Marlon Peterson: Am I not human? A call for criminal justice reform
Марлон Петерсон: Би хүн биш гэж үү? Эрүүгийн эрх зүйг шинэчлэе
Marlon Peterson is a writer, youth development expert and human justice advocate. Full bio
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I will tell everyone
хүмүүст хэлнэ" гэж билээ.
way to open a talk
эсвэл харилцаа эхлүүлэх
going through your head about that.
их гайхаж байгаа байх.
such a thing about himself?
when he sees himself as garbage?
өөрийгөө хог гэж харж болдог юм бэ?
than we do from answers.
илүү суралцдаг гэж би боддог.
some sort of new information,
that makes us feel uncomfortable.
мэдрэмжтэйгээ тэмцэж байдаг.
to the only acoustic instrument
of one of the ghettos in Trinidad,
тоомсорлолоос хувьссан
of the American military ...
military bases set up in Trinidad,
цэргийн хүчээ Тринидадад байршуулсан,
with empty oil drums --
бохирдуулж орхисон...
repurposed the old drums left behind
to Bob Marley to 50 Cent,
Боб Марли, 50 Цент...
music out of garbage.
in a violent robbery attempt
хэргээр баривчлагдсан.
in a coffee shop,
of Trinidad and Tobago.
бүтээл байсан.
and millions of Americans easily malign.
гадуурхдаг цагаачдын хүүхдүүд байсан.
гэж үзсэн.
and seven days of a prison sentence.
10 жил байхаар яллагдаж,
in a correctional institution.
шоронд суусан.
ял эдэлсэн:
that a series of letters redeemed me,
зүйл нь ар араасаа ирдэг захидлууд байв.
the darkness and the guilt
moment of my young life.
хардаг тухай бичсэн.
when I read those words.
a mentoring correspondence program
at a middle school in Brooklyn,
Хөтөлбөрт гэж нэрлэсэн.
shared their stories with me,
түүхээ болон зовлонгоо
of their favorite cartoon character
on my letters or my words of advice,
найддагаа хэлэх болгонд
I could contribute to this planet.
минь мэдрүүлдэг байсан.
and what they shared with me,
to admit to myself
шалтаг биш шалтгаан байсныг
for that fateful day in October of 1999;
with living in a community
to get than sneakers;
raped at gunpoint at the age of 14;
хүчиндүүлсэн шаналал,
mattered so much to me,
үнэхээр чухал байсан учраас,
with those folks
миний амьдралд
with some friends of mine
with the young people as well,
хүүхдүүдтэй хуваалцаж,
of relevancy in return.
мэдрэмжийг олж авсан.
and youth program innovators
залуусын программ санаачлагчид
return of investment.
эерэг үр дүн гэнэ.
taught me was that when we sow,
зүйл нь бид тарихдаа,
of people no matter where they're at,
төрөлхтөнд хөрөнгө оруулахдаа
of criminal justice reform,
of nonviolent drug offenses
энэрэл хүртэж,
хүний шударга ёс.
that amplify the relevancy of people
Лавэнтиллийн хүмүүс,
the communities that we want.
in law enforcement as a resource,
хөрөнгө оруулахаас илүү хийж чадна,
a sense of relevancy
хамаарах мэдрэмжийг өгдөггүй,
do so many harmful things
хөнөөлтэй зүйл хийдгийн шалтгаан --
display of a lot of underlying traumas.
асуудлаас зүгээр л харагдахуйц түвшнийх.
value of relevancy,
анхаарал хандуулвал,
personal responsibility and healing.
эдгэрэл оронд нь ирэх болно.
to do the hard work,
ажлыг хийгээсэй гэж хүсч байна.
undeserved kindness
гадуурхагддаг хүмүүст
while walking home.
алхаж байхдаа буудуулсан,
while eating breakfast,
the redemptive value of relevancy
of seeing the value in me.
гэж хүмүүс хичээсэн.
our own capacity
сорихыг хүсч байна.
easily choose not to see,
to be recognized,
танигдахаа хүлээж,
Marlon Peterson - Human justice advocateMarlon Peterson is a writer, youth development expert and human justice advocate.
Why you should listen
Marlon Peterson is the host of the podcast, Decarcerated, which highlights the journeys of resilience, redemption and success of formerly incarcerated people.
Since his release from prison in 2009, after serving 10 years, Peterson has spearheaded the creation of two youth development programs in New York City, How Our Lives Link Altogether (H.O.L.L.A!) and Youth Organizing to Save Our Streets (YO SOS). With a focus on gun violence prevention and youth advocacy, both programs have provided programming for hundreds of young people.
In 2015 Peterson left his full-time work in the nonprofit sector to create The Precedential Group, a social justice consultancy that works to address the trauma revolving around the intersections of race, gender, violence, police violence and community violence. His work through the Precedential Group has allowed him to provide support for organizations throughout the United States and Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
As a writer, advocate, program developer and public speaker Peterson has been recognized as a Soros Justice Fellow, Aspen Ideas Festival Scholar, Ebony Magazine Power 100 Honoree and TED Resident. His writings have appeared and been cited in The Nation, Gawker, The Atlantic, Huff Post, Black Press USA, Ebony and the Trinidad & Tobago Guardian. He has contributed to Kiese Laymon's aaward-winning novel, How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America and Love Lives Here, Too by former New York Times columnist, Sheila Rule.
Peterson is Brooklyn born and bred with a Trinidadian heart. He is a graduate of New York University and is currently working on his first Pulitzer, a memoir.
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