Amy Adele Hasinoff: How to practice safe sexting
Amy Adele Hasinoff: Bagaimana berkirim SMS seks yang aman
Amy Adele Hasinoff studies gender, sexuality, privacy and consent in new media. Full bio
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to talk about sex for a long time.
tentang seks sepanjang waktu.
with a man that she met over the telegraph
yang bertemu seorang pria lewat telegraf
and I am a sexting expert.
dan saya ahli SMS seks.
I think you do too.
saya rasa Anda juga tahu.
the media attention to it began in 2008.
hal itu menjadi perhatian media pada 2008.
panic about sexting.
kepanikan moral akibat SMS seks.
about the wrong thing.
hal yang salah.
sexting from happening entirely.
mencegah SMS seks terjadi.
what's the problem with sexting?
apa yang salah?
that you may not be into,
yang mungkin tak menarik bagi Anda,
like anything that's fun,
seperti semua hal lain yang menyenangkan,
to someone who doesn't want to receive it,
pada orang yang tak mau menerimanya,
private images of others
menyebarkan gambar pribadi orang lain
is think a lot more about digital privacy.
mulai berpikir tentang privasi digital.
are thinking about sexting
untuk mengirim SMS seks
about consent at all.
berpikir tentang kesepakatan.
criminalize teen sexting?
kita mengkriminalkan SMS seks oleh remaja?
it counts as child pornography,
karena termasuk pornografi anak,
and shared it willingly.
dan menyebarkannya dengan sadar.
bizarre legal situation
situasi hukum yang ajaib
can legally have sex in most US states
legal melakukan seks di hampir seluruh AS
passing sexting misdemeanor laws
mengesahkannya menjadi pelanggaran ringan
make consensual sexting illegal.
SMS seks dengan kesepakatan.
to try to address privacy violations.
menyikapinya sebagai pelanggaran privasi.
by just making dating completely illegal.
dengan sama sekali melarang kencan.
but can you guess who does?
SMS seks, tapi tebak siapa yang ditangkap?
by their partner's parents.
oleh orang tua pacarnya.
racism or homophobia.
rasisme, atau homofobia.
of course, smart enough
cukup cerdas untuk tidak
against teenagers, but some do.
pada remaja, tapi beberapa melakukannya.
at the University of New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire
possession arrests are teens,
pornografi anak adalah remaja,
SMS seks ke pasangannya.
kriminal berat,
the same thing as teen sexting.
dengan SMS seks oleh remaja.
are also responding to sexting
beranggapan sama tentang SMS seks
too much about consent.
tentang kesepakatan.
just don't do it.
jangan lakukan itu.
there are serious legal risks
ada risiko hukum yang serius
for privacy violations.
as you were told, right?
yang disuruh, bukan?
my kid would never sext.
anakku tak mungkin berkirim SMS seks.
may not be sexting
tidak berkirim SMS seks
yang berkirim SMS seks.
odds are they will be sexting.
mereka mungkin akan melakukannya.
above 50 percent for 18- to 24-year-olds.
angka lebih 50% pada remaja 18-24 tahun.
isn't sexting just so dangerous, though?
bukankah SMS seks berbahaya?
leave your wallet on a park bench
dompet Anda di kursi taman
if you do that, right?
Anda melakukannya, 'kan?
at your boyfriend's house.
dompet Anda di rumah pacar.
these privacy violations,
of our private information.
peredaran informasi pribadi.
raises privacy concerns.
kecemasan akan privasi.
major debates about privacy
di AS tentang privasi
that were relatively new at the time.
yang relatif baru saat itu.
people were worried about cameras,
mengkhawatirkan kamera,
more portable than ever before,
would capture information about them,
informasi tentang mereka,
and widely disseminate it.
dan menyebarkannya secara luas.
now with social media and drone cameras,
media sosial dan kamera drone,
can amplify and bring out
menguatkan dan mengungkap
with a dangerous new technology.
teknologi baru yang berbahaya.
mobil Model T.
it looks so safe, right?
padahal terlihat aman, 'kan?
was to try to change drivers' behavior,
adalah mengubah perilaku sopir,
and enforced them through fines.
dan menerapkannya lewat sanksi.
of the car itself is not just neutral.
tak sekadar netral.
shatter-resistant windshields.
kaca depan anti pecah.
came together over time
bekerja bersama-sama
that a new technology causes.
dihasilkan teknologi baru.
with digital privacy.
dengan privasi digital.
your private information,
informasi pribadi Anda,
comes from anti-rape activists
datang dari para aktivis anti-perkosaan
for every sexual act.
untuk tindakan seksual apa pun.
for consent in a lot of other areas.
akan kesepakatan di aspek hidup lainnya.
consenting to that medical procedure.
untuk menyetujui prosedur medis itu.
like with an iTunes Terms of Service
persyaratan layanan iTunes
and you're like, agree, agree, whatever.
menekan setuju, setuju, apa pun lah.
we can have better privacy laws.
hukum privasi kita bisa jadi lebih baik.
that many protections.
is a terrible person,
adalah orang yang jahat,
and upload them to a porn site.
telanjang Anda ke situs porno.
to get those images taken down.
if you took the images of yourself
yang mengambil foto itu
file a copyright claim.
pelanggaran hak cipta.
violates your privacy,
melanggar privasi Anda,
or a company or the NSA,
that digital privacy is just impossible.
privasi digital itu mustahil.
to punish anyone for violating it.
siapa pun yang melanggarnya.
asking me all the time,
the line between public and private
batasnya, pribadi atau umum
is not just automatically public.
menjadi milik umum.
Helen Nissenbaum tells us,
Helen Nissenbaum berkata,
of information that's private,
bentuk informasi pribadi,
if it's digital or not.
apakah itu digital atau bukan.
just share them with anyone.
bisa menyebarkannya.
is held in digital databases,
disimpan dalam bentuk digital,
just post your purchase history online.
mengunggah riwayat belanja secara online.
privacy violations after they happen,
pelanggaran privasi kita bila itu terjadi,
we can all do is make personal changes
adalah perubahan secara pribadi
individual responsibility.
and update your privacy settings.
pengaturan privasi kita secara berkala.
you wouldn't want the entire world to see.
yang kita tak ingin diketahui dunia.
with people we trust all day, every day.
percaya sepanjang waktu, setiap hari.
Janet Vertesi argues,
Janet Vertesi berargumen,
they're not just personal,
tidak hanya bersifat pribadi,
that's really easy
dan sangat mudah
you share anyone else's information.
menyebarkan informasi mengenai seseorang.
of someone online, ask for permission.
seseorang secara online, minta persetujuan
someone's nude selfie,
foto telanjang seseorang,
help us protect each other's privacy,
membantu menjaga privasi orang lain,
on board as well.
perusahaan teknologi juga.
incentive to help protect our privacy
untuk bantu melindungi kita
depend on us sharing everything
kita menyebarkan semua hal
to anyone that you want.
pada siapa pun yang Anda mau.
if that image was forwardable or not?
apakah foto itu bisa disebar atau tidak?
have my permission to send this image out.
saya tak mengizinkan Anda melakukannya.
to protect copyright.
untuk menjaga hak cipta.
send it out to as many people as you want.
menyebarkannya dengan banyak orang.
pada ponsel?
that tech companies add these protections
teknologi untuk menambah perlindungan ini
as the default.
sebagai mode asal.
the color of your car,
warna mobil Anda,
selalu standar.
about digital privacy and consent,
privasi digital dan kesepakatan,
for the sake of her privacy.
untuk menjaga privasinya.
with her high school boyfriend,
ke pacarnya di SMA,
around the entire school.
ke semua orang di sekolah.
her classmates harassed her.
teman-temannya melecehkannya.
and her grades dropped.
dan nilai-nilainya jatuh.
to end her own life.
untuk mengakhiri hidupnya.
that she could trust.
ia pikir bisa dipercaya.
equivalent to child pornography.
yang setara pornografi anak.
this nude image of herself,
horrible, shameful thing.
dan memalukan.
is impossible in digital media,
privasi di media digital itu mustahil,
her boyfriend's bad, bad behavior.
perilaku buruk pacarnya.
to victims of privacy violations,
pada para korban pelanggaran privasi,
what to say instead, try this.
lebih baik coba ini.
who broke their leg skiing.
patah kaki karena bermain ski.
and it didn't end well.
dan berakhir buruk.
not going to be the jerk who says,
dan berkata,
have gone skiing then."
tak usah main ski."
of privacy violations
korban pelanggaran privasi
harassment or punishment.
pelecehan atau hukuman.
and we can prevent some privacy violations
dan kita bisa mencegah pelanggaran privasi
individual and technological changes.
pribadi, dan teknologi.
the issue is digital privacy.
masalahnya adalah privasi digital.
of a privacy violation comes up to you,
datang padamu,
let's do this instead:
mari lakukan ini:
about digital privacy,
tentang privasi digital,
Amy Adele Hasinoff - Communications researcherAmy Adele Hasinoff studies gender, sexuality, privacy and consent in new media.
Why you should listen
Amy Adele Hasinoff investigates how we think about communication technologies as both the cause of and solution to social problems. She wrote a book, Sexting Panic, about the well-intentioned but problematic responses to sexting in mass media, law and education. The National Communication Association described it as "[T]he rare book that advances scholarly conversations while also promising to enrich family conversations around the dinner table."
Hasinoff is an Assistant Professor in the communication department at the University of Colorado Denver. She publishes regularly in scholarly journals and books and wrote an op-ed about sexting for the New York Times.
Amy Adele Hasinoff | Speaker |