Chris Sheldrick: A precise, three-word address for every place on earth
Chris Sheldrick: Pontos, háromszavas címzés minden földlakónak
Chris Sheldrick is providing a precise and simple way to talk about location, by dividing the world into a grid of three-meter by three-meter squares and assigning each one a unique three-word address. Full bio
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without an address.
are trying to change that.
hogyan igyekszünk ezen változtatni.
and look at a favela in Brazil
megnézünk egy brazíliai favelát
but a lot of empty space.
de sok üres területet is.
homes and businesses
házak és vállalkozások
and unaddressed spaces.
és cím nélküli területeken.
scrawled onto the sides of walls,
but not finished them.
félbemaradt címzési rendszerekkel.
these unaddressed places,
of addressing stuck with me.
business for 10 years,
about the music world
with the problems of addressing.
küzdenek a címzés nehézségével.
who have to find the gigs
kereső zenésztől kezdve
who bring the equipment,
to our schedules
akit fölhívhattunk, ha azt hittük,
when you thought you'd arrived
unloaded all the equipment
Rómától egy órányira északra
not an hour south of Rome,
nem pedig órányira délre.
called me and said,
but we may have just sound-checked
ahol kellett volna."
with a friend of mine
kezdhetünk az üggyel valamit.
we could do something about.
we could make a new system,
egy új rendszert,
hogy a címek nem jók.
latitude and longitude,
a földrajzi szélesség és hosszúság,
into three-meter squares.
osztottuk be a világot,
three-meter squares,
háromméteres négyzetre,
enough combinations
hogy három-három szótári szóból
square in the world uniquely
the 57-trillion-odd three-meter squares,
háromméteres négyzetre,
into three-meter squares,
háromméteres négyzetekre,
háromszavas azonosítót,
three-word identifier --
négyzeten állok,
should be able to use this system
like Xhosa, Zulu and Hindi.
és hindi nyelvűn is dolgozunk.
odaérjenek fellépésük helyszínére.
to their gigs on time.
that struggle with reliable addressing
küszködő országok 75%-a
important applications.
alkalmazásra nyílna lehetőség.
three-word address signs
címtáblát osztott szét
when they go into labor,
where to pick them up from,
órákba telik megtalálni őket.
have often taken hours to find them.
have adopted the system
to many people's houses
to geotag photos in disaster zones
készült fotókat geotaggingolja,
to exactly the right place.
kerüljön a segélycsomag.
are using it in the Caribbean,
használja a Karibi-térségben,
to find customers' homes,
megtalálni a megrendelők házát,
hozzájuk eljuttatni a pizzát.
their pizza to them while its still hot.
to that exact spot.
arra a helyszínre visz.
has leapfrogged phone lines
vezetékes telefonok helyett
to go straight to mobile payments.
s közvetlenül mobilon fizetnek.
of three African countries --
hogy három afrikai ország:
és Elefántcsontpart postája
three-word addresses,
to explain where they live, today.
magyarázni, hol laknak.
was an annoying frustration,
their infrastructure growth,
infrastrukturális fejlődésüket,
Chris Sheldrick - EntrepreneurChris Sheldrick is providing a precise and simple way to talk about location, by dividing the world into a grid of three-meter by three-meter squares and assigning each one a unique three-word address.
Why you should listen
It's a fundamental logistical problem: not everyone, or everywhere, has a traditional address, and GPS coordinates can be tough to use. While working in the music industry, Chris Sheldrick noticed that bands and equipment kept getting lost on the way to gigs, and he took up the mission to create a better addressing system for the world. He worked with a mathematician friend to devise the what3words algorithm that has named every 3-metre square in the world. Started in 2013, the system is being used by eight national postal services, and has a range of integration partners across the world in fields as varied as humanitarian aid, logistics, and in-car navigation.
Chris Sheldrick | Speaker |