Harald Haas: Forget Wi-Fi. Meet the new Li-Fi Internet
Harald Haas: Suatu terobosan Internet nirkabel yang baru
Harald Haas is the pioneer behind a new technology that can communicate as well as illuminate. Full bio
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for the first time in public
pertama kalinya di depan umum
sebagai penerima.
acting as a receiver.
it's just light.
sama sekali, hanya cahaya saja.
extension of the Internet
dengan "The Internet of Things"
"The Internet of Things" --
terkoneksi ke Internet.
connected to the Internet.
hanya akan berhasil
of the Internet can only work
infrastructure as much as possible.
menggunakan prasarana yang sudah ada.
and the LED come in.
(mengandalkan cahaya).
to transmit data incredibly fast,
untuk memancarkan data dengan super cepat,
yang aman dan terkendali.
tingkat kecerahan yang halus.
of the brightness.
we have many LEDs around us,
ada banyak LED di sekitar kita,
berlimpah di sekitar kita.
of Li-Fi transmitters around us.
special devices -- small photo detectors,
perangkat khusus -- detektor foto kecil,
informasi tersandi dalam data.
encoded in the data.
existing infrastructure
solar cells and solar panels.
memakai sel surya dan panel surya.
and converts it into electrical energy.
dan mengubahnya menjadi energi listrik.
to charge our mobile phone.
untuk mengisi daya ponsel kita.
tingkat kecerahan LED yang halus,
of the brightness of the LED,
yang didapatkan dari sel surya.
from the solar cell.
a principal mechanism in place
dari cahaya dan dengan sel surya,
and by the solar cell,
of the energy harvested
tingkat kecerahan yang cepat dan halus,
changes of the brightness,
by our LED lights?
megabytes per second
broadband connections these days.
koneksi broadband yang ada saat ini,
off-the-shelf LED lamp.
lampu LED standar yang sudah ada.
off-the-shelf solar cell;
yang sudah ada;
energi yang didapat dari sel surya.
we harvest from the solar cell.
alat ini menunjukkan sesuatu.
something at the moment.
mendapat cahaya dari sekelilingnya.
harvests light from the ambient light.
adalah menyalakan cahayanya,
is switch on the light,
alatnya bergerak ke kanan.
the instrument jumps to the right.
from this artificial light source.
dari sumber cahaya buatan ini.
kita bisa melihatnya turun.
the streaming of the video.
aktifkan streaming videonya.
by pressing this button.
dengan menekan tombol ini.
mengalirkan video
is streaming a video
kecerahan LED secara halus,
in a very subtle way,
recognize with your eye,
terlalu cepat untuk dilihat.
are too fast to recognize.
the energy harvesting drops
pemasukan energi menurun.
videonya akan mulai lagi.
the video will restart.
dan pemasukan energi juga berhenti.
and energy harvesting stops as well.
sel surya bertindak sebagai penerima.
acts as a receiver.
is a street light, and there's fog.
adalah lampu jalanan dan ada kabut.
a handkerchief with me.
saputangannya di atas sel surya.
over the solar cell.
seperti yang sudah diduga,
melalui saputangan ke sel surya,
the handkerchief to the solar cell,
dan mengalirkan informasi,
and stream that information,
a solar cell has become a receiver
sel surya telah menjadi penerima
yang tersandi dalam cahaya,
encoded in light,
sebagai alat penerima energi
as an energy-harvesting device.
yang sudah ada di atap rumah
on the roof of a hut
di bukit terdekat, atau lampu jalanan.
or indeed, lamp post.
where the beam hits the solar cell.
sinarnya menyentuh sel surya.
integrated into windows,
yang dipasang di jendela,
pada benda di jalanan,
into street furniture,
pada berbagai peralatan lainnya
into these billions of devices
The Internet of Things.
semua perangkat ini secara rutin,
these devices regularly,
baterainya setiap lima bulan.
every few months.
saya peragakan di depan umum.
I've shown this in public.
that we can take this to market
kami bisa membawanya ke pasaran
to closing the digital divide,
menghapus kesenjangan digital,
perangkat ke Internet.
of devices to the Internet.
of energy consumption --
quite the opposite.
Harald Haas - Communications technology innovatorHarald Haas is the pioneer behind a new technology that can communicate as well as illuminate.
Why you should listen
Imagine using your car headlights to transmit data ... or surfing the web safely on a plane, tethered only by a line of sight. Harald Haas is working on it. He currently holds the Chair of Mobile Communications at the University of Edinburgh, and is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of pureLiFi Ltd as well as the Director of the LiFi Research and Development Center at the University of Edinburgh. His main research interests are in optical wireless communications, hybrid optical wireless and RF communications, spatial modulation, and interference coordination in wireless networks.
Haas has long been studying ways to communicate electronic data signals, designing modulation techniques that pack more data onto existing networks. But his latest work leaps beyond wires and radio waves to transmit data via an LED bulb that glows and darkens faster than the human eye can see. His group published the first proof-of-concept results demonstrating that it is possible to to turn commercially available light emitting diode (LED) light bulbs into broadband wireless transmission systems.
"It should be so cheap that it's everywhere," he says. "Using the visible light spectrum, which comes for free, you can piggy-back existing wireless services on the back of lighting equipment."
Harald Haas | Speaker | TED.com