Kang Lee: Can you really tell if a kid is lying?
Kang Lee: Dá sa naozaj povedať, či dieťa klame?
Kang Lee has devoted his career to understanding the development of social cognition and behavior. Full bio
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raise your hand?
group of people I've ever met.
skupina ľudí, akú som kedy stretol.
how children learn to tell lies.
ako sa deti učia hovoriť klamstvá.
a story from Mr. Richard Messina,
príbeh pána Richarda Messina,
school principal.
a riaditeľom základnej školy.
will not come to school today
môj syn dnes nepríde do školy,
three common beliefs we have
a klamstvami veríme.
vieme ľahko spoznať ich klamstvá.
at a very young age,
už vo veľmi mladom veku,
character flaws with them,
charakterové vlastnosti
pathological liars for life.
to guess the numbers on the cards.
čísla na kartičkách.
a odišli z miestnosti.
aby sa nepozerali na karty.
to win the game is so strong,
bola príliš silná,
of gender, country, religion,
na pohlaví, krajine, viere,
about their transgression.
tell the truth.
of development.
at the younger children.
na tie mladšie deti.
young children lie?
malé deti klamú?
two key ingredients.
vyžaduje 2 hlavné ingrediencie.
is theory of mind,
different knowledge about the situation
rôzne vedomosti o situácii
between what I know
medzi tým, čo viem ja
for good lying is self-control.
na dobré klamstvo je sebakontrola.
your facial expression
svoju reč, výraz tváre
presvedčivé klamstvo.
and self-control abilities
čítanie myšlienok a sebakontrolu,
are also essential for all of us
potrebujeme všetci na to,
and self-control abilities
čítania myšlienok a sebakontroly
developmental problems,
hovorí svoje prvé klamstvo,
is telling his or her first lie,
has arrived at a new milestone
že vaše dieťa dorazilo na nový medzník
detect their lies?
že dokážete ľahko odhaliť ich klamstvá?
to a researcher's question,
Dieťa: Nie.
child number one is lying,
že dieťa číslo jedna klame,
is lying, please raise your hand.
že dieťa číslo 2 klame, zdvihnite ruku.
sú zlými detektormi detských klamstiev.
detectors of children's lies.
from all walks of life.
zo všetkých vrstiev spoločnosti.
the children told the truth.
how these adults performed.
ako sa týmto dospelým darilo.
as truth tellers,
a tých čo hovoria pravdu,
you're going to get it right.
of children's lies.
detských klamstiev.
and law school students,
a so študentami práva,
limited experience with children.
obmedzené skúsenosti s deťmi.
náhodného hádania.
and child-protection lawyers,
a s právnikmi ochrany detí,
detect their own children's lies?
are so difficult to detect.
with my own son, Nathan.
na mojom vlastnom synovi, Nathanovi.
is typically neutral.
a lot of emotions,
klamárskeho potešenia.
are either fleeting or hidden.
buď prchavé alebo skryté.
to reveal these hidden emotions.
ako odhaliť tieto skryté emócie.
by the autonomic system
autonómnym systémom,
v cievach tváre
facial blood flow changes
so zmenami toku krvi v tvári
aby sme ich zbadali voľným okom.
people's facial emotions,
snímania obrazu
video camera to record people
various hidden emotions.
processing technology,
of facial blood flow changes.
zmien toku krvi v tvári.
with the various hidden emotions.
spojené s rôznymi skrytými emóciami.
associated with lying,
spojené s klamaním
ako pri náhodnom hádaní.
a Pinocchio effect.
on the cheeks decreases,
on the nose increases.
nie je jediná situácia,
we can help this mathematics teacher
vieme pomôcť učitelom matematiky
about the topic he's teaching
z témy, ktorú učitel učí,
zdravotnej starostlivosti.
volám svojim rodičom,
what's going on in their lives
čo sa deje v ich životoch,
their heart rate, their stress level,
hladinu stresu,
they are experiencing pain.
or hypertension.
alebo vysoký krvný tlak.
politicians' emotions?
emócii politikov?
the politicians' heart rate,
whether or not they are lying to us.
či nám klamú alebo nie.
in marketing research,
v marketingových prieskumoch,
certain consumer products.
optického snímania
that we don't know today.
o ktorých dnes ani netušíme.
be the same again.
Kang Lee - Developmental researcherKang Lee has devoted his career to understanding the development of social cognition and behavior.
Why you should listen
With an international team based at the University of Toronto, Kang Lee investigates the neurological and social basis of emerging social behaviors in young children. His two-pronged research focuses first on how and when children develop the capacity to lie, to detect liesand to feel guilty about it afterwards.
The second focus of Lee's research is facial recognition, which has led to revelations of when children develop the ability to distinguish races and has helped explain why some people occasionally see Jesus' face on a piece of toast.
Kang Lee | Speaker | TED.com