Alix Generous: How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's
Alix Generous is a college student and biology researcher with Asperger syndrome. She stresses the importance of building accepting environments for all kinds of minds. Full bio
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spontaneously appear ...
del no res homes atractius
llegir i compondre música.
my personal statement to college
sol·licitud per a entrar a la universitat
instincts and language.
més aviat instints i llenguatge.
test, and troubleshoot everything --
provar i inclús solucionar
in his mind, accurately.
a la seva ment, i en detall.
to our species, anyway.
exclusiu de les nostres espècies.
to hyper-focus on things that interest me.
a fons en les coses que m'interessen.
tenir un afer amb el càlcul
I had an affair with calculus
than some celebrity marriages.
matrimoni d'alguns famosos.
poc usuals en mi.
unusual things about me.
that I don't have much inflection
often confuse me with a GPS.
amb el GPS.
pot convertir-se en un repte
a challenge, unless you need directions.
vulguis arribar a una adreça.
doing presentations,
començar a parlar en públic,
for the first time.
una mirada provocativa.
what she was talking about.
què volia dir allò.
you know, with your eyes,
ja saps, amb els ulls,
els nois".
Li vaig preguntar.
buscant a Wally
de per què en Wally s'amaga.
one is expected to display.
bàsiques que s'esperen de nosaltres.
en molts aspectes
I struggled to fit in socially.
per a encaixar amb la societat.
però jo no els entenia.
but I didn't understand them.
and Stephen Colbert --
i Stephen Colbert,
el sentit de l'humor.
from being shy and awkward
i vaig passar de ser tímida i maldestra
com un camioner.
I did not have many friends.
no tenia gaires amics.
was like pins and needles,
em provocava una mena de formigueig
em vaig negar a dutxar-me.
is up to standards now, though.
tinc un nivell d'higiene normal.
and my parents --
fins aquí i els meus pares també.
when I was sexually assaulted by a peer,
quan un company em va agredir sexualment,
it made a difficult situation worse.
era difícil, va empitjorar més.
across the country to get treatment,
travessar el país i rebre un tractament
un nou medicament,
a new medication,
en un episodi de Walking Dead.
of the Walking Dead.
and began to hallucinate
vaig començar a tenir al·lucinacions,
were coming towards me.
que se m'apropaven.
ja havia perdut nou quilos,
in those three weeks,
de salut on entenien les aversions,
that understood my aversions,
que patia,
rebre, per fi, l'ajuda que necessitava.
and I got the help I finally needed.
treballar dur,
és que, moltes vegades,
is that oftentimes,
a very complex inner life,
interior molt complexa,
tinc una personalitat molt vívida
I have a very colorful personality,
em ronden pel cap.
going on in my mind.
entre això que em passa pel cap
between where that stands,
with the rest of the world.
a la resta del món.
basic communication a challenge.
bàsica en tot un repte.
disposades a contractar-me,
due to my lack of social skills,
que patia,
sol·licitud a Waffle House.
excepcional obert les 24 hores,
24-hour diner --
patates fregides tan extensa
would dispose of a human corpse ...
tens per a desfer-te d'un cadàver...
topped, capped, and covered.
recobertes o arrebossades.
convencions socials
at an ungodly hour in the night.
a una hora intempestiva de la nit.
with a waitress, and I asked her,
parlant amb una cambrera li pregunto:
that's happened to you on the job?"
passat a la feina?"
a man walked in completely naked.
home completament nu.
al torn de nit!"
for the graveyard shift!"
Waffle House did not hire me.
no em va contractar.
it can be viewed as a disadvantage,
Asperger és un inconvenient,
a real pain in the butt,
to think innovatively.
pensar de manera creativa.
for my research on coral reefs,
un concurs d'investigació
coralls marines,
Diversitat Biològica de la ONU
of Biological Diversity,
to graduate college,
d'acabar la universitat,
company called AutismSees.
de biotecnologia, l'AutismSees.
hagut de fer per a arribar on sóc:
and years of pain and trauma.
i molts anys de dolor i de traumes.
if there's a better way,
si hi havia una forma millor,
autism-assistive technology.
de recolzament cap a l'autisme.
dur a terme un paper clau
could play an integral role
with autistic spectrum disorder,
de l'espectre autista o TEA.
AutismSees ha creat,
by my company, AutismSees,
avaluacions independents
and help develop communication skills.
les habilitats de comunicació.
eye contact through camera
visual a través d'una càmera
and job-interview experience.
o una entrevista de feina.
Waffle House will hire me,
Waffle House em contractarà
amb aquesta aplicació.
is that I've used Podium
he practicat aquesta xerrada
and it's been a great help.
ajudat molt.
un exemple.
més coses.
les persones amb TEA,
that many innovative scientists,
molts científics innovadors,
i enginyers que els pateixen,
and engineers have it;
Jane Austen, Isaac Newton, and Bill Gates
Jane Austen, Isaac Newton i Bill Gates,
often can't be shared
les seves brillants idees
are being overlooked every day,
autisme són infravalorades dia a dia
is to change that,
amb autisme és canviar això,
that prevent them from succeeding.
que els impedeixen tenir èxit.
m'encanta somniar desperta
ser lliure,
conseqüències socials i físiques.
and physical consequences.
that I create in my mind,
and Angelina is totally cool with it.
i l'Angelina no s'enfada.
technology is bigger than that,
per a recolzar l'autisme
i més important.
de la gent sobre l'autisme
with higher-functioning Asperger's
formes avançades d'Asperger
pot fer moltes coses.
Temple Grandin, for example.
per exemple.
to share their talents with this world
compartir el seu talent amb el món
to pursue their dreams
perseguir els seus somnis,
Alix Generous - AdvocateAlix Generous is a college student and biology researcher with Asperger syndrome. She stresses the importance of building accepting environments for all kinds of minds.
Why you should listen
Alix Generous has Asperger syndrome, but was misdiagnosed for years. A student and researcher who is passionate about molecular biology and neuroscience, she encourages people like her to share their intelligence and insights. She is a co-owner of the startup AutismSees, which develops technology tools to help all kinds of people give presentations.
At 19, Generous won first place in a nationwide competition for her work in quorum sensing and coral reefs. Her paper titled "Environmental Threats on the Symbiotic Relationship of Coral Reefs and Quorum Sensing," was published in Consilience. In November 2013, she was a youth delegate for the UN Convention of Climate Change (COP19), where she negotiated technology transfers and issues of medical importance. She has assisted neuroscience researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina, Tufts University School of Medicine, and the University of Vermont.
Alix Generous | Speaker |