Kelly Richmond Pope: How whistle-blowers shape history
켈리 리치몬드 포프(Kelly Richmond Pope): 내부고발자가 역사를 바꿉니다
Kelly Richmond Pope researches organizational misconduct, ethics and fraud. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
그걸 알려야 한다는 걸 알면서도
but decided not to?
to see a show of hands,
to someone in this room before.
그런 경험이 한 번쯤은 있을 겁니다.
was asked to a group of employees,
직장인들에게 해봤더니
by saying that they had seen something
or quietly raised your hand,
손을 들었다 해서
to say something
you see billboards like this,
이런 광고판을 볼 수 있을 거예요.
without revealing ourselves.
범죄를 신고해달라는 내용입니다.
are really uncomfortable
진실을 밝히는 것에
and I do fraud research.
부정 사건에 관해 연구하고 있습니다.
to come forward with information
과감해지라고 말합니다.
my students to become whistle-blowers.
되어야 한다고 가르치고 있죠.
honest with myself,
that I'm sending to my students.
제 마음 속은 복잡해집니다.
바로 그 증거입니다.
not to become whistle-blowers
꺼리는 이유는
목숨을 위협받기도 하고
힘든 싸움이 시작됩니다
is an uphill battle.
who really cares about her students
학생들을 보호해야 함에도
부추기는 이유는 뭘까요?
truly feels about them?
잘 알면서도 말이죠.
for my annual whistle-blower lecture
강의를 준비하던 중에
기사를 쓰고 있었습니다.
on an article for "Forbes,"
무슨 말을 할 수 있나?'
and Millennial Whistle-blowing.
관련 자료를 읽던 중에
and reading about the case,
was when I came to the fact and realized
분노할 수 밖에 없었죠.
that tried to whistle-blow
해고당했기 때문입니다.
가르쳐야 할지 고민이었습니다.
that I was sharing with my students.
had been Wells Fargo employees?
어땠을까라는 생각이 들었죠.
they would have gotten fired.
회사에서 잘렸을 겁니다.
보고하지 않았다면
the frauds that they knew,
그 책임을 져야 할 겁니다.
and didn't report it.
용기를 낼 사람이 있을까요?
with those type of odds?
내부 고발의 중요성을 압니다.
the valuable contributions
내부 고발로 밝혀진 바가 있죠.
are discovered by them.
are discovered by a whistle-blower
내부고발자에 의해 드러났습니다.
외부 감사 등의 방법에 의존하죠.
and external audit.
about some of the more classic
discovered by a whistle-blower.
내부고발자가 밝혀냈습니다.
by a whistle-blower.
내부고발자가 알렸습니다.
버나드 매도프 사건 아시죠?
discovered by a whistle-blower?
to come forward in the name of the truth.
엄청난 용기가 필요합니다.
about the term whistle-blower,
very descriptive words:
the ones I can say from the stage.
단어들만 말씀드린 겁니다.
각지를 돌아다니며
and I interview white-collar felons,
부조리의 피해자와 인터뷰를 했습니다.
what makes them tick
정말 알고 싶었고
back into the classroom.
얘기해 주고 싶었습니다.
제게는 정말 의미 있었습니다.
whistle-blowers that really stick with me.
용기에 대해 되묻게 되었죠.
my own courage.
목소리를 낼 수 있을까라고 말이죠.
would I actually speak up?
몇 가지 이야기가 있습니다.
that I want to share with you.
from the University of North Carolina
노스캐롤라이나 대학교 교수로
at the university,
학습 지도 전문가로 있으면서
primarily student athletes.
주로 체육 특기생을 맡았죠.
when she was working with students,
능력 밖으로 뛰어났던 거예요.
their reading levels.
that there was a database
could retrieve papers and turn them in.
제출한다는 것을 알아냈습니다.
that some of her colleagues
just to keep them eligible to play.
가짜 수업까지 만든다는 걸 알게 됐죠.
she was outraged.
메리는 화가 났습니다.
곧장 상급자를 찾았지만
was go to her direct supervisor.
대학 교무처에도 알렸지만
internal university administrators.
입소문을 타면서
by this reporter,
그녀를 알아보기 시작했죠.
she received a demotion,
살해 위협까지 받았습니다.
성적을 조작한 건 메리가 아닙니다.
She didn't participate in the fraud.
that she was giving voice
메리가 목소리를 낸 것뿐이었는데
신고한 동기까지도요.
살해 위협으로 이어지는 건 아닙니다.
doesn't always have to end
the cover of "Time" magazine,
용기를 낸 세 명의 내부고발자에게
three brave whistle-blowers
in the name of the truth.
actually report retaliation.
보복을 당했다고 나와 있었죠.
that report and are not retaliated against
많다는 것을 의미하죠.
from the city of Dixon.
공무원으로 일하다 은퇴했습니다.
맡은 일을 하고 있는데
just like she always did,
a pretty interesting case.
회계 장부를 작성해야 합니다.
her treasures report for the city,
gave her a list of accounts and said,
계좌 목록을 주면서 이렇게 말하죠.
and get these specific accounts."
이 계좌들 내역을 받아주세요.'
리타는 외출을 했고, 케테도 바빴죠.
and says, "Fax me all of the accounts."
계좌 전부를 팩스로 보내달라고 했죠.
어느 한 계좌 내역에서
she sees that there is an account
and deposits in it
입출금 내역을 발견했습니다.
하고 있었는데도 말이죠.
she reported it to her direct supervisor,
직속 감독관에게 보고했습니다.
그 기간이 6개월이나 됐습니다.
a six-month investigation.
Rita Crundwell, was embezzling money.
횡령을 한 것으로 밝혀졌습니다.
over a 20-year period,
5300만 달러를 횡령했고
to stumble upon it.
다큐멘터리를 제작하면서
"All the Queen's Horses."
나누려고도 하지 않았죠.
to talk to me for a really long time,
she ended up doing the interview.
결국 인터뷰를 할 수 있었죠.
명성이 아니고 말이죠.
드러날 수 있었을까요 ?
would have ever been discovered?
쓰고 있다고 말씀드린 거 기억하시죠?
I was talking about,
정말 놀라운 일이 벌어졌습니다.
really fantastic happened.
from whistle-blowers all over the world.
메일이 오기 시작한 거예요.
and responding back to them,
바로 이런 내용이었습니다.
in the message that I received,
이제 사람들이 저를 싫어합니다.
people really hate me now.
똑같이 행동할 겁니다."
all these messages,
what could I share with my students?
나누면 좋을지 생각해 봤습니다.
깨달은 것이 하나 있습니다.
and this is what I learned.
잃지 말아야 한다는 거죠.
희망적 사실입니다.
that have a beef with the company.
불평만 하지는 않습니다.
내부고발자들이 나설 수 있는 것이죠.
what drives them to come forward.
to their organization
행동에 나서는 것입니다.
but they are seeking fairness.
명성이 아닌 공정함을 추구합니다.
더 용감해져야 합니다.
to cultivate bravery.
미칠 영향을 무시하기도 하지만
had on their family,
is how hard it is to withhold the truth.
더 힘든 일이라고 계속 말합니다.
with one additional name:
다른 분이 생각나네요.
employee for the US Public Health Service.
미국 공공보건국 직원이었습니다.
상담하는 일을 맡고 있었죠.
that was going on within the organization.
임상실험이란 걸 알게 됩니다.
at the progression of untreated syphilis.
경과를 보는 목적이라는 것도요.
600 African American males
제공해 준다는 말을 믿었던 거죠.
free medical exams, burial insurance.
through the course of this study,
효과가 있다는 겁니다.
to help treat syphilis.
페니실린을 주지 않았다는 사실이었습니다
were not given the penicillin
and talk to his internal supervisors,
진실을 알리려 시도했지만
this was completely unfair
very similar to Mary.
마침내 기자와 연락이 닿았죠.
1면 기사 제목인데요.
of the "New York Times":
Went Untreated for 40 Years."
40년간 치료 받지 못했다'
알려져 있는 사건입니다.
as the Tuskegee syphilis experiment.
you may wonder, the 600 original men?
어떻게 되었는지 궁금하시죠?
from syphilis complications,
with congenital syphilis.
가지고 태어났습니다.
courageous act of Peter?
없었다면 말입니다.
that's in a clinical trial,
informed consent today
받도록 되어 있습니다.
용기 있는 행동 덕분이죠.
a variation of the original question.
쓰는 사람이 있을까요?
또는 케테가 될 수 있습니다.
the Peter, the Kathes of the world.
that could shape history,
누군가가 될 수도 있겠죠.
that shapes yours.
여러분을 바꿀 수도 있고요.
Kelly Richmond Pope - Fraud researcher, documentary filmmakerKelly Richmond Pope researches organizational misconduct, ethics and fraud.
Why you should listen
Kelly Richmond Pope is an Associate Professor in the School of Accountancy and MIS at DePaul University where her research focuses on how organizations design cultures and compliance systems to confront the challenges of organizational misconduct, ethics and fraud. She also teaches in executive education programs at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the Quilan School of Business at Loyola University.
Pope's research on organizational misconduct culminated into directing and producing the award-winning documentary, All the Queen's Horses in 2017. Renowned Chicago Sun-Times film critic Richard Roeper cites "kudos to director Kelly Richmond Pope for applying just the right mix of 'What the heck?' whimsy and respectful, serious reporting to this incredible tale." All the Queen's Horses explores the largest municipal fraud in United States history and premiered as the #1 documentary on iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Google Play and Direct TV during its debut week on the video on demand platforms in April 2018.
At the organizational level, Pope examines factors that encourage employees to whistle-blow as well as the ethical decision-making process. This research has been published in leading accounting and business ethics journals and resulted in being selected to develop a TED-Ed lesson entitled "How people rationalize fraud."
Pope is a popular keynote speaker and frequently advises firms about their compliance programs and training. She is regularly invited to speak to regulators, including the Department of Justice, Securities and Exchange Commission, PCAOB, Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigations and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Prior to joining the faculty at DePaul University, Pope worked in the forensic accounting practice at KPMG. She received her doctorate in accounting from Virginia Tech and is a licensed certified public accountant.
Kelly Richmond Pope | Speaker |