Kashfia Rahman: How risk-taking changes a teenager's brain
Kashfia Rahman: Bagaimana pengambilan risiko mengubah otak remaja
Kashfia Rahman studies psychology, cognitive science and global health policy at Harvard University. Full bio
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to understand a teenager?
memahami remaja?
that some teens do well in school,
bahwa beberapa anak cemerlang di sekolah
di komunitas sekitar,
demi tantangan online,
for an online challenge,
mencoba obat terlarang.
with illicit drugs.
be so smart, skilled and responsible --
cerdas, berbakat, dan bertangggung jawab,
di saat yang sama?
my peers in person
took such crazy risks.
remaja mengambil risiko gila tersebut.
from DARE class in the fifth grade
dari kelas DARE saat kelas 5 SD
diri terhadap risiko berbahaya ini,
themselves to these harmful risks,
untuk terus mengambil risiko.
to continue taking risks.
"menjelajahi ilmu pengetahuan"
"to explore knowledge,"
for a scientific explanation.
that teens ages 13 to 18
berusia 13 sampai 18 tahun
ketimbang anak-anak atau dewasa,
than children or adults,
begitu berani?
that they're going through?
yang harus mereka lalui?
have already found evidence
menemukan bukti
dalam proses pematangan,
is still in the process of maturation --
dalam pengambilan keputusan,
exceptionally poor at decision-making,
perilaku berisiko.
to risky behaviors.
if the maturing brain is to blame,
adalah pematangan otak,
dibandingkan anak-anak,
more vulnerable than children,
ketimbang anak-anak?
are more developed than those of children?
take risks at the same level.
mengambil risiko di tingkat yang sama.
or unintentional causes
mendorong mereka menantang risiko?
what I decided to research.
sebagai topik penelitian saya.
on the basis of a psychological process
pada proses psikologi
as "getting used to it."
adapt to some behaviors,
otak jadi terbiasa akan suatu perilaku,
misalnya berbohong.
untuk merancang proyek
to design a project
apakah prinsip yang sama
pengambilan risiko pada remaja.
rise of risk-taking in teenagers.
pengambilan risiko
habituation to risk-taking
otak remaja yang sejatinya masih rawan
the already-vulnerable teenage brain
bahkan menghilangkan
associated with risk,
jadi tidak begitu takut dan bersalah,
would feel less fearful and guilty,
lebih sering mengambil risiko.
to even more risk-taking.
a research study
membuat pilihan tidak patut
outrageous choices
dan kemaslahatan mereka?
to their health and well-being?
mengukur aktivitas otak mereka,
to measure their brain activity,
dan membimbing saya selama penelitian.
and guide me along the way.
a high school in South Dakota
untuk eksplorasi sains.
for scientific exploration.
dan klub lainnya,
or research mentors.
pembimbing penelitian.
dalam lomba ilmiah sangatlah asing.
in a science fair was completely foreign.
have the ingredients
of Bangladeshi immigrants
of Muslim students
yang berperan dalam masyarakat,
with something to contribute to society,
remaja kulit cokelat berhijab,
the scarf-wearing brown girl
in my homogenous hometown.
kota saya yang homogen.
tersedia untuk anak-anak seperti saya
could be for kids like me
niche-nya di bidang lain.
find their niche elsewhere.
yang terbatas,
rintangan yang awalnya tampak mustahil.
seemingly impossible obstacles.
menggunakan berbagai metodologi,
with a variety of methodologies,
yang sederhana
tim sepak bola amerika di sekolah,
my school's football coach,
dokumen yang dibutuhkan.
to sign necessary paperwork.
laboratorium ensefalografi,
untuk mengukur tanggapan emosi,
used to measure emotional responses,
with my own money,
dengan uang saya sendiri,
menabung untuk membelinya.
were saving up for.
yang berumur antara 13 hingga 18 tahun.
ages 13 to 18, from my high school.
in my school library,
di perpustakaan sekolah,
simulasi komputer pengambilan keputusan
decision-making simulation
yang sesuai dengan kejadian nyata,
comparable to ones in the real world,
penyalahgunaan obat, dan berjudi.
12 kali selama tiga hari
12 times over three days
terhadap risiko.
yang beragam:
emotional responses:
kesenangan, frustrasi,
excitement, frustration,
dan relaksasi.
emotion-measuring scales.
yang tervalidasi dengan baik.
proses habituasi
the process of habituation
pengambilan keputusan.
menyelesaikan penelitian ini.
to complete this research.
menyusun proposal,
drafting proposals,
setengah sadar dibantu kafein,
in a caffeinated daze at 2am,
that habituation to risk-taking
habituasi pengambilan risiko
by altering their emotional levels,
meningkatkan keparahan pengambilan risiko
that were normally associated with risks,
terkait dengan risiko,
rasa bersalah, dan gugup,
mereka terpajan simulator risiko.
exposed to the risk simulator.
and enforced self-control,
dan memaksakan pengendalian diri,
mengambil lebih banyak risiko.
from taking more risks.
to the risks through the simulator,
terpapar pada risiko melalui simulator,
dan stres mereka berkurang.
and stressed they became.
tidak lagi dapat merasakan
merasa takut dan berhati-hati.
fear and caution instincts.
dan otak mereka masih belum matang,
and their brains are still underdeveloped,
terhadap perilaku yang menantang nyali.
in thrill-seeking behaviors.
dalam pengambilan keputusan rendah,
for logical decision-making,
yang berbahaya.
yang masih berkembang.
isn't to blame.
dalam pengambilan risiko
also plays a key role in risk-taking
untuk mengambil risiko
perubahan struktur dan fungsi
and functional changes
yang masih berkembang,
that my research was able to highlight
dari penelitian saya
otak remaja secara fisik
change a teen's brain
yang lebih besar.
yang belum matang
of the immature teen brain
kerusakan yang lebih parah.
to create more damaging effects.
and the general public
dan masyarakat umum
peringatan bukan hanya karena sengaja
willfully ignoring warnings
in increasingly more dangerous behavior.
tindakan yang makin berbahaya.
is their habituation to risks:
mengadapi habituasi terhadap risiko:
and emotional functional changes
yang bisa terdeteksi
their over-the-top risk-taking.
pengambilan risiko yang melampaui batas.
that provide safer environments
yang menyediakan lingkungan aman
terhadap risiko tinggi,
that reflect this insight.
yang mencerminkan pemahaman ini.
untuk para remaja.
a wake-up call for teens, too.
dan bersalah yang alami dan penting
and necessary fear and guilt
repeatedly choose risky behaviors.
memilih tindakan berisiko.
with fellow teenagers and scientists,
penemuan saya kepada remaja dan ilmuwan,
and Engineering Fair, atau ISEF.
Science and Engineering Fair, or ISEF,
regions and territories,
dan penemuan canggih mereka.
research and inventions.
pameran ilmiah.
penelitian saya
to experts in neuroscience and psychology
neurosains dan psikologi
memorable moment of the week
di minggu itu mungkin adalah
suddenly uttered my name
menyerukan nama saya
that I questioned myself:
telah meraih juara pertama
and Social Sciences."
karena mendapatkan pengakuan,
to have this recognition,
selama pameran ilmiah
of science fair that validated my efforts
juga menjaga rasa ingin tahu saya
percobaan di perpustakaan sekolah ini
experimenting in my school library
semacam inspirasi.
a sort of inspiration.
taught me to take risks.
untuk mengambil risiko.
incredibly ironic.
setelah sadar bahwa
often come from risk-taking --
datang setelah mengambil risiko,
negative type that I studied,
yang sudah saya teliti,
risiko yang positif.
untuk menghadapi keadaan yang tak lazim,
my unconventional circumstances,
lebih toleran, ulet, dan sabar
resilience and patience
memberi saya ide-ide baru
have led me to new ideas
of negative risk-taking also true?
pengambilan risiko negatif juga benar?
melonjak setelah pemaparan berulang?
escalate with repeated exposures?
fungsi otak yang positif juga?
build positive brain functioning?
untuk penelitian berikutnya.
my next research idea.
Kashfia Rahman - Psychology researcherKashfia Rahman studies psychology, cognitive science and global health policy at Harvard University.
Why you should listen
The daughter of Bangladeshi immigrants, Kashfia Rahman grew up as a minority in a homogenous community in Brookings, South Dakota. When she was in high school, she noticed her peers frequently succumbing to risky behaviors as well as the ruthless burdens of stress and peer pressure. Working directly on peers at her school, she dedicated research to studying the neuroscientific and psychological processes underlying these behaviors, and how the environment plays a role in emotion-processing and cognitive functioning in teens. With the hopes of raising awareness to minimize the potential for engaging in harmful behaviors, she took her research to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, a culmination of 1,800 students from over 75 countries sometimes described as the "Olympics of science fairs." For her research projects, she was awarded first place in her category as well as was recognized by the National Institutes on Drug Abuse and the American Psychological Association.
Rahman is also a Google Science Fair finalist and a Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholar. Featured in the National Geographic documentary Science Fair for her dedication to science research, Rahman is passionate about sharing her pathway to research and strives to expand the platform for marginalized and disempowered voices. She is also interested in bridging the gender and racial gap in the field of STEM and in advocating for healthy environments to improve teens' behavioral and mental health.
Kashfia Rahman | Speaker | TED.com