Jackson Bird: How to talk (and listen) to transgender people
Жаксон Бөрд: Трансжендер хүмүүстэй хэрхэн ярилцаж мөн тэднийг сонсох вэ?
TED Resident Jackson Bird is using digital storytelling to demystify the transgender experience. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
through your head right now.
actually a man or actually a woman?"
эмэгтэй юм уу?
дээр юм байна.
that's a safe place to look."
Ямар ч эр хүнд ийм тааз байхгүй.
No real man has hips like those."
to use the men's bathroom.
эрхийг дэмжиж байна.
those hypothetical questions
my personal experiences being transgender,
туршлагаа хуваалцахаар ирсэн ч
wanting to tell an entire audience
with being trans, right?
нэг хэцүү тал.
wondering how we have sex
we're working with below the belt.
байдаг бол гэж гайхдаг.
I was assigned at birth
зөрчилддөг учраас ч биш
when they're around me.
эвгүй болцгоодог.
trans people wholeheartedly
what they think they should,
мэдэхгүйгээсээ ичээд
about coming out as transgender
хамгийн түгшсэн зүйл нь
wouldn't know what I meant.
гэдэгт байсан.
impressions of you
of music and videos
single person I came out to.
for months afterwards,
хэзээ ч ил гарч дуусахгүй.
don't ever stop coming out.
helping me with my taxes
which one of them should pat me down,
шалгах ёстойг мэдэхгүй байсан
ил гарсан.
to everyone watching this.
ил гарч байна.
with me being trans,
about physically transitioning,
like so many other people,
means just one thing:
of a man overnight,
gender-affirming surgeries
one procedure in their lifetime, if that.
ганц л хагалгаа хийлгэдэг.
personally feel the need
is only beginning to cover them.
төлж эхэлж байгаа учраас.
seeking physical transition
транс хүмүүсийн анхны алхам
and some sparse whiskers on my neck
through a second puberty ...
бэлгийн бойжилт гэсэн үг.
are slower and steadier
буруу ойлголтоос
can lead people to believe,
хүйсээр нь дуудах тухайд
by their new name and pronouns.
in physical transition
becomes their true gender.
their new name and pronouns,
андуурч дуудаж байсан.
with other trans people.
Puff Daddy to P. Diddy,
P. Diddy гэж дуудаж,
when we've used the wrong gender pronoun
буруу хүйсээр нь нэрлэсэндээ
the same effort
people more awkward about trans people
улс төрийн гол сэдэв.
for LGBT opponents.
of assaulting someone in a public bathroom
конгрессийн гишүүд
яллагддсан байна.
more scared of you than you are of us.
трансжендер бид та нараас айдаг.
in trans communities
аль хүйсийн 00-д хэзээ орж эхэлвэл
to start using and when,
байх вэ гэдэг нь
that could lead to violence against us.
орохоос айж байсан ч
and frightened looks in the women's room,
айсан харцнаас болж
to start going into the men's room.
not go to the bathroom at all.
талаарх судалгаанд
had had a urinary tract infection
орохгүй явснаас
талаар гарсан байна.
aren't protecting anyone.
хамгаалахгүй байна.
are assaulted in bathrooms,
when we report it.
гэдэг л байгаа юм.
of these misconceptions.
of privilege mountain.
оройд нь сууж байна.
of trans knowledge
суурь мэдлэгийг өглөө.
to more learning on your own.
судлана гэж найдаж байна.
and educate those around you
эргэн тойрны хүмүүстээ ойлгуул
Jackson Bird - Digital storyteller, activistTED Resident Jackson Bird is using digital storytelling to demystify the transgender experience.
Why you should listen
After publicly coming out as transgender in 2015, Jackson Bird has been committed to amplifying the voices of transgender people and breaking down the stigma attached to their experiences. He shares the stories of fellow transgender people on his podcast, Transmission, as well as on his ongoing YouTube series, "Queerstory."
Bird is also known for his work with the Harry Potter Alliance (HPA), a nonprofit that activates online fan communities towards social action. A 2017 TED Resident and 2016 YouTube NextUp Creator, Bird was also a 2015 LogoTV Social Trailblazer nominee and hailed by MTV as a "Social Media Warrior Who Helped Restore Our Faith in 2016."
Jackson is currently a Craig Newmark Organizer-In-Residence at Civic Hall and runs the monthly LGBTQIA+ Creators Group at YouTube Space NY. He currently lives in New York City.
Jackson Bird | Speaker | TED.com