Irina Kareva: Math can help uncover cancer's secrets
Irina Kareva: Matematica poate contribui la descoperirea secretelor cancerului
Irina Kareva is looking for answers to biological questions using mathematical modeling. Full bio
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of differential equations,
de ecuații diferențiale,
behavior over time
în timp comportamentul
interact with each other
interacționează între ele
these assumptions into equations,
into the language of biology.
în limbajul biologiei.
do not think about what things are;
nu ne gândim cum sunt lucrurile;
between individuals,
and with their environment.
și cu mediul înconjurător.
have in common?
such as cancer cells.
cum ar fi celulele canceroase.
of predator-prey type equations
de tip prădător-pradă
between foxes and rabbits
între vulpi și iepuri
și cele imune.
have been studied extensively
au fost studiate pe larg
of two populations,
dintre două populații
on consuming the other.
pe consumarea celeilalte.
provide a framework
cancer-immune interactions,
to prevent the predator from killing it,
pentru a împiedica prădătorul să o omoare,
interesting implications.
foarte interesante.
in the field of immunotherapy,
în domeniul imunoterapiei,
somewhat limited efficacy
din punct de vedere ecologic,
such as glucose to survive.
pentru a supraviețui.
the immune cells for shared nutrients
imune în lupta pentru nutrienții comuni
not be able to do their job.
nu vor putea să-și facă treaba.
resource type model
prădător-pradă-resurse comune
in my own research.
în cercetările mele.
in the tumor microenvironment --
în microclimatul tumorii --
immune cells get their food --
își primesc hrana --
their edge in fighting cancer, the prey.
în lupta cu cancerul, cu prada.
as an ecosystem,
compete and cooperate
concurează și cooperează
the immune system --
sistemul imunitar --
of the human body.
din corpul uman.
ecosystems from conservation biology?
din biologia conservării?
to extinguish species
de exterminare a unei specii
the key components
and therapeutic interventions
și intervenții terapeutice
and affordable way
of the microenvironment
ale microsistemului
without harming the host,
fără să facem rău gazdei,
goal of my research
și inovații
is to save lives.
applied to biology,
aplicată în biologie,
to the development of drugs.
în evoluția medicamentelor.
recently has remained somewhat marginal,
era de mică anvergură,
mathematical methods,
foarte bine dezvoltate,
of computational power available to us.
care ne stă la dispoziție.
of mathematical modeling
modelelor matematice
that it makes you formalize,
mele sunt adevărate,
for testing biological hypotheses.
pentru testarea ipotezelor biologice.
observațiilor noastre,
so we can make further predictions
deci putem face alte previziuni
aspect of the model.
do not match our observations,
nu se potrivesc cu observațiile,
of our assumptions are wrong,
of the key mechanisms
despre mecanismele cheie
una câte una,
are causing the discrepancy.
care provoacă dezacordul.
identified gap in knowledge
nouă lipsă din cunoaștere
and theoretical approaches.
is extremely complex,
este extrem de complex
parts is not only very difficult,
care se schimbă nu e doar dificilă,
on a scale of seconds, some minutes,
pe o scară de secunde, câteva minute,
to separate those out experimentally.
să le separăm experimental.
so quickly or so slowly
așa de repede sau de încet,
never be able to measure them.
on any subsystem in any timescale
subsistem din orice perioadă
of a modeler alone.
munca celui ce face modelul.
collaboration with biologists.
în strânsă colaborare cu biologul.
some capacity of translation
formulation of a problem
a problemei
for testing hypotheses
de testare a ipotezelor
and therapeutic interventions,
și a intervențiilor terapeutice,
and logical inconsistencies
și neconcordanțe logice
as to where we should keep looking
can help us answer questions
să răspundem la întrebări
sănătatea oamenilor --
person's health, actually --
sănătatea fiecărui om --
to asking the right question
întrebarea potrivită
to the right equation ...
Irina Kareva - Theoretical biologistIrina Kareva is looking for answers to biological questions using mathematical modeling.
Why you should listen
Dr. Irina Kareva studies cancer as an evolving ecosystem, bringing in insights from various disciplines -- from evolutionary biology to paleontology to ergodic theory -- to understand how we can manage, if not cure, cancer like a chronic disease. She has authored more than 25 publications, including several papers with her parents, who are also mathematicians. The Kareva clan was featured in a Nature article entitled "Relationships: Scions of Science."
Kareva is a research scientist at EMD Serono Research Center near Boston Massachusetts, US. Her book, Understanding Cancer from a Systems Biology Point of View: From Observation to Theory and Back, was recently published by Elsevier, and a second book on mathematical modeling of the evolution of heterogeneous populations will be released in mid-2019.
In addition to her scientific studies and endeavors, Kareva also holds a degree in music and works actively as a professional opera singer. She is a member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra’s Tanglewood Festival Chorus, has performed solo roles in local productions, religious music performances, and can even occasionally be heard in pieces as varied as video game soundtracks and heavy metal recordings.
Irina Kareva | Speaker |