Samy Nour Younes: A short history of trans people's long fight for equality
Samy Nour Younes: A transzneműek egyenlőségért folytatott hosszú küzdelmének rövid története
Samy Nour Younes is a trans actor and activist who highlights the diversity of the trans experience -- not just in their struggles, but also in their triumphs. Full bio
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suddenly everywhere?
hirtelen ilyen sokan?
találkozom ezzel a kérdéssel.
I get this question a lot.
of American adults
amerikai felnőttek alig 1%-a
about 16 percent of non-trans Americans
a nemtransz amerikaiak 16%-a állítja,
this may seem like a new topic.
újnak tűnhet a téma,
pedig ennek az örökségnek részei.
to the Pacific Islands and beyond,
a Csendes-óceáni-szigetekig
who recognize multiple genders,
and Pakistan, for example,
as 2,000 years ago in the Kama Sutra.
is vannak rá saját szavaik,
each have their own terms,
the umbrella term "two-spirit."
in their communities,
tartotta a közösség,
the spread of colonialism
and trans practices.
a gyakorlataikat is megvizsgáljuk.
who presented as men
their lives as women,
nőként élte tovább az életét,
continued to live as men.
ahogy Albert Cashier is.
confined to an asylum
for the rest of his life.
női ruhát kellett viselnie.
of self-described androgynes
szerint 'hermafrodita' csoport
against the world's bitter persecution.
elleni védelemért való összefogás volt,
one of the earliest trans support groups.
transz támogató csoporttá.
were starting to study trans medicine,
elkezdtek transz orvoslást tanulni
by their trans patients,
akik egyike
who had corresponded extensively
aki hosszasan levelezett azokkal,
for public cross-dressing.
viseléséért tartóztattak le.
like Alfred Kinsey
ismertetett meg
and the famous Christine Jorgensen,
és az a híres Christine Jorgensen,
her very public transition in 1952.
újságok címoldalain szerepelt.
were forming their own support networks,
létrehozták saját támogató hálózataikat,
had to carve their own path.
maguknak kellett utat törniük.
walked in drag balls.
versenyeken léptek fel,
for their gender expression
nemi identitásuk kifejezése miatt,
on the forefront of seminal events
legfőbb eseményeinek
at Cooper Do-nuts in 1959,
lévő 1959-es,
1966-as zavargásokhoz,
1969-es Stonewall-lázadáshoz.
and Marsha P. Johnson,
Action Revolutionaries.
akció forradalmárok (STAR) szervezetét.
for equal treatment under the law,
harcoltak tovább az egyenlő bánásmódért,
higher rates of discrimination,
mértékű diszkriminációval,
and the looming AIDS epidemic.
a fenyegető AIDS járvánnyal néztek szembe.
tenni a transzneműeket,
to disenfranchise trans people
taken in Berlin in 1933,
they considered un-German.
németellenesnek mondott műveket égettek.
is that included in this massive pile
az az, hogy ezek között
for Sexual Research.
művei is szerepeltek.
the trans movement in America,
transz mozgalomról esett szó,
and his peers in Germany
és társai azonban
an early advocate for LGBT people.
egyik első szószólója volt.
of trans individuals.
beszámolót a transzneműekről.
medical services and IDs.
igazolványhoz juttatta őket.
the Berlin Police Department
for trans research around the world.
kutatásokat szerte a világon.
to erase trans people,
szándékos merénylet volt,
de nem is az utolsó.
why trans people are suddenly everywhere,
miért lettek a transzneműek ilyen sokan,
that we've been here.
hogy mindig jelen voltunk.
that have been buried by time.
történetek mindegyikét.
but our struggles have been forgotten
de a küzdelmeink is feledésbe merültek,
that makes trans issues seem new.
sokak számára újnak tűnhetnek.
who think that our movement
akik szerint a mozgalmunk
telling us all to be patient,
pedig türelemre intenek,
trans people have been demanding equality.
milyen régóta követelnek egyenlőséget.
of color who are murdered
akik gyilkosait
to realize they're not alone.
felismernék, hogy nincsenek egyedül.
was an anomaly that would die with me.
azonosságom egy sosem múló rendellenesség.
of otherness into my mind,
anyone else like me.
senki hozzám hasonlót.
rátalálnom az azonosságomból
to find a source of pride
vibrant community of people
közösséghez tartozom,
even when others won't,
amikor mások lehúzzák őket,
even when we are struggling,
amikor ők küszködnek,
Samy Nour Younes - Actor, activistSamy Nour Younes is a trans actor and activist who highlights the diversity of the trans experience -- not just in their struggles, but also in their triumphs.
Why you should listen
Samy Nour Younes's most recent credits include Into the Woods (Ford's Theater), The Triumphant and Pay No Attention to the Girl (Target Margin Theater), and Well Intentioned White People (Barrington Stage). He can also be seen on season four of Transparent.
As an activist, Nour Younes served on the leadership teams of the DC Area Transmasculine Society and the Baltimore Transgender Alliance. He has coorganized rallies for Pride, Transgender Day of Remembrance and more. He also leads panels on the barriers trans people face in accessing health care and has participated in national ad campaigns to promote awareness of LGBTQ+ issues.
Nour Younes was the cohost of insighT with Consuella Lopez, a DC-based online talk show with an all-trans panel. He aims to highlight the diversity of the trans experience -- not just in their struggles, but also in their triumphs. As of 2019, he has written one ten-minute play, Ancestral Lines and Other Tall Tales, which will be published in the upcoming Latinx Archive. He is currently developing two new works, including a solo show, both of which he aims to premiere in 2019.
Samy Nour Younes | Speaker |