Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado: To solve old problems, study new species
Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado: Per solucionar vells problemes, estudieu noves espècies
Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado wants to understand the how and why of tissue regeneration. Full bio
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in the marine biological laboratory
al laboratori biològic marí
is essentially renting a boat.
essencialment és llogar un vaixell.
amb vaixell amb mi avui.
into Vineyard Sound,
cap a Vineyard Sound,
to identify potential spots
els possibles punts de partida
into the depths of the Atlantic,
cap a les profunditats de l'Atlàntic
to reach the unknown.
per arribar al desconegut.
marine biology lab in the world,
de biologia marina més gran del món,
plankton net into the water
de placton a l’aigua
pays any attention to,
gairebé no para atenció,
that we caught in our net.
que vam atrapar a la nostra red.
is another organism
hi ha un altre organisme
entirely new to science.
totalment nou per a la ciència.
altra bellesa transparent
to reproduce sexually.
reproduir-se sexualment.
on top of its head,
asexualment al seu cap,
sexually in the next generation.
sexualment a la pròxima generació.
extensive genomic ancestry with,
una extensa ascendència genòmica,
invertebrate species to our own.
més propera a la nostra.
at your last family reunion
un lloc a la última reunió familiar
relacionats amb nosaltres
beginning to understand.
començant a entendre.
derisively telling you
a algú dir amb un to burleta
is a simple fishing expedition,
és una simple expedició de pesca,
the trip that we just took.
el viatge que acabem de fer.
sciences only see value
biològiques només veuen valor
el que ja sabem;
interested in the unknown.
ens interesa molt més el desconegut.
completely new continents,
continents completament nous,
vistas of ignorance.
vistes de la ignorància.
of being completely baffled
d'estar completament desconcertats
in being able to say,
per poder dir:
to discover that."
en descobrir allò.
a self-aggrandizing enterprise,
no és una questió d'auto-exaltació,
of discovery research,
d'investigació de descobriment,
idiot most of the time,
com un complet idiota tota la estona,
investigant suficientment.
of this little boat of ours
del nostre petit vaixell
that we know very little about.
de les quals sabem molt poc.
to tell you a story about life
una història sobre la vida
in an environment like this.
en un ambient com aquest.
biological laboratories,
laboratoris biològics del segle XXI,
many mysteries of life with knowledge.
amb coneixement molts misteris de la vida.
of scientific research,
d'investigació centífica,
significant inroads
fundamental principles of life.
principis fundamentals de la vida.
by the growth of biotechnology
en el creixement de la biotecnologia
to cure human diseases.
científics per curar malalties humanes.
degenerative diseases;
malalties degeneratives;
of the undesirables we wish to tame.
que desitgem amansir.
so much trouble
el problema del càncer?
the problem of cancer,
el problema del càncer
shares a common origin,
comparteix un origen comú,
of the history of life on this planet
d'història de la vida en el planeta
of all known species in our planet.
les espècies conegudes del planeta.
and biodiversity,
i de la biodiversitat,
to disparage at all
and often pretend that it is,
i sovint fingim que ho és,
of many things.
medim moltes coses.
analyze and compare,
analitzem i comparem
and indeed necessary.
i de fet és necesari.
biological research to specialize
la investigació biològica s'especialitzi
to interrogate life
de questionar-nos la vida
and unsatisfying depths.
i a profunditats insatisfactòries.
narrow sliver of life,
sorprenentment escasa,
will save all of our lives.
salvin totes les nostres vides.
Administration recently estimated
Oceànica i Atmosfèrica ha estimat
remain unexplored.
dels nostres oceans resten inexplorats.
remain unexplored.
resten inexplorats.
how much about life we do not know.
quant sobre la vida no sabem.
that every week in my field
que cada semana en el meu camp
of more and more new species
més i més espècies noves
in our family tree.
en el nostre arbre genealògic.
of other species of animals out there,
d'altres espècies d'animals allà fora
sorely under-studied.
encara és gairebé desconeguda.
have heard about the fact
haureu sentit a parlar
regenerate its arm after it's lost.
regenerar-se el braç després d'una pèrdua.
regenerate a complete starfish.
regenerar una estrella de mar sencera.
that do truly astounding things.
coses veritablement sorprenents.
of the flatworm, Schmidtea mediterranea.
del cuc pla, Schmidtea mediterranea.
just blow my mind.
and cut it into 18 different fragments,
i tallar-lo en 18 fragments
will go on to regenerate
procedirà a regenerar
how these little dudes do what they do,
com aquests cucs fan el que fan
their secrets readily to me.
els seus secrets fàcilment.
studying these animals,
aquests animals,
de rascar-nos la barbeta
and thousands of regenerations,
i de milers de regeneracions
how these animals do what they do.
aquests animals fan el que fan.
I've been talking to you about
dels que us he estat parlant
to have received the memo
rebut una notificació
according to the rules
seguint les normes
of randomly selected animals
d'animals seleccionats a l'atzar
across the world.
of our understanding
del nostre coneixement
they have garnered,
of the funding,
litany of intractable problems
problemes intractables
that inhabit the planet.
que habiten el planeta.
to impede our progress at best,
nostres progressos en el millor dels casos
on this planet and its history
en aquest planeta i la seva història
as single-cell organisms,
com organismes monocel·lulars
of years in the ocean,
mil·lions d'anys a l'oceà
criatures va dir:
something called multicellularity,
anomenada multicel·lularitat,
decision at the time --
una decisió popular llavors,
organisms began to populate
van començar a poblar
from the surface of the oceans,
de la superfície dels oceans
piece of real estate.
Nothing can live out of water."
Res no pot viure fora de l'aigua".
now that live on land.
que viuen a terra.
looked up into the sky
deurien haver mirat al cel
to go to the clouds,
there's no way you can fly."
no pots volar".
that break the rules,
que trenquen les regles
they invent something new
inventen alguna cosa nova
to be able to here today.
estar avui aquí.
van rebre la notificació.
that break the rules,
que trenquen les regles,
also break the rules?
també trencant les regles?
our spirit of exploration.
nostre esperit d'exploració.
into our laboratories
als laboratoris
that is nature,
que és la natura,
technological armamentarium,
armament tecnològic,
of life we find,
de vida que trobem,
that we may find.
que podem trobar.
all of our intelligence
la nostra intel·ligencia
of the unknown.
la immensitat del desconegut.
va escriure:
for the endless immensity of the sea ..."
immensitat del mar...".
to teach our students
als nostres estudiants
immensity of the sea
species we know of
espècie que coneixem
la investigació cièntifica.
les altres espècies,
into the history of life on this planet.
de la vida d'aquest planeta.
when I say that life is a mystery,
que la vida és un misteri,
is actually an open secret
és de fet un secret a veus
for millennia to understand it.
cridant per entendre-la.
that life has to know itself?
que té la vida per coneixer's?
Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado - Developmental and regeneration biologistAlejandro Sánchez Alvarado wants to understand the how and why of tissue regeneration.
Why you should listen
Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado is fascinated by the fact that the natural ability to restore missing body parts after injury is broadly yet unevenly distributed across the animal kingdom. Why, for instance, can snails grow new heads after decapitation, or salamanders sprout new limbs, tails, even hearts after amputation, while we humans are so impoverished when it comes to these regenerative abilities? To attack this problem Alvarado, his team and his trainees have collectively developed methods and approaches to dissect this problem at unprecedented levels of molecular, genetic and cellular resolution.
Alvarado runs a Howard Hughes Medical Institute laboratory at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City, Missouri, where he is an Investigator. Alejandro and his team of researchers are vigorously dissecting the problem of regeneration using state-of-the-art nucleic acid sequencing, genomic, proteomic, bioinformatics, light and electron microscopy, flow cytometric and histological methods. Their efforts are centered around the flatworm Schmidtea mediterranea, an organism with astonishing regenerative capacities. Small fragments of tissue removed from these animals, for instance, can regenerate complete animals in under two weeks. The basic, discovery research efforts of Alvarado and his team have begun to shed much mechanistic light into the long-standing biological problem of regeneration, and they are poised to inform poorly understood aspects of our own biology.
Alvarado, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, has grown concerned with the current approach of biomedical research of focusing the brunt of its efforts on a handful of randomly selected species. He believes this approach is preventing us from uncovering huge amounts of unknown and relevant biology to understand our own. As Quanta Magazine wrote "Some scientists … argue that by focusing on roughly seven animals out of the estimated 9 million species on Earth, we are missing a huge chunk of interesting biology. 'We are due for a renaissance,' said Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado. 'We have narrowed our focus to a handful of organisms that statistically are highly unlikely to encompass the gamut of biological activity on the planet.'"
Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado | Speaker |