Alix Generous: How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's
Alix Generous: Kako sam unatoč Aspergerovu sindromu naučila dijeliti svoj unutrašnji život s ostatkom svijeta
Alix Generous is a college student and biology researcher with Asperger syndrome. She stresses the importance of building accepting environments for all kinds of minds. Full bio
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spontaneously appear ...
my personal statement to college
napisala sam osobnu izjavu za faks
instincts and language.
poput instinkta i jezika.
test, and troubleshoot everything --
testirati i rješavati probleme
in his mind, accurately.
to our species, anyway.
samo na našu vrstu.
Google prevoditelja.
to hyper-focus on things that interest me.
na stvari koje me zanimaju.
I had an affair with calculus
s infinitezimalnim računom
than some celebrity marriages.
brakova slavnih osoba.
unusual things about me.
that I don't have much inflection
da nemam previše infleksije
often confuse me with a GPS.
a challenge, unless you need directions.
zna biti teška, osim ako trebate upute.
doing presentations,
počela raditi prezentacije,
for the first time.
da izgledam koketno.
what she was talking about.
you know, with your eyes,
znaš ono, ono s očima
zašto se Waldo skriva.
one is expected to display.
osnovnih društvenih vještina.
I struggled to fit in socially.
problema s uklapanjem u društvo.
but I didn't understand them.
a ja ih nisam razumjela.
and Stephen Colbert --
George Carlin i Stephen Colbert
from being shy and awkward
od sramežljive i neprilagođene
I did not have many friends.
was like pins and needles,
is up to standards now, though.
osobna higijena zadovoljavajuća.
and my parents --
jako potruditi i ja i moji roditelji.
when I was sexually assaulted by a peer,
kad me je vršnjak seksualno napastvovao,
it made a difficult situation worse.
situaciju učinilo još težom.
across the country to get treatment,
a new medication,
nakon što su me stavili na novi lijek,
of the Walking Dead.
u epizodu "Živih mrtvaca".
and began to hallucinate
i počela sam halucinirati
were coming towards me.
in those three weeks,
that understood my aversions,
centar koji je shvaćao moje averzije,
and I got the help I finally needed.
dobila potrebnu pomoć.
nevjerojatnim stvarima.
is that oftentimes,
a very complex inner life,
I have a very colorful personality,
jako šaroliku osobnost,
going on in my mind.
događa u mojoj glavi.
between where that stands,
with the rest of the world.
basic communication a challenge.
due to my lack of social skills,
zbog manjka socijalnih vještina.
za posao u "Waffle House".
24-hour diner --
koji radi 24 sata na dan.
would dispose of a human corpse ...
biste se mogli i riješiti trupla.
topped, capped, and covered.
prelivene, prekrivene, pokrivene.
at an ungodly hour in the night.
with a waitress, and I asked her,
s konobaricom i upitala je:
that's happened to you on the job?"
koja ti se dogodila na poslu?"
a man walked in completely naked.
u restoran ušao potpuno gol.
for the graveyard shift!"
Waffle House did not hire me.
Waffle House nije zaposlio.
it can be viewed as a disadvantage,
može izgledati kao nepogoda.
a real pain in the butt,
to think innovatively.
da razmišljam inovativno.
for my research on coral reefs,
natjecanju projektom o koraljnim grebenima
of Biological Diversity,
bioloških raznolikosti
to graduate college,
company called AutismSees.
biotehnološke tvrtke "AutismSees".
trebala proći da dođem do toga:
and years of pain and trauma.
i godine boli i trauma.
if there's a better way,
postoji li bolji način
autism-assistive technology.
tehnologija za pomoć autistima.
could play an integral role
mogla igrati ključnu ulogu
with autistic spectrum disorder,
by my company, AutismSees,
moja tvrtka AutismSees,
and help develop communication skills.
vještine i pomoći u njihovu razvoju
eye contact through camera
and job-interview experience.
i razgovora za posao.
Waffle House will hire me,
is that I've used Podium
and it's been a great help.
i bio mi je od velike pomoći.
that many innovative scientists,
mnogi inovativni znanstvenici,
and engineers have it;
Jane Austen, Isaac Newton, and Bill Gates
Isaac Newton i Bill Gates
often can't be shared
često ne mogu podijeliti s drugima
are being overlooked every day,
u svakodnevnom životu bivaju zanemarene
is to change that,
to promijeniti za ljude s autizmom,
that prevent them from succeeding.
koje im stoje na putu do uspjeha.
zašto volim lucidno sanjanje
da budem slobodna,
and physical consequences.
that I create in my mind,
koje stvorim u vlastitom umu,
and Angelina is totally cool with it.
i Angelina nema ništa protiv.
technology is bigger than that,
autistima ipak je nešto viši
with higher-functioning Asperger's
s visokofunkcionalnim Aspergerom
Temple Grandin, for example.
to share their talents with this world
da dijele svoje talente sa svijetom
to pursue their dreams
da slijede svoje snove.
Alix Generous - AdvocateAlix Generous is a college student and biology researcher with Asperger syndrome. She stresses the importance of building accepting environments for all kinds of minds.
Why you should listen
Alix Generous has Asperger syndrome, but was misdiagnosed for years. A student and researcher who is passionate about molecular biology and neuroscience, she encourages people like her to share their intelligence and insights. She is a co-owner of the startup AutismSees, which develops technology tools to help all kinds of people give presentations.
At 19, Generous won first place in a nationwide competition for her work in quorum sensing and coral reefs. Her paper titled "Environmental Threats on the Symbiotic Relationship of Coral Reefs and Quorum Sensing," was published in Consilience. In November 2013, she was a youth delegate for the UN Convention of Climate Change (COP19), where she negotiated technology transfers and issues of medical importance. She has assisted neuroscience researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina, Tufts University School of Medicine, and the University of Vermont.
Alix Generous | Speaker |