Sebastian Wernicke: How to use data to make a hit TV show
Sebastian Wernicke: Cum să foloseşti informatica pentru a crea o emisiune TV de succes
After making a splash in the field of bioinformatics, Sebastian Wernicke moved on to the corporate sphere, where he motivates and manages multidimensional projects. Full bio
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have probably never heard about,
n-ați auzit de Roy Price,
minutes of your life on April 19, 2013.
din viaţa voastră, pe 19 aprilie 2013.
for 22 very entertaining minutes,
pentru 22 minute foarte amuzante,
a trebuit să o ia acum trei ani.
about three years ago.
is a senior executive with Amazon Studios.
la Studiourile Amazon,
company of Amazon.
as "movies, TV, technology, tacos."
ca „filme, TV, tehnologie, tacos.”
because it's his responsibility
that Amazon is going to make.
urmează să îl producă.
a highly competitive space.
TV shows already out there,
producţii TV pe piaţă,
that are really, really great.
care sunt foarte, foarte bune.
din dreapta acestei curbe.
of this curve here.
is the rating distribution
on the website IMDB,
pe site-ul IMDB.
how many shows get that rating.
care obţin acel rating.
of nine points or higher, that's a winner.
de 9 puncte sau mai mare, e un succes.
"Game of Thrones," "The Wire,"
„Game of Thrones", „The Wire".
your brain is basically like,
creierul tău se întreabă:
here on that end,
aici în margine,
"Toddlers and Tiaras" --
„Toddlers and Tiaras"...
la acel capăt al curbei.
on that end of the curve.
getting on the left end of the curve,
că ajunge la capătul din stânga al curbei,
some serious brainpower
să te plasezi sub „Toddlers and Tiaras”.
is this middle bulge here,
umflătura asta din mijloc,
that aren't really good or really bad,
nici prea bune nici prea rele,
that he's really on the right end of this.
că se află în marginea din dreapta.
când Amazon face așa ceva,
doing something like this,
to take any chances.
aşa că organizează un concurs:
he holds a competition.
through an evaluation,
pentru producţii TV,
of each one of these shows
pentru fiecare din aceste producţii
for everyone to watch.
is giving out free stuff,
le vei lua, nu-i aşa?
are watching those episodes.
urmăresc aceste episoade.
while they're watching their shows,
urmăresc spectacolele,
by Roy Price and his team,
care înregistrează tot.
when somebody presses pause,
când apasă pauză,
what parts they watch again.
de astfel de parametri,
to have those data points
which show they should make.
ce producţie să continue.
so they collect all the data,
and an answer emerges,
about four Republican US Senators."
de comedie despre 4 senatori republicani".
Da, „Alpha House”,
remember that show, actually,
îşi amintesc acel serial,
the average of this curve here is at 7.4,
acestui grafic este la 7,4,
and his team were aiming for.
Roy Price şi echipa lui.
at about the same time,
to land a top show using data analysis,
folosind analiza datelor,
the Chief Content Officer of Netflix,
directorul de programe de la Netflix.
he's on a constant mission
a acelei mari producţii TV.
numai că o face puţin diferit.
a little bit differently.
what he did -- and his team of course --
el şi echipa lui
they already had about Netflix viewers,
le aveau deja despre utilizatorii Netflix,
they give their shows,
what shows people like, and so on.
programele care le plac etc.
toate amănuntele despre public:
about the audience:
what kind of actors.
ce tip de actori.
all of these pieces together,
nu o comedie despre patru senatori,
despre un singur senator.
of course, nailed it with that show,
a dat lovitura cu acel serial,
a 9.1 rating on this curve,
de 9,1 pe acest grafic,
where they wanted it to be.
unde îşi doreau să fie.
what happened here?
ce s-a întâmplat aici?
data-savvy companies.
în procesarea datelor,
millions of data points,
beautifully for one of them,
pentru una din ele,
that this should be working all the time.
millions of data points
pentru a lua o decizie,
to make a pretty good decision.
o decizie destul de bună.
of statistics to rely on.
pe care te bazezi.
with very powerful computers.
is good TV, right?
rezultate mediocre, nu-i aşa?
does not work that way,
nu funcţionează aşa,
puţin înfricoşătoare,
where we're turning to data more and more
apelăm tot mai mult la informatică
that go far beyond TV.
decât emisiunile TV.
Multi-Health Systems?
Multi-Health Systems?
is a software company,
e o companie care produce softuri
with that software,
it means you're in prison.
and they apply for parole,
şi cere eliberarea condiţionată,
data analysis software from that company
de analiză a datelor de la acea companie
whether to grant that parole.
acordării eliberării condiţionate.
as Amazon and Netflix,
de la Amazon şi Netflix,
a TV show is going to be good or bad,
un serial TV va fi bun sau rău,
is going to be good or bad.
va fi bună sau rea.
that can be pretty bad,
poate fi un rezultat destul de rău,
I guess, even worse.
cred că e chiar mai rău.
some evidence that this data analysis,
că această analiză informatică,
does not always produce optimum results.
nu dă mereu rezultate optime.
like Multi-Health Systems
Multi-Health Systems
companies get it wrong.
în domeniu greşesc.
that they were able, with data analysis,
prin analize statistice,
the nasty kind of flu,
gripa aviară,
on their Google searches.
utilizatorilor pe Google.
and it made a big splash in the news,
şi a făcut vâlvă la ştiri,
of scientific success:
for year after year after year,
incluzând acum o retractare
from the journal "Nature."
Amazon and Google,
în operarea datelor, Amazon şi Google,
into real-life decision-making --
în luarea deciziilor din lumea reală:
that data is helping.
că informatica ajută.
a lot of this struggle with data myself,
din lupta asta cu informatica,
geneticii informatizate,
where lots of very smart people
mulţi oameni foarte deştepţi
to make pretty serious decisions
de date ca să ia decizii importante
or developing a drug.
sau crearea unui medicament.
I've noticed a sort of pattern
sau o regulă, privind diferenţa
about the difference
decision-making with data
luate cu ajutorul statisticii
and it goes something like this.
E cam aşa:
solving a complex problem,
faci în esenţă două lucruri:
apart into its bits and pieces
în componentele sale
those bits and pieces,
acele componente
you do the second part.
back together again
ca să ajungi la o concluzie.
have to do it over again,
dar mereu sunt astea două lucruri:
back together again.
computerizată a acestora
no matter how powerful,
and understanding its pieces.
şi la înţelegerea componentelor.
back together again
acestor componente pentru o concluzie.
and we all have it,
E vorba de creier.
e să refacă întregul din componente,
back together again,
și să tragă o concluzie corectă.
that Netflix was so successful,
where they belong in the process.
şi creierul la locul potrivit.
lots of pieces about their audience
să afle cât mai multe despre publicul lor,
been able to understand at that depth,
înţelege atât de bine,
to take all these bits and pieces
piesele acestui puzzle,
and make a show like "House of Cards,"
un serial ca „House of Cards”,
made that decision to license that show,
au luat decizia de a produce acel serial,
that they were taking
prin acea decizie,
with that decision.
they did it the wrong way around.
au mers pe calea greşită.
to drive their decision-making,
de luare a deciziei,
their competition of TV ideas,
concursul pentru idei,
to make as a show.
ca şi câştigător.
a very safe decision for them,
o decizie fără riscuri pentru ei,
point at the data, saying,
blama informatica, spunând:
results that they were hoping for.
excepţionale la care sperau.
useful tool to make better decisions,
ca ajutor pentru decizii mai bune
când conduce luarea deciziilor.
to drive those decisions.
data is just a tool,
informatica e doar o unealtă.
I find this device here quite useful.
să îmi reamintească asta.
pentru luarea deciziilor.
device to use.
Magic 8 Ball şi e chiar uimitoare,
a yes or no question,
prin „da” sau „nu”,
and then you get an answer --
şi obţii răspunsul:
in this window in real time.
care-ți apare în fereastră, chiar acum.
so I've made some decisions in my life
câteva decizii în viaţa mea
I should have just listened to the ball.
ar fi trebuit să ascult bila.
if you have the data available,
much more sophisticated,
mult mai sofisticat,
to come to a better decision.
pentru a face o alegere mai bună,
miezul problemei:
and smarter and smarter,
din ce în ce mai „deşteaptă",
to make the decisions
ar trebui să luăm deciziile
something extraordinary,
message, in fact,
of huge amounts of data,
cantităţi imense de date procesate,
ci asumarea riscurilor
on the right end of the curve.
în zona dorită a graficului.
Sebastian Wernicke - Data scientistAfter making a splash in the field of bioinformatics, Sebastian Wernicke moved on to the corporate sphere, where he motivates and manages multidimensional projects.
Why you should listen
Dr. Sebastian Wernicke is the Chief Data Scientist of ONE LOGIC, a data science boutique that supports organizations across industries to make sense of their vast data collections to improve operations and gain strategic advantages. Wernicke originally studied bioinformatics and previously led the strategy and growth of Seven Bridges Genomics, a Cambridge-based startup that builds platforms for genetic analysis.
Before his career in statistics began, Wernicke worked stints as both a paramedic and successful short animated filmmaker. He's also the author of the TEDPad app, an irreverent tool for creating an infinite number of "amazing and really bad" and mostly completely meaningless talks. He's the author of the statistically authoritative and yet completely ridiculous "How to Give the Perfect TEDTalk."
Sebastian Wernicke | Speaker |