Sarah Donnelly: How work kept me going during my cancer treatment
Сара Донели (Sarah Donnelly): Како ме је посао терао да идем напред током лечења рака
Westpac's Sarah Donnelly wants to encourage more open conversations about why and how an individual might continue to work while undergoing treatment for serious illnesses. Full bio
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from my doctor's office
из ординације моје докторке
резултати испитивања.
in my lunch break, and my doctor said
за ручак, а докторка ми је рекла
that I had breast cancer.
да ми саопшти да имам рак дојке.
and at first, I didn't.
и, испрве, нисам.
and I needed some evidence.
и били су ми потребни докази.
to where she was sitting
до места где је седела
over her shoulder and verify
преко њеног рамена и потврдим
on the page in front of her.
to believe it, I said,
да верујем у то, рекла сам:
you're sure that means cancer?"
сигурни сте да то значи рак?“
the urgent things that needed to be done
хитне ствари које је требало урадити
to see if my cancer had spread.
да видим да ли се мој рак проширио.
work wasn't my priority.
посао ми није био приоритет.
to tell my family and friends
својој породици и пријатељима
и да ли ћу бити добро
and whether I was going to be OK,
икада имати прилику да заснујемо породицу.
to start a family.
how I was going to tell my mother,
како ћу то рећи својој мајци,
when she was pregnant with me.
док ме је носила у стомаку.
to have to relive her cancer experience.
да поново преживи своје искуство с раком.
a huge role in my treatment and recovery.
у мом лечењу и опоравку.
otherwise felt like a statistic.
иначе осећала као статистички податак.
that would give me routine and stability
difficult personal decisions
тешким личним одлукама
reconstruction I was going to have.
груди ћу имати.
to my family and friends for support.
и пријатеља затражити подршку.
in my day-to-day life.
у свакодневном животу.
the ones to make me laugh.
of really good in-jokes,
someone ask me
тако сјајна и савршена -
of course, a wig,
in the mornings very easy.
због ње била лака.
I appreciated what their support meant,
сам ценила оно што значи њихова подршка
have done without that network.
women in particular,
много људи, посебно жена,
to have that network
да имају такву мрежу
the opportunity to work through treatment.
да раде током лечења.
to overly paternalistic employers.
на сувише очински настројене послодавце.
and focus on yourself.
и усредсредите се на себе.
are well-meaning,
that they couldn’t or shouldn't work,
да не могу или не треба да раде
and physically can do.
и физички могу да раде.
what an employer is required to do
шта послодавац мора да уради
with a cancer diagnosis.
cancer is considered a disability.
рак сматра хендикепом.
your usual work duties,
своје уобичајене задатке на послу,
by the Disability Discrimination Act
са инвалидитетом обавезује послодавца
to your working arrangements,
вашим радним потребама
adjustments look like for me?
изгледало за мене?
my diagnosis was going to have on work.
моја дијагноза имати на посао.
during business hours,
током мог радног времена
to recover from surgical procedures.
да се опоравим после хируршких захвата.
on what to expect from treatment.
шта могу да очекујем од лечења.
was through Doctor Google,
помоћу доктора Гугла,
and I wouldn't recommend that.
и не бих то препоручила.
for all the physical side effects,
на сва физичка нежељена дејства,
was this thing called chemo brain.
је нешто под именом хемо мозак.
through memory loss,
кроз губитак памћења,
my job as a lawyer.
свој посао адвоката.
have a discussion with my manager
са својим менаџером
to my working arrangements
how I was going to be impacted?
утицати на мене?
a supportive manager
који ми је пружио подршку
how things went as we went along,
како ће се ствари одвијати
a concrete plan up front.
he may not have even known
иако можда уопште није знао
of reasonable adjustments,
common sense to everyone.
питање здравог разума за све.
will learn how it impacts them
ће схватити како ће то утицати на њих
that I learned about the treatment itself,
које сам научила о самом лечењу,
пре него што одете на хемотерапију,
you're really well hydrated
да сте добро хидрирани
the nurses to find your veins.
да вам медицинске сестре нађу вене.
any of your favorite food,
од своје омиљене хране,
throwing that up
want to look at it again.
for managing my workflow.
за организовање радних обавеза.
on a Monday morning.
за понедељак ујутру била је хемотерапија.
I left the cancer care unit,
када напустим одељење за лечење рака
before this fog screen would come down
пре него што ми се мрена спусти на очи
and make any urgent calls.
да рашчистим свој инбокс
within about 48 hours.
је пролазио у току отприлике 48 сати.
into work from home.
and I knew what to expect.
и знала сам шта да очекујем.
with my business partners
у односима са пословним партнерима
у којима бих могла то да остварим.
the hesitation in their voices
оклевање у њиховом гласу
да траже од мене да урадим нешто.
by a certain time.
до одређеног времена.
да одреде добар крајњи рок.
of setting a good deadline.
to put any extra pressure on me
да ме стављају под додатни притисак
within my control
над чим имам контролу
that could stay in my control
задржати контролу
things that couldn't.
над којима је нисам могла имати.
should be applying this concept
треба да примењују овај концепт
in our current age,
Аустралијанаца и Аустралијанки
by the age of 85.
longer and longer into older age,
са све више година,
while we're in the workforce
од озбиљне болести док радимо
to work anywhere, any time,
да радимо било где у било које време,
are no longer contingent upon
to physically make it
можете физички да дођете
or a comfier chair to sit in,
или удобнију столицу за седење,
the flexibility policies and strategies
правила и стратегије о флексибилности
with family responsibilities.
оне за људе са породичним обавезама.
are even having a conversation
макар само разговарати
might look like for them
изгледала када су они у питању,
until you're better."
док ти не буде боље.“
with their employees.
са својим запосленима.
from working through treatment,
од тога што су радили док су се лечили,
to guide these conversations,
да се воде овакви разговори,
colleague of mine, Camilla Gunn,
колегиница, Камила Ган,
for those diagnosed,
за оне који имају дијагнозу рака,
and their coworkers
људе који се брину о њима и колеге
and the work support available.
и постојећој подршци у раду.
to other organizations
до различитих организација
some pretty awkward conversations.
прилично непријатни разговори.
of the toolkit is increasing.
коришћење приручника све више повећава.
a manager's first response
прва реакција менаџера
how it's going to impact their work?
на његов или њен рад?
are able, and want to,
an arrangement for you
people with serious illness
људе са озбиљном болешћу
pushing them away.
because I want you to know the benefits
јер желим да знате за добробити
going through treatment
или да много повраћа.
were true some of the time,
to push myself at work
да погурам себе на послу
because my employer gave me the choice.
мој послодавац дао могућност избора.
obvious choice to give someone,
избор који се некоме даје,
offered or encouraged.
нуди или подржава.
Sarah Donnelly - LawyerWestpac's Sarah Donnelly wants to encourage more open conversations about why and how an individual might continue to work while undergoing treatment for serious illnesses.
Why you should listen
Sarah Donnelly was diagnosed with breast cancer at 30 years of age -- a story all too familiar among young women in her family. She chose to continue full-time employment throughout treatment and is living proof that work can play a crucial role in a person's mental and physical recovery from a serious illness. While her employer backed her decision, Donnelly has learned that the way organizations approach this issue varies greatly. This has sparked a personal mission to encourage more open conversations about why and how an individual might continue to work while undergoing treatment.
A lawyer by trade, Donnelly is currently the Head of Group Secretariat at Westpac. She is an ally for GLOBAL, Westpac Group's Employee Action Group for LGBTIQ employees, a member of Women of Westpac, an advocate of Breast Cancer Network Australia and volunteers with Vinnie’s Van. She is an avid traveler and, when at home in Sydney's Blue Mountains, can usually be found out on a trail.
Sarah Donnelly | Speaker |