David Casarett: A doctor's case for medical marijuana
David Casarett: Os argumentos dun doutor sobre a marihuana medicinal
David Casarett asks: What if mainstream health care operated more like a medical marijuana dispensary? Full bio
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about the most embarrassing thing
a cousa máis embarazosa
of working as a palliative care physician.
to see a woman in her 70s --
que tería sobre uns 70 anos.
who had pancreatic cancer.
que tiña cancro de páncreas.
she had pain, nausea, vomiting ...
porque tiña dores, náuseas, vómitos...
we talked about those symptoms
that medical marijuana might help her.
que a marihuana medicinal
about medical marijuana,
sobre marihuana medicinal.
because I had learned absolutely nothing.
xa que non aprendera nada en absoluto.
had no benefits whatsoever.
non tiña ningún beneficio.
into the handbag next to the bed,
que tiña ao lado da cama
randomized controlled trials
de ensaios aleatorizados controlados
marijuana has benefits
que a marihuana medicinal é beneficiosa
and pain and anxiety.
a dor ou a ansiedade.
before offering an opinion ...
antes de dar unha opinión...
and found a bunch more.
e atopei moitos máis.
there is some evidence
que si que había probas
pode ofrecer beneficios médicos
really was interested,
estaba realmente interesada
retired English professor?
retirada de 73 anos?
about six months ago.
to discover this stuff. It's amazing."
about medical marijuana
sobre a marihuana medicinal
in medical school
que me deran na facultade
I started talking to researchers,
e a falar con investigadores.
I started listening to patients.
comecei a ouvir aos pacientes.
based on those conversations,
sobre esas conversas.
around three surprises --
en tres sorpresas.
to medical marijuana.
na marihuana medicinal.
as huge or as stunning
tan grandes nin sorprendentes
of medical marijuana
dos defensores da marihuana medicinal
as huge and as scary
tan grandes nin aterradores
marijuana would have us believe,
da marihuana medicinal nos farían crer.
that was most ...
of the patients I talked with
marijuana for help,
en busca de axuda.
because of its benefits
it was a wonder drug,
que era unha droga marabillosa.
control over their illness.
control sobre a súa enfermidade.
e cómoda para eles.
falareilles doutra paciente.
let me tell you about another patient.
like she was in her late 60s.
for the last 20 years,
durante os últimos 20 anos.
on a wheelchair to get around.
para desprazarse.
cognitively, psychologically,
cognitivamente e psicoloxicamente
people I've ever met.
que xamais coñecín.
in Northern California
de marihuana medicinal en California
to medical marijuana,
por que recorrera á marihuana medicinal,
from many patients before.
she slept better.
que nunca escoitara antes:
that I'd never heard before,
control over her life
that worked for her.
then she could make changes.
podía facer algúns cambios.
anybody else's permission --
not a doctor's prescription,
for somebody with chronic illness,
para alguén con unha doenza crónica
a unha doenza crónica
or lupus or cancer or diabetes,
will face a chronic serious illness
some of us will see our cognition decline,
to care for ourselves,
my palliative care patients,
de coidados paliativos,
that will end their lives,
que acabaran coas súas vidas,
constipation, fatigue,
estrinximento, canseira,
more than anything else
control of their health,
dependent on others,
that patients like Robin,
que pacientes como Robin,
some semblance of control.
marijuana dispensaries --
de marihuana medicinal
back the sort of control that they need?
medical hospitals and clinics,
e clínicas convencionais
in Venice Beach in California
en Venice Beach, California
to be a medical marijuana patient.
ser un paciente de marihuana medicinal.
that would let me buy medical marijuana.
marihuana medicinal.
a resident of California --
of recommendation to make a purchase,
que andan por aí...
make a purchase though,
facer unha compra
because it let me be a patient.
porque me permitía ser un paciente.
what patients like Robin experience
de pacientes coma Robin
marijuana dispensary.
de marihuana medicinal.
of people like Robin --
many of these clinics and dispensaries,
en moitas desas clínicas e dispensarios
at the outset about who I am,
for a medical marijuana prescription,
as miñas preferencias,
what my preferences are,
this might help me,
que me ía axudar,
get asked all the time.
reciben todo o tempo.
that make me confident
que me fan confiar en que
really has my best interests at heart
pensa nos meus mellores intereses
in those clinics
que aprendín nestas clínicas
behind the counter,
ao outro lado do mostrador.
from folks in the waiting room.
as I was sitting next to them --
cando eu sentaba á súa beira,
why they use medical marijuana,
e por que consumían marihuana medicinal,
a hive of interaction, advice and support.
a xente de detrás do mostrador.
those people were
por como esa xente estaba disposta
talking me through the nuances
explicando os matices
making any purchase whatsoever.
de facer compra ningunha.
you went to any hospital or clinic
que foron a un hospital ou clínica
explaining those sorts of things to you.
explicándolles ese tipo de cousas.
are going to these clinics,
de atención personalizada
of personalized attention
to the healthcare system.
para o sistema sanitario.
from mainstream medicine,
a medicina convencional,
de marihuana medicinal
are giving them what they need.
to the medical establishment,
para o sistema sanitario,
of my colleagues are either not hearing
dos meus compañeiros non escoitan
en particular con doutores,
physicians in particular,
sobre os beneficios
we need more evidence about risks."
about the benefits of medical marijuana.
da marihuana medicinal.
to reschedule marijuana to Schedule II,
que modifique as restricións da marihuana
to make that research possible.
into medical marijuana's risks.
sobre os riscos da marihuana medicinal.
the risks of recreational use,
about the risks of medical marijuana.
sobre os da marihuana medicinal.
to make any changes now
facer cambios agora
aren't seeking out medical marijuana
non busca marihuana medicinal
unha droga marabillosa
it's entirely risk-free.
in which it's delivered and administered
they need over their lives.
sobre as súas vidas.
we really need to pay attention to.
á que lle temos que facer caso.
there are lessons we can learn today
que hoxe podemos aprender
we really should learn.
mom-and-pop operations
pequenos negocios familiares
sen formación médica.
and dispensaries are providing services
están ofrecendo servizos e apoio
healthcare systems aren't --
sistemas sanitarios non fan
three lessons at least
from those small dispensaries.
deses pequenos dispensarios.
to give patients more control
de darlles máis control aos pacientes
with healthcare providers,
in ways that work for them.
de forma que funcionen para eles.
creative and flexible
in using drugs safely
are drugs like opioids or benzodiazepines
son opioides ou benzodiacepinas
se se consomen en exceso.
if they're not used in a way
se non se usan de xeito consistente
what patients want and need.
if it's delivered safely,
se se ofrece de forma segura
for patients and their families.
para os pacientes e as súas familias.
of those medical marijuana dispensaries
deses dispensarios de marihuana
a lot of physician time necessarily,
a un médico moito máis tempo,
about what medications we're using
sobre que medicamentos usan
de aprender uns doutros.
to learn from each other.
dispensary waiting rooms?
desas clínicas ou dispensarios médicos?
how people share with each other.
como a xente comparte.
those medical marijuana dispensaries do,
igual que fan os dispensarios.
legitimately like what they want,
que o que eles queren,
como profesionais médicos.
their fears, their goals and preferences.
temores, metas e preferencias.
hoping for and what they're afraid of.
que esperan e que temen.
ata sufriren unha doenza crónica,
until they're chronically seriously ill,
until they're seeing a physician like me
a ver un doutor coma min
E os seus temores?"
that healthcare is delivered.
na que se ofrece o servizo sanitario.
and clinics all across the country
de todo o país
máis grandes e convencionais
health systems are years behind.
moitas letras detrás do noso nome,
lots of letters after our name,
of a large healthcare system,
dun gran sistema sanitario
about how to meet patients' needs.
as necesidades dos pacientes.
a few medical marijuana dispensaries.
de marihuana medicinal.
why so many patients like Robin
por que moitos pacientes coma Robin
marijuana dispensaries instead.
de marihuana medicinal.
what their tricks are,
cales son os seus trucos
and I absolutely think we have to,
e por suposto penso que debemos,
will have a much better experience.
terán unha mellor experiencia.
David Casarett - PhysicianDavid Casarett asks: What if mainstream health care operated more like a medical marijuana dispensary?
Why you should listen
In his third book, Stoned: A Doctor's Case for Medical Marijuana, palliative care physician David Casarett takes a first-person investigative journalist's approach to making sense of marijuana's therapeutic potential and adverse effects. He shares what he's learned about this chronically misunderstood drug -- including the control it gives patients over their health and the educational atmosphere of dispensaries -- and outlines what we still need to do to explore its potential health benefits.
Casarett is a professor of medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine and chief of palliative care for the Duke Health System. He is the author of more than 100 journal articles, numerous magazine articles, and Shocked, another nonfiction book about the science of resuscitation. Casarett's first novel in the Ethical Chiang Mai Detective Agency series, Murder at the House of Rooster Happiness, was published in September 2016. The next installment, The Missing Guests of the Magic Grove Hotel, will be published in the fall of 2017.
David Casarett | Speaker | TED.com