Kirsty Duncan: Scientists must be free to learn, to speak and to challenge
Kirsty Duncan: Naukowcy potrzebują swobody do zdobywania wiedzy, wypowiadania się i podejmowania wyzwań
Kirsty Duncan works for all Canadians to nurture science in Canada and encourages people of all ages to have inquisitive minds. Full bio
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dla kanadyjskiego rządu,
that grows on rocks.
for that algae is rock snot,
Didymosphenia geminata
has been sliming up riverbeds
zgody na rozmowę z reporterem,
wasn't allowed to speak to the reporter,
wouldn't let him.
may have been responsible
climate change information, right?
informacji o zmianach klimatu?
is suppressed for all sorts of reasons.
pracując na uniwersytecie.
when I was a university professor.
of international climate agreements
dotyczących klimatu,
i porozumienie paryskie.
and the Paris Accord,
to meet its emissions reduction targets.
zmniejszyć emisji zanieczyszczeń.
informacje na temat zmian klimatu.
information that's being stifled.
zagłusza się przez odmienne fakty,
are obscured by alternate facts,
i inne formy tłumienia.
depends on discovery,
to undertake their work,
at uncovering the truth
of our collective knowledge.
swobodę wnikania w tematy
obecnego stanu wiedzy
the thinking of the day
or inconvenient truths,
trudnych do przyjęcia prawd.
push boundaries
what science is all about.
bez pokrycia czegoś uczą.
teaches us something.
jedna z moich historii.
is through one of my own adventures.
to take you back in time.
are roommates in southern Ontario.
w południowym Ontario.
pandemii grypy "hiszpanki"
of the Spanish flu pandemic,
i położyły się do łóżek.
they head for home and for bed.
z tymi szokującymi faktami.
chciał wiedzieć dlaczego i jak.
wanted to know why and how.
mnie w głąb mroźnego lądu,
to a frozen land
wybuchu grypy "hiszpanki" z 1918 roku.
of the 1918 Spanish flu.
przeciwko tej chorobie.
one of history's deadliest diseases.
na zakażenie wirusem
in the Arctic Ocean.
Norway and the North Pole.
and were buried in the permafrost
i które pochowano w wiecznej zmarzlinie,
zakonserwował ciała wraz z wirusem.
would preserve the body and the virus.
that spectacular Hollywood ending.
szczęśliwego zakończenia.
za pomocą których
protokoły bezpieczeństwa,
i okolicznych mieszkańców.
and the nearby community.
and knowledge of others,
na wiedzy i wysiłkach innych,
mogli niczym nieskrępowani
to report their findings.
sprawozdanie ze swoich odkryć.
started to improve in Canada in 2015.
naukę dopiero w 2015 roku.
to my time as a professor.
mojej pracy na uczelni.
i przemysły całego świata
and industries around the world
twist scientific fact for partisan gain?
na korzyść polityki?
appalled by politics would do:
na moim miejscu mógłby zrobić.
swój program polityczny,
w walkę o jej wolność.
for the freedom of science.
I came from the world under attack,
i osobiście czułam się zbulwersowana.
for those who were being silenced.
że naukowcy denerwowali się,
that scientists were nervous,
a friend of mine,
na swoje badania
were having on his research
stanem nauki w Kanadzie.
deteriorating in Canada.
że napisał do mnie,
zostanie przechwycona.
a phone call could be traced.
na telefon jego żony,
his wife's cell phone
in Canada into sharp focus for me.
w jakiej znalazła się Kanada.
be that afraid to talk to me?
środowiskiem, nauką,
in all things environment, science,
of Canada, Justin Trudeau.
posady ministra nauki.
as his Minister of Science.
nauce jej należne miejsce.
science to its rightful place.
in December 2015
tego dnia w grudniu 2015 roku,
żeby poprzeć te słowa czynami.
to back up those words with actions.
dotychczasową mentalność,
to talk to the media, talk to the public.
udzielali się publicznie.
ale jesteśmy zaangażowani.
na świecie jako ostoja nauki.
as a beacon for science internationally.
with something so fundamental,
z czymś tak fundamentalnym,
zagłusza lub atakuje naukę
suppressed or attacked,
are being silenced, speak up.
naukowców, zabierzcie głos.
poczuwać się do odpowiedzialności.
by exercising our right to vote,
an op-ed in a newspaper
w mediach społecznościowych
on social media,
that will ensure the freedom of science.
jaśniejszą i śmielszą przyszłość.
brighter, bolder future for us all.
Kirsty Duncan - Politician, scientistKirsty Duncan works for all Canadians to nurture science in Canada and encourages people of all ages to have inquisitive minds.
Why you should listen
Kirsty Duncan is the Minister of Science and Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities for the Government of Canada. As a member of Parliament, she has been the voice on Parliament Hill for the citizens of Etobicoke-North since 2008. Duncan has also been a driving force for putting science front and center in the federal government's agenda. She is committed to strengthening science and evidence-based decision making and fostering a culture of curiosity in Canada. And she is taking action to improve equity, diversity and youth participation in Canada’s research community.
Duncan is a medical geographer who led an expedition to remote Svalbard, Norway, to search for the cause of the Spanish Flu, the deadliest of flu pandemics, which has killed upwards of 50 million people worldwide. She is internationally recognized as a leading expert in pandemic influenza and environmental change and its impact on human health. As a fierce defender of the environment, Duncan contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an organization which, jointly with Al Gore, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Prior to entering politics in 2008, Duncan was an associate professor at the University of Toronto and the University of Windsor.
Kirsty Duncan | Speaker |