Hans Rosling: Insights on HIV, in stunning data visuals
Hans Rosling: HIV – nova dejstva in osupljiv prikaz podatkov
In Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
virus leta 1983.
razširjen po svetu,
okuženih odraslih.
v dolarjih po osebi.
velikost mehurčkov tu,
v vsaki državi,
je to kar velik mehurček.
čeprav so bili takrat majhna država.
najbolj okužena država na svetu.
v Ugandi in Zimbabveju.
zelo okužena država Tajska –
grozen porast pogostosti HIV-a.
se spušča,
epidemije HIV v svetu.
da se stvari izboljšujejo,
je zdaj okužene z virusom HIV.
kar imamo danes v svetu.
na hitro odvrtim Bocvano.
s prihodki v zgornji sredini,
dobrim gospodarstvom –
z dobrim gospodarstvom in vodenjem,
ne umrejo zaradi AIDS-a.
državah z nizkimi dohodki tu spodaj,
doseže v revnih državah,
ostane na zdravljenju po dveh letih.
da se počne, kar se počne.
osredotočiti na preventivo.
bo to nekaj bolj učinkovitega –
zelo raznolik.
kot preostanek sveta.
da je samo ena Afrika
odvijajo na en način.
živel in delal v ZDA.
in San Francisco različna.
obstaja veliko razlik.
dva, tri, štiri odstotke.
sosednja država – 15 odstotkov.
ki so prišli iz Konga –
da so posilstva strašna,
za visoke stopnje okuženosti v Afriki.
več je HIV-a.
glede na prihodek,
ne bi rekel bogati –
do štirih odstotkov,
za katere zdaj dobre raziskave,
in raziskovalci
kažejo, da ni tako.
do zelo visoke stopnje
v nekaterih državah?
spolne odnose z mlajšimi ženskami.
pri mlajših ženskah kot pri mlajših moških
predstavljajo 4 odstotke celotne populacije
ampak Iran je precej visoko.
in tudi prostitucijo.
zakaj je tako.
da temu ni tako,
znanstveni konsenz o tem vzorcu.
dostopne dobre podatke
z večjo frekvenco.
in si heteroseksualec,
spolnem odnosu ena proti 1000.
je verjetnost lahko 1 proti 100.
da bi lahko bila sočasnost.
bivših partnerjev.
ki se drži mnogo let.
po infekciji
v istem mesecu
kot pri drugih.
da se zdaj približujemo
na Gapminderjevo stran.
ukrepali glede globalnih problemov,
Hans Rosling - Global health expert; data visionaryIn Hans Rosling’s hands, data sings. Global trends in health and economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus.
Why you should listen
Even the most worldly and well-traveled among us have had their perspectives shifted by Hans Rosling. A professor of global health at Sweden's Karolinska Institute, his work focused on dispelling common myths about the so-called developing world, which (as he pointed out) is no longer worlds away from the West. In fact, most of the Third World is on the same trajectory toward health and prosperity, and many countries are moving twice as fast as the west did.
What set Rosling apart wasn't just his apt observations of broad social and economic trends, but the stunning way he presented them. Guaranteed: You've never seen data presented like this. A presentation that tracks global health and poverty trends should be, in a word: boring. But in Rosling's hands, data sings. Trends come to life. And the big picture — usually hazy at best — snaps into sharp focus.
Rosling's presentations were grounded in solid statistics (often drawn from United Nations and World Bank data), illustrated by the visualization software he developed. The animations transform development statistics into moving bubbles and flowing curves that make global trends clear, intuitive and even playful. During his legendary presentations, Rosling took this one step farther, narrating the animations with a sportscaster's flair.
Rosling developed the breakthrough software behind his visualizations through his nonprofit Gapminder, founded with his son and daughter-in-law. The free software — which can be loaded with any data — was purchased by Google in March 2007. (Rosling met the Google founders at TED.)
Rosling began his wide-ranging career as a physician, spending many years in rural Africa tracking a rare paralytic disease (which he named konzo) and discovering its cause: hunger and badly processed cassava. He co-founded Médecins sans Frontièrs (Doctors without Borders) Sweden, wrote a textbook on global health, and as a professor at the Karolinska Institut in Stockholm initiated key international research collaborations. He's also personally argued with many heads of state, including Fidel Castro.
Hans Rosling passed away in February 2017. He is greatly missed.
Hans Rosling | Speaker | TED.com