Shaka Senghor: Why your worst deeds don’t define you
Shaka Senghor: Prečo vás vaše najhoršie skutky necharakterizujú
Using literature as a lifeline, Shaka Senghor escaped a cycle of prison and desperation. Now his story kindles hope in those who have little. Full bio
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našej bytovky v Detroite.
neighborhood where I got shot.
kde som bol postrelený.
že budem žiť v strachu,
neľudských, barbarských
krivolaké písmo môjho syna.
aké si dokážete predstaviť.
Modli sa k Nemu.“
bude pozerať ako na vraha.
nestojí za to, aby bol žitý.
to ever come into my life,
akých som v živote stretol,
na svoj život úprimne
stereotype I had about myself.
ktoré som vo vzťahu k sebe mal.
my two-year-old son Sekou,
dvojročného syna Sekoua,
že by som si mohol odpustiť.
to s nimi chcem zdieľať.
the same abusive environments,
prostredia plného obťažovania
and they wanted to turn it around,
chceli to všetko zvrátiť,
vo väzení 2,5 milióna ľudí,
ako KITT z Knight Ridera.
and he responded back, "K."
a on odpovedal: "K."
afforded those opportunities.
môj priateľ Calvin Evans.
za zločin, ktorý nespáchal.
že som bol zranený.
komu som ublížil.
of them accepting it,
to bola správna vec.
ospravedlniť sebe samému.
women who are incarcerated
ktorí sú uväznení,
do našej komunity.
dokážeme urobiť realitou,
Shaka Senghor - AuthorUsing literature as a lifeline, Shaka Senghor escaped a cycle of prison and desperation. Now his story kindles hope in those who have little.
Why you should listen
At the age of 19, Shaka Senghor went to prison fuming with anger and despair. Senghor was a drug dealer in Detroit, and one night, he shot and killed a man who showed up on his doorstep. While serving his sentence for second-degree murder, Senghor discovered redemption and responsibility through literature -- starting with The Autobiography of Malcolm X -- and through his own writing.
Upon his release at the age of 38, Senghor reached out to young men following his same troubled path, and published Live in Peace as part of an outreach program bringing hope to kids in Detroit and across the Midwest. His activism attracted the attention of the MIT Media Lab, and as a Director’s Fellow, Senghor has collaborated on imagining creative solutions for the problems plaguing distressed communities. His memoir, Writing My Wrongs, was published in 2013.
Shaka Senghor | Speaker |