Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes: "Chasms"
Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes: „Prăpăstii”
Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes imagines equitable solutions to community and societal problems and works with her community to implement those solutions. Full bio
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atât de adânci și atât de largi,
how we'll ever make it to the other side.
cum vom ajunge de cealaltă parte.
and who we want to be,
și cine vrem să fim,
noastre înalte
between what actually happened
între ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat
sunt lacuri,
caustic and rank.
substanţe caustice și fertile.
as we look one another eye to eye.
în timp ce ne uităm în ochii fiecăruia.
is filled with our hesitations,
e alimentată de ezitările noastre,
să ne uităm într-o parte.
with softer hearts suffer.
cu inimi mai blânde suferă.
să domnească,
has been the fruit of our restraints.
a fost rodul restricțiilor noastre.
sunt departe de a dispărea.
and willingness to heal,
și bunăvoinței noastre de vindecare,
fighting hard in the paint,
of everything we ain't.
a tot ceea ce nu suntem.
our fears collide.
fricile noastre se ciocnesc.
but think we can't.
dar credem că nu putem.
that line our collective integrity.
ce ne aliniază integritatea colectivă.
în virtute.
of the virtuous on your path.
sau doi virtuoși în calea voastră.
that it's I who's been pretending.
că eu am fost cea care s-a prefăcut.
to the will of my injuries,
de voința rănilor mele,
like Nüt until I become the sky.
precum Nüt până devin cerul de sus.
limba cu adevărul,
when we look one another in the eye.
când ne uităm unul în ochii celuilalt.
like the heart, gets tired.
for the strong to stay inspired,
celui puternic,
from escaping the mire,
pe cel ce s-a regăsit să scape din noroi,
from taking us higher.
din a ne ridica mai sus.
from the mouths of these liars,
din gurile acestor mincinoși,
to see our hearts so tattered,
să văd inimile noastre atât de sfâșiate,
of our shackles as gifts.
cătușele drept cadouri.
we let them widen our rifts,
îi lăsăm să ne sporească diferenţele;
şi nu ce ridică.
în lanțurile sale.
to separate their souls from their brains,
să-și separe sufletele de mințile lor,
their integrity insustained.
integritatea lor este susținută.
to those who serve as examples.
celor ce servesc drept exemplu.
nu ar putea anula niciodată
of their composition.
of their mission.
and energizing that is.
și revigorant este.
of codesigning with my neighbors
împreună cu vecinii mei
known as Under the Bridge.
cunoscut ca Under the Bridge.
landed on the Tremé neighborhood,
a 'aterizat' în vecinătatea Tremé,
deținute de negri,
most successful black commercial district,
district comercial de culoare din zonă,
African American neighborhood.
afro-american al națiunii.
of community advocacy,
de activism comunitar,
of thousands of residents
miilor de rezidenți
federal and philanthropic partners,
și filantropi locali,
of transforming the world,
de transformare a lumii,
under the Interstate into community space,
de sub autostradă în spațiu comunitar,
Cultural Innovation District.
a Sectorului Claiborne.
we will bridge memory,
vom face un pod peste amintire,
on the other side.
să vă vedem pe toți de cealaltă parte.
Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes - Community servantAsali DeVan Ecclesiastes imagines equitable solutions to community and societal problems and works with her community to implement those solutions.
Why you should listen
Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes is a mother, daughter, wife, educator, author, event producer and community developer. Most know her by her many pursuits, but the way she knows herself and the world around her is through her exploration of “the word.” Rooted in the cultural soil of New Orleans and watered by the writings of her literary idols, including Kalamu ya Salaam and Toni Morrison, DeVan Ecclesiastes has grown to bask in the sun of her heritage -- from sages who transformed pharaoh into God in Ancient Khemet, to spy boys who chant the way clear for Big Chiefs on Carnival day.
As Director of Strategic Neighborhood Development at New Orleans Business Alliance, DeVan Ecclesiastes leads the place-based development of indigenous African-American neighborhoods, building partnerships, empowering community leaders and advancing work within the priority areas of economic opportunity, cultural preservation, affordable housing, transportation access and environmental sustainability -- realized in the New Orleans's new Cultural Innovation District. With a belief in making bold commitments to address entrenched disparities, no matter her endeavor, DeVan Ecclesiastes continually seeks opportunities to forward her mission of creating a platform for equitable societal change and her vision of social justice for all humanity.
Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes | Speaker |