planck Institute for infection biology in Berlin, at Bayer, and at the Albert-Schweizer Hospital in Lambarané, Gabon.
Matthias Müllenbeck | Speaker |