Liv Boeree: 3 lessons on decision-making from a poker champion
Liv Boeree: 3 pokerio čempionės sprendimų priėmimo pamokos
Liv Boeree investigates how we make better decisions in an uncertain world. Full bio
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three things that the game has taught me
tris dalykus, kurių išmokau žaisdama.
that I find apply to everyday life.
kasdienėse situacijose.
is about luck.
a game of skill and luck,
ir sėkmės žaidimas.
to the biggest things we care about --
svarbiausius dalykus –
on the quality of our decision-making,
nuo priimamų sprendimų kokybės,
perfectly health-conscious
visiškai sveikai,
with something like cancer.
and live to a ripe old age,
ir nugyventi ilgą gyvenimą.
can make it hard for us to know
mums suvokti,
experiencing a lot of success.
known as the European Poker Tour.
garsųjį „Europos pokerio turą“.
full-time for about a year,
ir žaidžiau pokerį,
I must be rather brilliant.
kad turbūt esu be galo sumani.
with studying the game,
the biggest tournaments I could
from a thing of beauty
visą savo grožį,
downhill trend for a long time,
leisdamasi žemyn,
that I was overestimating my skill level,
kad pervertinau savo gebėjimus.
of what we've been seeing
ką stebėjome
at least in 2017,
bent jau 2017 m.,
faster than the markets themselves
greičiau nei pačios rinkos,
investment specialists"
to have a strategic edge,
strategiškai pirmauti.
it's very easy to feel like a genius
that's going up so fast
kad net ir
are making a profit.
neša pelną.
to really ask ourselves
ir savęs paklausti,
the luck factor when we're winning.
sėkmės faktorių, kai laimim.
of quantifying my thinking.
mąstyti skaičiais.
you can't just get away with going,
vadovautis tik spėjimu
a bunch of money,
of probabilities and precision,
tikimybių ir tikslumo žaidimas.
to think in numbers.
mąstyti skaičiais.
really important, like,
man svarbius dalykus, pavyzdžiui,
what I want to say in my TED Talk,"
ką noriu pasakyti TED“,
with the planning process.
labai padeda planuojant veiklą.
that could possibly happen here today,
kas gali šiandien čia nutikti,
as a probability, too.
in numbers as well.
to come along to that thing tonight?"
į tą renginį?“,
"Yeah, probably,"
„Taip, tikriausiai“,
a little odd --
atlikau apklausą tviteryje
the word "probably" to mean,
reiškia žodis „galbūt“.
any real information.
jokios tikros informacijos.
using these vague words,
vartojate miglotus žodžius,
because when we speak in numbers,
nes kalbėdami skaičiais
in the other person's brain.
to touch on today is intuition.
noriu pakalbėti šiandien, yra intuicija.
these kinds of inspirational memes
įkvepiančius memus
and never second-guess.]
ir juo neabejokite.]
poker players in the world right now.
pokerio žaidėjų pasaulyje.
purely off feelings and intuitions?
tik savo jausmų ir nuojautos?
are about slow, careful analysis,
has outgrown the days
jau nebepakanka
and people-reading
kasdieniame gyvenime,
aren't nearly as perfect
nėra tokia jau tobula,
whenever we're in a tough spot,
susidūrus su sunkumais,
from some magical source of inspiration.
koks magiškas vidinis įkvėpimo šaltinis.
is extremely vulnerable
mūsų vidiniam balsui
thinking and biases.
ir šališkas mąstymas.
vidinio balso?
for everyday things
kasdienėse situacijose,
and lots of experience in,
that our friend is mad at us
kad draugas ant mūsų pyksta,
into a tight parking spot.
tilps į labai siaurą tarpą.
svarbius dalykus,
kad nuojauta
than slow, proper analysis?
nei lėta gili analizė?
any data to be based off.
konkrečiais įrodymais.
while we shouldn't ignore our intuitions,
intuicijos nereikia ignoruoti,
these three lessons today
pamokų santrauką.
across a large sample size."
kuo didesnė duomenų imtis.“
and so is a cost-benefit analysis.
kaip ir ekonominės naudos analizė.“
damn well try and estimate it."
jos apskaičiuoti.“
Liv Boeree - Science communicator, games specialistLiv Boeree investigates how we make better decisions in an uncertain world.
Why you should listen
Liv Boeree is a science communicator and games specialist. A former professional poker player, she has won multiple championship titles on the international poker circuit and was the #1 ranked female player in 2016. Previously, she studied astrophysics and became fascinated with applying scientific thinking to everyday life. This introduced her to effective altruism: a philosophical movement that uses evidence and reason to identify and mitigate the world's most pressing problems. In 2014, she co-founded Raising for Effective Giving, a non-profit that fundraises for the most globally impactful charities and research organizations.
Liv Boeree | Speaker |