Jess Kutch: What productive conflict can offer a workplace
Jess Kutch: Conflictul productiv la locul de muncă - Ce poate oferi?
TED Fellow Jess Kutch is the cofounder of, a nonprofit that helps people join together to improve their jobs and workplaces. Full bio
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an organization called
unei organizații numite
to help people join with coworkers
în a ajuta oamenii să se alăture colegilor
in the workplace.
în spațiul de lucru.
of reactions to what I do.
about what organizing is.
de ceea ce înseamnă organizarea.
what I do and I told him,
și i-am spus,
like, Marie Kondo-style.
la stilul Marie Kondo.
aș putea folosi asta și pe aici.
I could use some of that around here.
în fișele pacienților."
our patient files."
it's not that kind of organizing,
nu e genul acela de organizare,
to work tomorrow
la muncă mâine
la un loc
had gotten together
the second kind of reaction:
a doua reacție:
from the conversation
cu care să vorbească.
to tell me a story.
or a coworker or a friend
sau un coleg, sau un prieten
groaznic la muncă.
a neutral response to what I do.
un răspuns neutru la ceea ce fac.
a lightning bolt of excitement.
such strong reactions?
atâtea reacții puternice?
despre un conflict.
or a senior leader of some kind,
această putere de a fi provocat.
with that power being challenged.
who lacks it and needs it,
care duce lipsă și are nevoie de ea,
and shake me, you're so pumped.
ești lucrat la sală.
from understanding
de înțelegerea
la locul de muncă.
de muncă e ceva real
in our workplace is real,
depending on our roles and status.
depinde de rolul nostru și de statut.
like office politics, right?
ca o politică de birou, nu-i așa?
for power thoughtfully
în mod chibzuit
to you all about today,
pe unii dintre noi.
some of us uncomfortable.
with policies and decisions,
cu planurile și deciziile,
our commitment to each other.
angajamentul unuia față de celălalt.
prin „conflict productiv" ?
"productive conflict"?
for an outdoor retailer --
and asked for a raise.
în legătură cu o mărire de salariu.
was fairly standard for her position
conform statutului ei
the authority to give such a raise.
o asemenea mărire.
the end of the conversation.
to create a campaign on,
să facă o campanie pe,
de salariu angajaților din magazine.
to give raises to store employees.
from around the country
și să-și împărtășească poveștile
and sharing their own stories
asupra vieții lor.
was impacting their lives.
că recent își dăduseră demisia
that they had quit recently
care-i plăteau mai mult.
that they didn't want to quit,
că nu voiau să renunțe,
in the company's mission,
în misiunea companiei,
was a growing problem in their work lives.
tot mai mare în viața profesională.
of employee activism,
ale angajaților activiști,
in cities across the country.
by productive conflict:
prin conflict productiv:
that aren't working for us
care nu sunt bune pentru noi
de a merge înainte.
făcând munca asta
in doing this work
in productive conflict
și de cei cu care lucrează.
and their coworkers.
cele mai rele locuri de muncă,
the worst workplaces,
employee activism on our site,
al angajaților pe site-ul nostru,
putem realiza lucruri mărețe.
we can accomplish great things.
by employees there
ale angajaților de acolo,
to legitimate safety concerns.
la preocupări legate de siguranță.
the lowest voluntary turnover rate
rată de fluctuație a angajaților
de productivitate.
productivity rates as well.
n-ar trebui să vă temeți de conflict
you shouldn't fear conflict,
in your workforce.
that can be difficult to manage,
care pot fi greu de gestionat,
to tell you something
să vă spună ceva
that needs your attention.
atenția voastră.
especially important right now,
transforms nearly everyone's job
slujbele majorității
that contain our work
după care lucrăm
since the Industrial Revolution.
de la Revoluția Industrială.
and participating in the future of work.
și să participăm la viitorul muncii.
and changing the parts of our work lives
să schimbăm părțile din viața noastră
a coworker invites you
când un coleg poate vă va invita
letter to your boss,
pe o scrisoare pentru șeful vostru,
vor solicita o ședință
about the new health care plan,
privind serviciile de sănătate,
pentru noi toți.
Jess Kutch - Labor entrepreneurTED Fellow Jess Kutch is the cofounder of, a nonprofit that helps people join together to improve their jobs and workplaces.
Why you should listen
Jess Kutch and her team at are figuring out the technology, organizing models, financing and policies that can help workers improve their companies and industries in today’s economy. At, they believe anyone can be a workplace organizer and that seeking positive change at work is a form of civic and community leadership that requires infrastructure. Since 2013, hundreds of thousands of people in the United States and worldwide have used tools and services to win wage increases, scheduling improvements and parental leave benefits; end biased dress codes; fix harassment policies; demand corporate ethics and much more. also helps channel workers' information about the real-time effects of digital economy trends -- like automation, data profiting, surveillance and app-based gig work -- to influence decisions that will shape the future of work and inequality.
Kutch has 15 years of experience innovating at the intersection of technology and social change. Previously, she led a team at that inspired hundreds of thousands of people to launch and lead their own efforts on the platform. She also spent five years at the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), where she pioneered digital strategies for the labor movement. Kutch is a TED Fellow, an Echoing Green Global Fellow, a J.M.K. Innovation Prize winner and an Aspen Institute Job Quality Fellow. She is a frequently requested speaker at business, labor, futurist, democracy and economic conferences around the world. She has been invited to provide expert testimony to the EEOC Task Force on Harassment in the Workplace and the National Labor Relations Board. In 2015, cohosted the first-ever White House Town Hall on Worker Voice.
Jess Kutch | Speaker |