Tony Luciani: A mother and son's photographic journey through dementia
Тони Лучани: Фотографическое путешествие матери и сына, преодолевающее дименцию
Tony Luciani picked up a camera in 2014 to document his aging mom's struggle with dementia, beginning a four-year-long voyage of discovery. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
moved in with me,
переехала ко мне,
with memory loss and accepting her age.
с памятью и с принятием возраста.
as comfortable as possible,
чувствовала себя как можно комфортнее,
and see her just ... there.
и просто видел её... там.
спускалась по лестнице, —
and I needed a break from my painting.
необходим отдых от рисования.
I had just bought.
которую я только купил.
it had all sorts of dials,
которые я хотел изучить.
facing this large mirror,
большого зеркала,
to the only bathroom in the house.
ванную комнату в доме.
"I need to use the washroom."
«Мне нужно воспользоваться уборной».
Мне нужно кое-что сделать».
we could do together.
что мы могли делать вместе.
mountain village in central Italy,
деревушке в центральной Италии,
her father died of pneumonia,
её отец умер от пневмонии,
with all the heavy chores.
с тяжёлой домашней работой.
stranger twice her age.
незнакомого мужчину, вдвое старше её.
and was pushed into adulthood.
и была выброшена во взрослую жизнь.
when she was only 16.
когда ей было всего 16 лет.
of a very large sewing department.
очень большого швейного цеха.
of immigrant workers,
from translation books.
из переводческих книг.
Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish,
греческом, испанском, португальском,
all around the house.
венгерском по всему дому.
and determination to succeed
и решимости достичь успеха
with Mom as portrait model.
на маме в качестве портретной модели.
she talked, and I listened.
она говорила, а я слушал.
and how she was feeling now.
и как она чувствует себя сейчас.
her younger years.
мне свои истории.
and I sketched them out.
by acting out the scenarios myself.
разыгрывая сцены сам.
more about photography.
всё больше о фотографии.
she felt wanted and needed.
чувствовала себя важной и нужной.
came from an old German film I'd seen,
из старого немецкого фильма
looked more like "E.T."
выглядит больше как пришелец.
thinking it was a total failure,
с мыслью, что это полный провал,
my particular vision.
задуманного мною видения.
decided to post it online anyway.
всё равно опубликовать её в сети.
of frustration and sadness
которые я хочу сказать,
I forget what they are?"
я их забываю?»
которые я хочу сказать,
I forget what they are?"
я их забываю?»
and full-time painter,
и профессиональный художник
all the difficulties, we played.
всем трудностям, мы играли.
ещё и старением.
"How did I get so old, so fast?"
«Как я так быстро постарела?»
for my oil paintings.
для моих масляных картин.
тяжёлой швейной машинке,
to the floor in the basement.
and bring my schoolwork with me.
приносил домашнюю работу с собой.
in this overstuffed chair.
на доверху заваленный стул.
and the repetitive stitching sounds
повторяющиеся звуки швейной иглы
in my studio for safekeeping.
в своей студии для надёжности.
back to my childhood.
sitting behind me,
кто сидел позади меня,
machine she sewed at
на которой она шила,
смотря как она шьёт,
to keep her busy and thinking.
чтобы она имела занятие и думала.
10 pictures a day of anything she wanted.
в день того, что ей захочется.
in her life before this.
в руках камеру до этого.
and talk about our work.
why they were relevant.
would just bluntly say,
просто говорила:
with words or without.
произнесённое вслух или нет.
hasn't ended with Mom.
не закончилось на маме.
living residence,
to be in my house.
оставаться в моём доме.
But you know what? That's OK.
Но знаете что? Ничего страшного.
when she sees me.
когда меня видит.
or ethical on my part.
и неэтично с моей стороны.
the reasons for doing them.
I appreciated and loved them.
and really listening.
и по-настоящему слушать.
a part of something, anything.
частью чего-то, чего угодно.
exceptionally profound that's shared --
было бы чем-то исключительно глубоким.
как прогулка вместе в парке.
from everyone, please?
и улыбнуться, пожалуйста?
Tony Luciani - ArtistTony Luciani picked up a camera in 2014 to document his aging mom's struggle with dementia, beginning a four-year-long voyage of discovery.
Why you should listen
Tony Luciani picked up a camera in 2014 to document his aging mom's struggle with dementia, and it was the imaginative expression of the collaboration that propelled his work internationally. After more than 40 years as a full-time painter, Luciani garnered worldwide attention with this four-year-long photography series. Their voyage of discovery, expressing the benefits of inclusion and participation within a creative medium, has gone beyond the boundaries of recognizing it as just a personal visual diary.
Luciani graduated from Toronto's Ontario College of Art in 1977 with prestigious honors. At age 21, he was encouraged to continue with his fifth-year post-graduate study in Florence, Italy. It was there that he found maturity while carefully observing the historical paintings of the Renaissance Masters. Upon returning, he was promptly accepted for representation by a well-respected and established Canadian art gallery.
In defining his work, Luciani prefers to be placed in a tradition of realism, which is both interpretive and characterized by focused observation. As a photographer, he likes defining his imagery as an "obvious extension" to what he already creates as an artist.
Luciani's art can be found in private, public and corporate collections globally. An unabridged edition of one-hundred photographs titled "MAMMA, In the Meantime" is in the collection of the local chapter of the Canadian Alzheimer Society. He is represented by Loch Gallery in Toronto, Winnipeg and Calgary.
Tony Luciani | Speaker |