John Green: The nerd's guide to learning everything online
John Green: Návod technomila na učenie sa všetkého online
The author of "The Fault in Our Stars" and "Paper Towns," John Green is a passionate online video maker. Full bio
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spoločnosť General Drafting.
by the General Drafting Company.
je táto mapa veľmi známa,
among cartography nerds,
pohoria Catskill Mountains,
of the Catskill Mountains,
ak si to pozriete tu hore.
if I just put it up here --
hneď nad ním je Rockland
above Roscoe is Rockland, New York,
je mestečko Agloe.
is the tiny town of Agloe, New York.
kartografmi veľmi známe,
to cartographers,
New Yorku a vaša mapa New Yorku
and your map of New York
súdiac podľa tvaru štátu New York,
on account of the shape of New York --
vkladajú vymyslené miesta,
fake places onto their maps,
nájdem na vašej mape,
shows up on your map,
že ste ma okradli.
that you have robbed me.
of the two guys who made this map,
z iniciálov tvorcov tejto mapy,
Rand McNally vydal mapu
nachádzalo na presne tej istej križovatke
at the same exact intersection
in the middle of nowhere.
over at General Drafting.
radosť v spoločnosti General Drafting.
McNallymu a povedali:
Rand McNally, and they say,
We made Agloe, New York, up.
"No, no, no, no, Agloe is real."
„Nie, nie, nie, Agloe naozaj existuje.“
to that intersection of two dirt roads --
križovatku dvoch poľných ciest
že tam bude mestečko zvané Agloe,
there to be a place called Agloe --
called Agloe, New York.
a v najlepších časoch aj dva domy.
two houses at its peak.
irresistible metaphor to a novelist,
úplne neodolateľná metafora,
že to, čo dáme na papier,
that the stuff that we write down on paper
v ktorom žijeme.
in which we're actually living,
volá Mestá na papieri.
is called "Paper Towns".
sa to udialo, ma však zaujíma
than the medium in which this happened,
shapes our maps of the world, right?
formuje naše mapy sveta, však?
ovplyvňuje naše mapy.
is obviously going to affect our maps.
interesting is the way
the world changes the world.
a different place if North were down.
ak by bol sever dole.
a truly different place
na opačných stranách mapy.
on opposite sides of the map.
v jej skutočnej veľkosti.
to show it in its actual size.
by our maps of the world.
our personal cartographic enterprise,
naša osobná kartografická spoločnosť,
changes the life we lead.
na spôsob tajnej siete anjelov,
secret-y Oprah's Angels network, like,
myslením vyliečiť z rakoviny“.
out-of-cancer sense.
neukazujú, kam v živote pôjdete,
show you where you will go in your life,
ktoré nie je na vašej osobnej mape.
that isn't on your personal map.
when I was a kid.
such a terrible student
bol takým slabým študentom,
že vyučovanie je len séria prekážok,
was just a series of hurdles
aby som dosiahol dospelosť.
in order to achieve adulthood.
to jump over these hurdles,
a tak som ich často nezdolal
arbitrary, so I often wouldn't,
threaten me, you know,
do mojich trvalých záznamov“
"going on [my] permanent record,"
or twelve years old,
v jedenástich, dvanástich,
vstávali veľmi skoro ráno
very early in the morning,
s dobrou prácami robili,
one of the first things they did
škrtiace oblečenie.
of clothing around their necks.
whatever they were.
twelve year-old imagination --
dvanásťročnej predstavivosti,
they do each morning,
preskákať všetky prekážky
over all of these hurdles
I went to this school,
na strednej, chodil som do malej
a small boarding school,
because I found myself
v študentskom prostredí našiel.
intelektuálnosť a angažovanosť
and engagement,
ironický odpor ku škole
oh-so-cool disengagement
and unspectacular response
a neprekonateľné problémy.
and compelling problems.
because learning was cool.
pretože učenie bolo cool.
nekonečné množiny sú väčšie ako iné
are bigger than other infinite sets,
a prečo ľudským ušiam znie tak dobre.
and why it sounds so good to human ears.
bola znárodňovací spor,
was a nationalizing conflict,
pliesť s kauzalitou,
confused with causation --
on a literally daily basis.
vo svojej „práci“ nevyužívam,
most of them for my "job,"
okolo nejakej zeme a rozmýšľať:
upon some land, and thinking,
some more land to draw."
je tu ešte viac nezakreslenej zeme.“
really began for me.
ktorí o mne nepochybovali,
that didn't give up on me,
to have those teachers,
myslieť si, že som stratená investícia.
there was no reason to invest in me.
that I did in high school
sa naučil na strednej,
inside the classroom,
outside of the classroom.
za večerov zimných,
Winter Afternoons --
náboženské hymny."
Of Cathedral Tunes --"
učil naspamäť v škole,
Emily Dickinson in school
bolo jedno dievča,
when I was in high school,
and I had a crush on her,
Emily Dickinsonovej.
aká je cena príležitosti,
what opportunity cost is,
na gauči a hral hru Super Mario Kart,
Super Mario Kart on my couch,
Super Mario Kart?"
takých šesť hodín?“ A on povedal:
like, six hours?" and he said,
6 hodín pracoval v Baskin-Robbinse,
at Baskin-Robbins those six hours,
takže si vlastne
so in some ways,
za hranie Super Mario Karta.
to play Super Mario Kart."
aká je cena príležitosti.
of my life got better.
learning process,
organizovaný vyučovací proces
veľa som toho ešte nevedel.
there was a lot I didn't know.
poznal Cantorovu myšlienku,
sú väčšie ako iné,
than other infinite sets,
algebre, ktorá za ňou stála.
the calculus behind that idea.
zákon klesajúcich výnosov.
of diminishing returns.
využívajúcich predstavivosť
learning as cartography,
as arbitrary hurdles
vo vás vyvoláva túžbu vidieť viac.
and that makes you want to see more.
at least some of the calculus
na výške som prešiel do ďalšej
to another for college,
v časopise Booklist,
at a magazine called "Booklist,"
úžasne sčítanými ľuďmi.
by astonishingly well-read people.
skupiny a bolo to hrozné.
community, and it was miserable.
som prečítal veľa, veľa kníh.
during this two-year period.
začali považovať za moslimov,
came to identify as Muslims,
how to make atomic bombs,
som si tvoril vlastné prekážky
creating my own hurdles,
namiesto toho, aby som cítil radosť
instead of feeling the excitement
študentskej skupiny, skupiny ľudí,
a community of people
v kartografickej spoločnosti
in the cartographic enterprise
a zmapovať svet okolo nás.
and map the world around us.
som stretol tohto chlapíka.
just on the Internet.
a show called "The Show with Ze Frank,"
program Show so Ze Frankom.
sa znova stal komunitným študentom.
into being a community learner again.
in the middle of a huge, hot desert.
uprostred veľkej, horúcej púšte.
from somewhere else --
the waterfalls.
cudzie ako lietajúce prasatá.
as my pig that flew.
ktorá toto mesto obklopuje,
that surrounds this place,
nanovo, ďaleko od svojej histórie
rebuilt here, away from their histories,
vnímajú iným spôsobom.
that experience them differently.
sfinge urobili plastiku nosa.
even the Sphinx got a nose job.
že vám niečo uniká.
like you're missing anything.
čo pre každého.
as it does to everyone else.
že kontext dovoľuje všetko: parkovisko,
means context allows for everything:
jeden z najväčších svetových úspechov,
of the world's greatest achievements,
everyone does.
všimol som si, že väčšina budov
I noticed most of the buildings
slnko späť do púšte.
the sun back into the desert.
of yourself embedded in a place,
nostalgic for the days
the pixels in online video.
ale aj úžasný zakladateľ skupín.
he's also a brilliant community builder,
týchto videí vybudovala,
that built up around these videos
študentská skupina.
collaboratively, and we beat him.
spoločne šach a porazili sme ho.
cestu autom po Spojených štátoch.
on a road trip across the United States.
krajec chleba na jednom mieste
at one point on the Earth,
point of the Earth,
holding a piece of bread.
but they are also "learny" ideas,
ale sú to zároveň „učenecké“ nápady.
skupín nájsť veľa.
communities like this all over the place.
sťažujú na matematiku,
complaining about calculus,
na tie sťažnosti odpovedajú
re-blogging those complaints,
že matematika je zaujímavá a nádherná
is interesting and beautiful,
ktorý ste považovali za neriešiteľný.
the problem that you find unsolvable.
a nájsť subreddity
and find sub-Reddits,
alebo „Opýtajte sa vedy“,
who are in these fields
communities of learners
sú pre mňa tie na YouTube,
right now are on YouTube,
sa stránka YouTube podobá učebni.
the YouTube page resembles a classroom.
the world about physics:
Prejdime k podstate.
poslednou základnou časticou
is the last fundamental piece
ktorú zostávalo objaviť pokusmi.
to be discovered experimentally.
prečo bol Higgsov bozón
why was the Higgs boson
ako elektróny, fotóny a kvarky,
like electrons and photons and quarks,
v sedemdesiatych rokoch?
back then in the 1970s?
excitáciou elektrónového poľa,
is an excitation in the electron field,
častica, ktorá je excitáciou
which is an excitation
plays an integral role
prečo je taká slabá.
helps explain why it's so weak.
in a later video,
potvrdená už v osemdesiatych rokoch,
confirmed in the 1980s, in the equations,
zviazané so slabou silou, že sme doteraz
with the weak force, that until now
skutočnú a nezávislú existenciu.
its actual and independent existence.
a hovorí o 1. svetovej vojne:
talking about World War I:
samozrejme, sarajevská vražda
of course the assassination in Sarajevo
nacionalistom Gavrilom Principom.
nationalist named Gavrilo Princip.
dvadsiateho storočia začala
of the twentieth century began
nebol veľký obľúbenec
wasn't particularly well-liked
Františka Jozefa, to sú ale fúzy!
now that is a mustache!
vyhláseniu ultimáta voči Srbsku,
to issue an ultimatum to Serbia,
ale nie všetky požiadavky,
but not all, of Austria's demands,
war against Serbia.
so Srbmi zmobilizovali armádu.
with the Serbs, mobilized its army.
an alliance with Austria,
Nemecko zmobilizovalo svoju armádu,
mobilized its own army,
spojenectvo s Osmanskou ríšou
cemented an alliance with the Ottomans,
pretože, viete, Francúzsko.
because, you know, France.
and world history
to learn through YouTube.
in math class yet again,
znova na hodine matematiky,
súčte nekonečných postupností.
the sums of infinite series.
ale nejako sa im podarilo pobabrať ju.
but they somehow manage to ruin it anyway.
povoľujú nekonečné postupnosti.
infinite series in the curriculum.
potrebe rozptýlenia kreslíte
for distraction, you're doodling
aký je plurál slova vírus
the plural of "series" should be
víri či víry?
"seriese," "seriesen," and "serii?"
changed: one "serie," or "serum,"
should be "shoop."
k jednej, je užitočná, ak napríklad
approaches one, is useful if, say,
slonie mláďa, slon veľkosti psa,
baby elephant, dog-sized elephant,
až po slona chrobáka a tak ďalej.
down to Mr. Tusks and beyond.
nekonečné množstvo slonov
of elephants in a line,
na jedinú stranu zošita.
a single notebook page.
zo Smarter Every Day,
from "Smarter Every Day,"
of angular momentum,
Vitajte v Smarter Every Day.
Welcome back to "Smarter Every Day."
že mačky skoro vždy pristávajú na nohách.
almost always land on their feet.
má veľmi zložitú odpoveď.
there's a very complex answer.
prejde z nohami hore na nohami dole
to feet-down in a falling reference frame,
o zachovaní momentu hybnosti?
of angular momentum?
majú niečo spoločné,
of these videos have in common:
a million views on YouTube.
viac ako pol milióna zhliadnutí.
nepozerajú v učebniach,
not in classrooms,
do študentských skupín,
of the communities of learning
is like a classroom to me,
je YouTube ako učebňa,
pretože tu je inštruktor,
because here is the instructor --
here's the instructor,
are the students,
majú v internetovom svete
have a very bad reputation
na týchto kanáloch,
for these channels,
the subject matter,
komplikované otázky k téme videa
that are about the subject matter,
answering those questions.
tak, že priestor, na ktorom rozprávam,
that the page in which I'm talking to you
je na presne rovnakej strane
talking to you is on the exact same page
spôsobom sa zúčastňujete konverzácie.
and active way in the conversation.
mám možnosť s vami spolupracovať.
I get to participate with you.
whether it's world history,
or whatever it is.
internetové nástroje či žánre
and the sort of genres of the Internet
ktoré umožňujú intelektuálnu aktivitu
for intellectual engagement,
a inými internetovými zvyklosťami.
and other Internet conventions --
Vymyslel som algebru."
kritizujúci priemyselný kapitalizmus:
criticizing industrial capitalism:
dobrom ľudstva.
the Good of humanity.
divokého, deštruktívneho nihilizmu.“]
of savage, destructive nihilism."]
what she says ... yeah.
generáciu študentov stali
for a new generation of learners,
kartografických skupín,
the kind of cartographic communities
a potom na vysokej škole.
and then again when I was in college.
znovuobjavenie týchto skupín
these communities
to a community of learners,
v dospelosti zostal študentom
to be a learner even in my adulthood,
je niečo vyhradené pre mladých.
is something reserved for the young.
ktoré som predtým nepoznal.
that I didn't know before.
in the Enlightenment,
a part of that,
na vtipoch Dorothy Parkerovej.“
at Dorothy Parker's jokes."
že tieto miesta ešte stále existujú.
exist, they still exist.
kam sa starší boja vkročiť.
where old men fear to tread.
v 60. rokoch vytvorili Agloe v New Yorku,
we invented Agloe, New York, in the 1960s,
ešte sme sa len rozbiehali.
we were just getting started.
John Green - WriterThe author of "The Fault in Our Stars" and "Paper Towns," John Green is a passionate online video maker.
Why you should listen
John Green is the author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, and The Fault in Our Stars. He is also the coauthor, with David Levithan, of Will Grayson, Will Grayson.
In 2007, Green and his brother Hank ceased textual communication and began to talk primarily through videoblogs posted to YouTube. The videos spawned a community of people called nerdfighters who fight for intellectualism and to decrease the overall worldwide level of suck. (Decreasing suck takes many forms: Nerdfighters have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight poverty in the developing world; they also planted thousands of trees around the world in May of 2010 to celebrate Hank’s 30th birthday.) Although they have long since resumed textual communication, John and Hank continue to upload two videos a week to their YouTube channel, vlogbrothers. Their videos have been viewed more than 500 million times, and their channel is one of the most popular in the history of online video.
John Green | Speaker |