Pratik Shah: How AI is making it easier to diagnose disease
Pratik Shah: Jak pomáhá umělá inteligence při diagnostikování nemoci
Dr. Pratik Shah creates novel intersections between engineering, medical imaging, machine learning and medicine. Full bio
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are performing incredible tasks
předvádí neuvěřitelné výkony
díky inteligenci, která se podobá lidské.
using human-like intelligence.
is often referred to as AI
se často říká AI,
on our lives in the future.
obrovský dopad na naše životy.
we still face massive challenges
čelíme obrovským problémům
several life-threatening illnesses,
některých životu ohrožujících nemocí,
due to liver and oral cancer.
těchto nemocí.
and diagnoses of these diseases.
A může nám s tím umělá inteligence pomoci?
and can artificial intelligence help?
are suspected of these diseases,
podezření na tyto nemoci,
medical imaging technologies
CTs, MRIs, to be performed.
CT či magnetickou resonanci.
those images and talks to the patient.
určí diagnózu a sdělí ji pacientovi.
a very resource-intensive process,
expensive medical imaging technologies,
drahé zobrazovací přístroje.
pro rozvojové země.
for the developing world.
industrialized nations, as well.
mnoho industrializovaných zemí.
using artificial intelligence?
s umělou inteligenci?
artificial intelligence architectures
of these very expensive medical images
to an expert physician,
those images for me.
or a deep learning network
nebo sítě hlubokého učení,
intelligence approaches
and expert medical imaging technologies.
a specializovaných zobrazovacích zařízení.
umělé inteligence,
intelligence architectures
problems facing us today?
kterým nyní čelíme?
what my group at MIT Media Lab does.
při MIT Media Lab.
of unorthodox AI architectures
architektury umělé inteligence,
challenges facing us today
problémy, kterým nyní čelíme
with you today, we had two goals.
jsme měli dva cíle.
the number of images
počet snímků,
algoritmů umělé inteligence.
artificial intelligence algorithms.
of expensive medical imaging technologies
zdravotnických zobrazovacích technologií
with tens and thousands
drahých zdravotnických snímků,
like traditional AI,
zdravotnického snímku.
figured out a very clever way
dokázali chytře získat
of information packets.
included colors, pixels, geometry
barvách, pixelech, uspořádání
on the medical image.
na zdravotnickém snímku.
into billions of training data points,
na miliardy zkušebních datových bodů,
needed for training.
která jsou pro učení zapotřebí.
imaging technologies to screen patients,
snímkovacích technologií,
white light photograph,
fotografií s bílým světlem,
or a mobile phone, for the patient.
nebo mobilním telefonem.
billions of information packets?
informačních souborů?
the medical image onto this image,
na tento obrázek
that we call a composite image.
říkáme složený snímek.
we only required 50 --
potřebovali pouze 50.
our algorithms to high efficiencies.
very expensive medical images,
zdravotnických snímků,
in an unorthodox way,
neortodoxním způsobem,
but standard photographs,
s vysokým rozlišením,
and mobile phones,
nebo mobilem
in the future and even right now,
a již nyní mohou analyzovat
photographs from the patient,
osvětlené fotografie pacienta,
medical imaging technologies.
to enter an era
vstoupit do doby,
impact on our future.
about traditional AI,
tradiční umělé inteligence,
ale je málo využitelná,
intelligence architectures,
umělé inteligence,
problems facing us today,
ve zdravotnictví čelíme.
Pratik Shah - Medical technologistDr. Pratik Shah creates novel intersections between engineering, medical imaging, machine learning and medicine.
Why you should listen
Dr. Shah's research program at the MIT Media Lab develops scalable and low-cost diagnostics and therapeutics. His ongoing research areas at MIT include: 1) artificial intelligence and machine learning methods for detection of cancer biomarkers using standard photographs vs. expensive medical images; 2) unorthodox artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to design optimal and faster clinical trials and to reduce adverse effects on patients; and 3) low-cost and open source imaging devices, paper diagnostics, algorithms and mobile phones to improve public health and generate real-world data.
Clinical studies with Pratik's medical technologies have revealed "missing sick" patients, who otherwise remain undiagnosed in conventional healthcare settings. Dr. Shah's graduate and postdoctoral research contributed to the discovery of a vaccine component to prevent pneumococcal (Streptococcus pneumoniae) diseases; the identification of new pathways, technologies and metabolites as antimicrobials to target gastrointestinal infections; and a nonprofit to deploy a low-cost water quality test for the developing world.
Past recognition for Dr. Shah includes the American Society for Microbiology's Raymond W. Sarber national award, the Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospitals ECOR Fund for Medical Discovery postdoctoral fellowship, the AAAS-Lemelson Invention Ambassador Award and a TED Fellowship. Pratik has been an invited discussion leader at Gordon Research Seminars; a speaker at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Gordon Research Conferences and IEEE bioengineering conferences; and a peer reviewer for leading scientific publications and funding agencies. Pratik has a BS, MS, and a PhD in Microbiology and completed fellowship training at The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Pratik Shah | Speaker |