Emily Levine: How I made friends with reality
Emīlija Levina: Kā es sadraudzējos ar realitāti
Humorist, writer and trickster Emily Levine riffs on science and the human condition. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in my grandmother
kas manā vecmāmiņā
are you ready?
zināmas priekšrocības –
so cavalier an attitude.
tik bezrūpīgu attieksmi.
brilliant and happy and wonderful.
gudra un laimīga, un brīnišķīga.
the Democratic leadership --
to give it some money.
tam iedos kādu naudu.
under my belt.
tweeted me a year ago.
to pirms gada ietvītoja.
of the American male."
padarīšanā par gļēvuļiem.”
all the credit, but ...
ir tikai mans nopelns, bet...
tādu priekšrocību kā man?
is to do what I did:
ir darīt to, ko darīju es –
with reality than I did.
ar realitāti, kā bija man.
būtu bijis Tinder,
the same goals --
but without the hard work.
tikai bez smagā darba.
the executive brain function --
smadzeņu izpildfunkciju...
won't have me to kick around anymore.
mani vairs netrenkās.
to leave me alone --
lai realitāte liek mani mierā,
in a nice house
liek mierā jaukā mājā
and Sub-Zero refrigerator ...
a development deal at Disney.
pie sākotnējā līguma ar Disney.
in my new office
savā jaunajā birojā
I should be proud of ...
man vajadzētu lepoties...
they sent me to celebrate my arrival --
lai svinētu manu ierašanos –
I've heard of other people getting,
kādus, kā dzirdēju, saņemot citi,
stuffed Mickey Mouse
to order some more stuff
vēlētos pasūtīt vēl kaut ko
metru gara mikipele maksā,
this three-foot-high mouse cost,
and chaos theory
kvantu fizikā un haosa teorijā,
after we shot the movie,
kad pabeidzām filmu,
and then it didn't heal,
vēl viena operācija,
another surgery a year later,
into contact with actual reality:
ar faktisko realitāti:
my whole life denying
creativity and my entire skill set.
un visu manu prasmju kopumu.
at actual reality.
man lieliski padodas.
relationship with the zeitgeist ...
nestabilās attiecības ar laika garu...
is in the market for a Betamax --
I fell in love with reality,
ka brīdī, kad iemīlēšu realitāti,
to go in the opposite direction.
doties pretējā virzienā.
or the alt-right or climate-change deniers
klimata pārmaiņu noliedzējiem
by saying that I absolutely love science.
ka es absolūti mīlu zinātni.
everything about science,
saprast visu par zinātni,
make sense to me.
from the vibrations of these teeny --
vibrācijas, kas nāk no šīm sīksīkajām...
can manifest as two things ...
var izpausties kā divas...
as a wave and a particle
kā vilnis un kā daļiņa,
par to, kam tā piemīt.
variation on that,
of those two things,
lietu mijiedarbība,
to "defeat death" and "overcome death."
ir „uzvarēt nāvi” un „pārvarēt nāvi”.
without killing off life?
ārkārtīgi liela nepateicība.
this extraordinary gift --
for a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow
būtu lūguši Silver Shadow rolsroisu
a salad spinner instead.
salātu mazgājamo trauku.
with an expiration date.
nāk ar derīguma termiņu.
to dominate nature,
to withstand our intellect --
lai pretotos mūsu intelektam –
quantum physics as I have --
kvantu fiziku tā kā es –
kas par to bija lasījis, bet...
from someone who'd read it, but --
clockwork universe anymore.
pulksteņa mehānisma visumā.
to know everything
the old woman in that joke --
kā tā vecā sieviete anekdotē...
in the passenger seat,
right through a red light.
anything that makes it sound like,
kas izklausītos pēc
goes through a second red light,
pārbrauc pāri pie sarkanā,
as tactfully as possible,
two red lights?"
pie diviem sarkanajiem?”
I'm the Evel Knievel of mental leaps;
prāta lēcienu Īvels Knīvels;
to come with me on this,
that is so out to defeat death
uz nāves sakāvi orientētiem uzskatiem
to viņš ir pret sievieti,
identified with nature.
tiek saistītas ar dabu.
a book called "The Human Condition."
The Human Condition.
who perform labor
with the biorhythms,
vienoti ar bioritmiem,
environment for women
as descendants of slaves,
par vergu pēcnācējiem,
from a banana-peel-universe point of view,
no banānmizas visuma skatpunkta,
"Emily's universe."
par Emīlijas visumu.
my name live on after me.
lai mans vārds dzīvotu pēc manis.
viņi tik un tā vērsīsies pret to.
kļūs pieejamas dabai,
to be part of that process.
ka varu būt daļa no šī procesa.
of a German biologist,
Andreasa Vēbera skatpunkta,
of the gift economy.
kā uz dāvanu ekonomikas daļu.
said, "Life is a banquet" --
„Dzīve ir bankets.”
just the way I am,
I think, is that it's real.
manuprāt, ir tas, ka tā ir īsta.
nebagātinu savu dāvanu,
been enriched by other people.
bagātinājuši citi cilvēki.
to a whole network of people
ar veselu tīklu cilvēku,
my website designer,
manu mājaslapas dizaineri,
and turn it into something
the executive brain function ...
smadzeņu izpildfunkcija...
as we're two separate things.
divas atšķirīgas lietas.
of quantum physics, again.
kvantu fizikas izteiksmē.
are not exactly sure what happens
nav īsti droši, kas notiek,
through an interaction.
ka padarāt manu dzīvi īstu!
Emily Levine - Philosopher-comicHumorist, writer and trickster Emily Levine riffs on science and the human condition.
Why you should listen
Humorist Emily Levine works a heady vein of humor, cerebral and thoughtful as well as hilarious. Oh, she's got plenty of jokes. But her work, at its core, makes serious connections -- between hard science and pop culture, between what we say and what we secretly assume ... She plumbs the hidden oppositions, the untouchable not-quite-truths of the modern mind.
Levine's background in improv theater, with its requirement to always say "yes" to the other actor's reality, has helped shape her worldview. Always suspicious of sharp either/or distinctions, she proposes "the quantum logic of and/and" -- a thoroughly postmodern, scientifically informed take on life that allows for complicated states of being. Like the one we're in right now.
For more on Levine's thoughts about life and death, read her blog, "The Yoy of Dying," at EmilysUniverse.com, along with updates on "Emily @ the Edge of Chaos" and pronouncements from Oracle Em.
Emily Levine | Speaker | TED.com