Ashton Cofer: A plan to recycle the unrecyclable
Аштон Кофер: Залуу зохион бүтээгчийн хөөсөнцөр дахин боловсруулах санаа
Ashton Cofer and his FIRST Robotics team won the Google Science Fair for developing a process to convert Styrofoam waste into activated carbon for purifying water. Full bio
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playing video games.
to get something to drink,
that I was supposed to be doing,
my family's dinner on fire.
оройн хоол биш л дээ.
was about to catch fire.
started recording a Snapchat video.
of my team's science project.
төслийн дөнгөж эхлэл нь.
and three other students
LEGO robotics competition for kids,
лего роботын тэмцээнд оролцож байв.
on a separate science project,
ажиллаж байсан бөгөөд
that we were working on.
took a trip to Central America
нягтаршсан хөөсөнцөр хавтангууд
and told us about it,
in which we see Styrofoam every day.
bigger than the TV itself.
хавтан үлддэг.
are sure going to add up.
after their one-time use?
existing solutions for used Styrofoam,
end up right in the landfill,
pounds of Styrofoam,
25 percent of landfills.
accumulations of Styrofoam waste?
like many plastics?
дахин боловсруулж болохгүй гэж?
polystyrene is too expensive
for Styrofoam that has to be recycled.
зах зээл нь маш жижигхэн.
is considered a nonrenewable material,
боломжгүй учраас шүү дээ.
nor viable to recycle polystyrene.
of many products containing polystyrene,
авч явах зориулалттай
бараа бүтээгдэхүүнүүд орно.
in today's society.
has become the first country
тавагнууд хэрэглэхийг
from its cheap, lightweight, insulating
хүртэхийн зэрэгцээ
from the repercussions
зовлонг нь мэдрэхгүй бол яах вэ?
something else that's actually useful?
зүйл болгож чадвал яах вэ?
the impossible possible?
боломжтой болговол яах вэ?
the carbon that's already in Styrofoam
идэвхжсэн нүүрс төрөгч болгох
every water filter today.
by using very small micropores
from water or even air.
шүүн гадагшлуулдаг.
by doing a variety of heating tests,
туршилтууд хийж эхэлсэн юм.
vaporized into nothing,
by our failures that we almost gave up.
байтал үргэлжлүүлсэн бэ?
said it was impossible?
We don't know any better.
Мэдэхгүй зүйл олон байгаа шүү дээ.
because we thought it was still possible.
үргэлжлүүлсээр байсан юм.
орчиндоо туслаад зогсохгүй
and making the world a better place.
times and chemicals,
activated carbon from Styrofoam waste.
the thing that had been impossible
many failures at the beginning,
to get the test results that we wanted.
нүүрс төрөгч гаргаад зогсохгүй,
to create activated carbon
боломжийг нээн дэлхийн хоёр том
to reduce Styrofoam waste,
with just one solution.
to take our project further,
урамшин илүү үр дүнтэй болгохын тулд
to make it more effective
байдалд туршиж үзлээ.
STEM-in-Action program
Innovator Award
шагнал авсан юм.
бид үйл ажиллагаагаа
to file a full patent on our process
with catching my dad's grill on fire
that we almost quit,
үнэ цэнэтэй санагдаж байна.
when we look back at it now.
that many people said was impossible
гэсэн асуудлыг авч
үргэлжлүүлэн тууштай зүтгэсэн.
like nothing that we did would work.
шарж байсан зүйл нь
if your grill goes up in flames,
when your idea might just catch fire.
гал болон дүрэлзэж
Ashton Cofer - Youth inventorAshton Cofer and his FIRST Robotics team won the Google Science Fair for developing a process to convert Styrofoam waste into activated carbon for purifying water.
Why you should listen
Ashton Cofer has several patents pending, including a method to convert polystyrene foam waste into activated carbon for purifying water. He and his teammates recently won the 2016 Google Science Fair’s Scientific American Innovator Award. Ashton has a passion for science and technology, and in addition to inventing, he also competed in FIRST LEGO League robotics and teaches robotics workshops to local area youth in his hometown of Columbus, Ohio.
Ashton Cofer | Speaker |