James Bridle: The nightmare videos of children's YouTube -- and what's wrong with the internet today
جهیمس بڕیدڵ: خهونی ناخۆشی منداڵان له یوتیوب و كاریگهرییە هەنوکەییە خراپەکانی ئینتهرنێت
Working across technologies and disciplines, James Bridle examines technology, knowledge and the end of the future. Full bio
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of military drones
and get their heads around
سەیری دهوروبهریان بكهن بۆ
and hard-to-think-about technologies.
.ببینرێت و بیری لێبکرێتەوە
that predict the results of elections
كه ئهنجامی ههڵبژاردن پێشبینی دهكات
of these weird new technologies are.
.ئهو تهكنهلۆجیا سهیرانه چین
my own self-driving car.
.تایبەت بە خۆم دروست کرد
really trust technology,
،به تهكنهلۆجیا نییه
I find them completely fascinating,
،تهواوی لێ دەبینم
when we talk about technology,
،بە تهكنهلۆجیا دهدوێین
opening up loads of chocolate eggs
هێلكه چوكلاتیهكانی دهكاتهوه
for seven long minutes.
.خولهك تەها ئەوەندە دهكات
two things about this.
has 30 million views.
.٣٠ملیۆن بینهری ههیه
that has 6.3 million subscribers,
،٦.٣ ملیۆن سەبسکرایبەری ههیه
،ڤیدیۆکانی ههشت بلیۆنه
opening up these eggs.
.كوڕه دهكات كه هێلكهكه دهكاتهوه
for "surprise eggs" on YouTube,
،له یوتیوب بۆ"هێلكهی سهرسامی" بگهڕێیت
10 million of these videos,
،لهو جۆره ڤیدیۆیانهت پێدهڵێت
of these videos
of brands and materials,
being uploaded every single day.
.ڕۆژانه بڵاو دهكرێنهو
who are watching these videos.
.سهیری دهكهن گەورە نین
like crack for little kids.
dopamine hit of the reveal,
over and over and over again,
،چهند جارێك دوباره سهیر دهكهن
and hours and hours.
.كاتژمێرێك ئهوه دهكهن
the screen away from them,
in the audience nodding --
ئامادهبووهكان سهر دهلهقێنن
with small children and ask them,
،و كهسێك بپرسه
the surprise egg videos.
.هێلكهی سهرسامی دهزانن
Facebook and Instagram are using
و ئینستگرام بهكار دێنن
to hack the brains of very small children
مێشكی منداڵی بچوك هاك بكهن
.هیوا دهخوازم ئەم کارە بکەن
that's what they're doing.
of making ad revenue on YouTube.
.بۆ بەدەست هێنانی داهات ڕیكلام هەیە
popular kids' cartoons
بهناوبانگی منداڵان بگهڕێی
of these online as well.
.ڤیدیۆی سەرهێڵی دهدۆزیهوه
by the original content creators.
.سهرهكی بڵاو نهكراونهتهوه
of different random accounts,
،جیاوازهكانهوه دێن
who's posting them
of our digital services,
،زۆربهمان ڕوودهدات
where this information is coming from.
.زانیاریانه لهكوێوه دێن
له لهدایك بوونهوه
that comes along,
،بكات دیته پێشی
a terribly good idea.
that's really big on kids' YouTube.
.ههیه له یوتیوبی منداڵ
in the audience.
،بینهری ههبوو
into your brain
it seared itself into mine,
these finger family videos
ئهم ڤیدۆیی پهنجهی خێزانییه
in different languages
.کارتۆنی بەناوبانگ
of animation elements
جۆره توخمێكی ههست بزوێن
and millions and millions of these videos
ملیۆنانی ئهم ڤیدۆیانه
kind of insane combinations.
.شته تێكهڵاویهكان
you start to spend with them,
،هێنانیان دهكهی
you start to feel that you might be.
.تا ههست بكهی كهتۆ لهوانهبیت
kind of launched into this,
and deep lack of understanding
تێنەگەیشتنێکی زۆر
that seems to be presented around me.
.پیێشكهشكردنی دهوروبهرم
where these things are coming from.
.ئهو شتانه لهكوێوه دێن
of teams of professional animators.
.شارهزای ههستبزوێن دروستكرابن
assembled by software.
.بهرنامهكان كۆیاندهكهنهوه
young kids' entertainers.
.ههیه منداڵ چێژی لێدهبینێ
shouldn't be around children at all.
of figuring out who's making this stuff --
ئهستهمییه دروست دهكات
that we can't tell the difference
feel kind of familiar right now?
ئێستادا ههست بهئاشنابوون بكهی؟
on their videos --
ڤیدیۆكانیان سهیربكهن
of these videos with these popular terms.
.وشه گرینگهكان دهخهنهڕوو
"Paw Patrol," "Easter egg,"
popular videos into your title,
،ڤیدیۆ بهناوبانگهكان بهكاربێنی
meaningless mash of language
بێمانایه كۆتای پێدێنی
.بۆ مرۆڤ ناشێت
tiny kids who are watching your video,
،منداڵی بچوك سهیری ئهوانە دهكهن
for this stuff is software.
.بۆ ئهو شته بهرنامهیهكه
are like other videos,
to make them recommended.
kind of completely meaningless mash,
،بهبێمانایی كۆتای پێدههێنیت
this algorithmically optimized system,
ناو ئالگۆڕیزمی گهشبینی
of increasingly forced to act out
ناچاركران نواندن بكهن
combinations of words,
،بهشێوهیهكی سهیر
responding to the combined screams
كاردانهوهی بۆ تێكهڵكردنی
trapped within these systems,
،سیستهمهكه به تهڵهوه بونه
about this algorithmically driven culture,
،شاراوهیه دهربارهی ئالگۆڕیزم
watching this stuff,
،ئهو شتانه دهكهن
by these weird mechanisms.
.سهرنجیان ڕادهكێشن
to even use a website.
.بۆ بهكارهێنانی ئهو ماڵپهڕانه
on the screen with their little hands.
over and over and over in a loop,
in the system now
له سیستهمهكه ههیه
to some pretty strange places.
.زۆر شوێنی جوان و سهیر
of a counting train
شهمهندهفهری ژماردن بڕۆی
keywords come home to roost.
.ڕەگیان داکوتاوە
trollish in-jokes or something,
،وهك نوكته یان شتی تر
to a very weird place indeed.
or sexual content, right?
توند و تیژیه یاخود جنسیه، وایه؟
.بە شتی نەشیاو
genuinely terrify children.
.به گشتی منداڵ دهتۆقێنن
all of these different influences
kids' worst nightmares.
.لهسهر خهوی ناخۆشی منداڵ
does affect small children.
.ههیه لهسهر منداڵی بچوك
being traumatized,
،منداڵ دهدهن
cartoon characters.
.ئهو كارتۆنهی حهزیان لێیه
it's that if you have small children,
،دهتهوێت له یهك شت لایان بدهیت
that really gets to me about this,
understand how we got to this point.
.چۆن دهگهین بهوخاڵه
all of these things,
،و دهسهڵاتهمان بهدهست هێنا
that no one really intended.
.هیچ كهس بهو شێوه نهیتوانیوه
that we're building the entire world.
.جیهانی لهسهر بنیات دهنێین
full of prejudice,
،كه پڕیهتی له لایهن گری كویرانه
impulses of history,
into huge data sets
به داتای گهورهو زۆر
into things like credit reports,
،شتێكمان لێدروستكردوه وهك ڕاپۆرتی كارد
policing systems,
constructing the world today
دونیای لهسهر دروست دهكهین
that seems to be entirely optimized
کە تەواو لە گونجاو دەچێت
of human behavior,
to have done it by accident,
،دروست كردوه
that we were doing it,
،ئهوهمان دروست كردوه
the systems that we were building,
،تێناگهین كه دروستمان كردوه
how to do anything differently with it.
.بكهین بهشێوهیهكی جیاواز لهوه
that really seem to be driving this
پێم وایه ڕۆڵیان ههبووه
actually developing this content,
،كه له ڕاستیدا ئهو كاره پیشدهخهن
the separation of those things.
.و جیاكردنهوهی ئهو شتانه
about the use of advertising
لهچۆنیهتی بهكارهێنانی ڕیكلامدا
rolling around in the sand
بهدهرپێی منداڵان لهناو خۆڵ بێوبچێت
that they don't really understand
كه تهواو لێی تێناگهن
probably isn't the thing
our society and culture upon,
،لهسهر بنیاتبنێین
we should be funding it.
.پشتگیری دارای بكهین
the major driver of this is automation,
،لهو به ئۆتۆماتیك كردنه
of all of this technology
ههمو تهكنهلۆجیایهیه
without any kind of oversight,
،بهبێ هیچ چاودێریهك
"Hey, it's not us, it's the technology."
".ڕۆیشتنمان، "ئێمه نین تهكنهلۆجیایه
just algorithmically governed,
،ڕێكخراو بهڕیوه نابرێت
to pay attention to this,
،بهوهی گرنگی پێبدهیت
they'd do about it
شتێكی لهبارهوه دهكهن
better machine learning algorithms
ئهلگۆریزم بڵاوبكهنهوه
as any expert in it will tell you,
،ههرئهزمونێك بهتۆ دهڵێت
understand how it works.
.نازانین چۆن كاردهكات
enough of that already.
this stuff up to AI to decide
بۆ ئهی ئای تا بڕیار بدات
legitimate public speech.
that's left up to unaccountable systems.
.بۆ سیستهمێكی نهژمێردراو
all of us should be having.
.كه پێویسته ههمانبیت
very pleasant, either.
.زۆر بەهێز نییە
a version of their kids' app
تایبەت بە منداڵان
moderated by humans.
.لهلایهن مرۆڤهوه
much the same thing at Congress,
،زۆرشتی هاوشێوهی وت
were going to moderate their stuff.
.نیوهنگیری ستافهكهیانی كرد
the first person to see this stuff,
،كهس بن ئهو ستافه ببینن
precarious contract workers
وهك عهقدێكی ئیشكردن
quite a lot better than that.
.باشتر بكهین
two things together, really, for me,
،بۆمن پێكهوه دهنیت
understand -- by agency, I mean:
:تێدهگهین، مهبهستم
in our own best interests.
.بهپێی ئهو توانایهی ههمانه
really fully understand.
.لێی تێناگهین
always leads to violence.
.بۆ توندو تیژی
does the same thing.
.ههمان شت دهكات
to start to improve these systems,
،بۆ بهرهو پێشبردنی ئهو سیستهمه بیكهم
to the people who use them,
،بۆ ئهوانهی بهكاری دێنن
a common understanding
هاوبهشمان ههیه
most about these systems
دهربارهی ئهم سیستهمه
I've explained, really about YouTube.
،دهربارهی یوتیوب ڕوونم كردبێتهوه
that inherently results
كه سهرچاوه دهگرێت
of power in a few hands --
لهههندێك دهستی كهمدا
and not just of technology in general,
،و نه بۆ تهكنهلۆجیا بهگشتی
this global system, the internet,
،دروست كرد، ئینتهرنێت
in this extraordinary way,
،پیشانی ئێمهی دهدهن
often hidden desires and biases
حهزه شاراوه ولایهنگیریمان به كۆد
so that we can see them,
،بۆیه به ئاسانی دهیبینین
they don't exist anymore.
،چونكه له هیچ كوێ بونیان نییه
as a solution to all of our problems,
،كێشهكانمان چارهسهر دهكات
to what those problems actually are,
،جۆری كێشهكه بیریلێبكهوه
about them properly
for coming and giving us that talk.
.پێدانی ئهو قسانەت
the robotic overlords take over,
،ڕۆبۆتێكی گهوره شتێك بهدهست دههێنێت
than what you're describing.
.بهراورد بهوهی باستكرد
you have the resistance mounting.
.لهوهیه ڕێگریت ههبێت
towards this stuff?
لهبهردهم ئهو ستافه؟
green shoots of resistance?
پێش چون دهبینیت، لهو ڕێگریه؟
about direct resistance,
،دهربارهی ڕێگری ڕاستهوخۆ نازانم
is super long-term.
.و ههرواش دهمێننهوه
in really deep ways.
.تێكهڵی كهلتوربوونه
Eleanor Saitta, always says
ههمیشه دهڵێت
of sufficient scale and scope
بوارێكی پێویستدا
to address within this
ئیشی لهسهر دهكهین تا بیانناسێنین
just by building the technology better,
،بونیادنانی تهكنهلجیا باشتر بناسرێن
that's producing these technologies.
.کە تەکنەلۆژیا بەرهەمدێنێت
a hell of a long way to go.
.و دوور له ڕێمان دایه
about them super honestly,
،بهشێوهیهكی ڕاستگۆییانه
to at least begin that process.
.به دروستكردنی ئهو پڕۆسه
legibility and digital literacy,
،ڕوونی خوێندهواری
of digital literacy on users themselves.
.بخهینه ئهستۆی بهكارهێنهران خۆیان
is education in this new world?
دهكهوێته ئهستۆی پهروهرده؟
is kind of up to all of us,
،پهیوهسته به ههمومانهوه
everything we build, everything we make,
،و دروستی دهكهین
in a consensual discussion
گفتوگۆی لهبارهوه بكرێت
intended to trick and surprise people
فریو بدات یا توشی سهرسوڕمانیان بكات
in every step in educating them,
،ههنگاوێكی پهروهرده كردنیان
is educational.
about even this really grim stuff,
،بابهت و گروپه دڵخۆشی كردوم
and look at it properly,
a piece of education
how complex systems come together and work
چهند ئاڵۆزن و پێكهوه كاردهكهن
that knowledge elsewhere in the world.
.بكهوێ له ههر كوێیهكی جیهان بێت
an important discussion,
،گفتوگۆیهكی گرینگبوو
are really open and prepared to have it,
،كراوهیه و وهری دهگرن
James Bridle - Artist, writerWorking across technologies and disciplines, James Bridle examines technology, knowledge and the end of the future.
Why you should listen
James Bridle is an artist and writer working across technologies and disciplines. His artworks and installations have been exhibited in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia, and have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of visitors online. He has been commissioned by organizations including the Victoria & Albert Museum, the Barbican, Artangel, the Oslo Architecture Triennale and the Istanbul Design Biennial, and he has been honored by Ars Electronica, the Japan Media Arts Festival and the Design Museum, London. His writing on literature, culture and networks has appeared in magazines and newspapers including Frieze, Wired, Domus, Cabinet, The Atlantic, the New Statesman and many others, and he has written a regular column for The Observer.
New Dark Age, Bridle's book about technology, knowledge and the end of the future is forthcoming from Verso (UK & US) in 2018. He lectures regularly on radio, at conferences, universities and other events including SXSW, Lift, the Global Art Forum and Re:Publica. He has been a resident at Lighthouse, Brighton, the White Building, London and Eyebeam, New York, and an adjunct professor on the interactive telecommunications program at New York University.
James Bridle | Speaker | TED.com