Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions
Richard Turere: Môj vynález, ktorý vytvoril mier s levmi
Young inventor Richard Turere invented "lion lights," an elegant way to protect his family's cattle from lion attacks. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
nie je oplotený na juhu, kde žijem.
zvieratami a zemou na to,
Preto si ich veľmi ceníme.
v Národnom parku Nairobi tak málo levov.
aby som mohol svetlá zapínať a vypínať.
Vzadu ich môžete vidieť, to sú tie levie svetlá.
ako sú hyeny, alebo leopardy.
kamarátov do mojej komunity.
Učil som ich, ako ich namontovať.
leteckým inžinierom a pilotom.
ale teraz vďaka mojim vynálezom
s levmi bez akýchkoľvek konfliktov.
To v mojej reči znamená „ďakujem veľmi pekne".
Richard Turere: „Áno."
RT: „Skúšal som to predtým,
RT: „Ďakujem." (Potlesk)
Richard Turere - InventorYoung inventor Richard Turere invented "lion lights," an elegant way to protect his family's cattle from lion attacks.
Why you should listen
Richard Turere is a young Maasai man who lives in the wilderness of the Kenya savanna, on the edge of a national park full of rhino, giraffe, buffalo and lions. Since he was 9, Richard has held the honored chore of tending his father's cattle; in his free time, he tinkered with electrical gadgets. After dismantling the few household appliances, Richard taught himself how to fix them, and then he started inventing. He fit his parents' home with fans made from car parts and other junkyard components harvested from junkyards, then built other inventions for his neighbors.
Now 13, he is renowned for inventing "lion lights," a fence made of basic pieces (solar charging cells, flashlight parts), which quickly and effectively scares lions away from his father's cattle. Richard's dream is to be an aircraft engineer.
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