Kang Lee: Can you really tell if a kid is lying?
Kang Lee: Unaweza kujua kweli kama mtoto anadanganya?
Kang Lee has devoted his career to understanding the development of social cognition and behavior. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
raise your hand?
kunyanyua mkono tafadhali?
group of people I've ever met.
kuliko wote niliowahi kukutana nao.
how children learn to tell lies.
jinsi watoto wanavyojifunza kudanganya.
a story from Mr. Richard Messina,
hadithi kutoka kwa Bwana Richard Messina,
school principal.
shule ya msingi.
will not come to school today
hatakuja shuleni leo
three common beliefs we have
imani tatu zilizo zoeleka tulizonazo
at a very young age,
katika umri mdogo sana,
character flaws with them,
pathological liars for life.
wagonjwa wa kudanganya maishani.
to guess the numbers on the cards.
kukisia namba kwenye kadi.
to win the game is so strong,
mchezo ni kubwa sana,
of gender, country, religion,
jinsia, nchi, au dini,
about their transgression.
kuhusu makosa yao.
tell the truth.
husema kweli.
of development.
ya kuendelea.
at the younger children.
watoto wadogo.
young children lie?
watoto wadogo hudanganya?
two key ingredients.
viungo viwili vikuu.
is theory of mind,
ni nadharia ya akili,
different knowledge about the situation
ufahamu tofauti kuhusu hali fulani
between what I know
kati ya ninachojua
for good lying is self-control.
your facial expression
kuonyesha hisia usoni
and self-control abilities
na uwezo wa kujidhibiti
are also essential for all of us
ni muhimu pia kwetu sote
and self-control abilities
na uwezo wa kujidhibiti
developmental problems,
ya ukuaji,
is telling his or her first lie,
anakudanganya kwa mara ya kwanza,
has arrived at a new milestone
amefikia hatua mpya
detect their lies?
udanganyifu wao kirahisi?
to a researcher's question,
child number one is lying,
mtoto namba moja anadanganya,
is lying, please raise your hand.
anadanganya, tafadhali inua mkono wako.
detectors of children's lies.
wazuri wa uwongo wa watoto.
from all walks of life.
kutoka sehemu zote za maisha.
the children told the truth.
watoto walisema ukweli.
how these adults performed.
watu wazima hawa walifanyaje.
as truth tellers,
kama wasema kweli,
you're going to get it right.
asilimia 50,
of children's lies.
wa uwongo wa watoto.
and law school students,
ya kwanza na wanafunzi wa sheria,
limited experience with children.
hawana uzoefu na watoto.
and child-protection lawyers,
na walinda haki za watoto,
detect their own children's lies?
kugundua uwongo wa watoto wao wenyewe?
are so difficult to detect.
ni vigumu kuugundua.
with my own son, Nathan.
na mtoto wangu mwenyewe, Nathan
is typically neutral.
ni za kawaida.
a lot of emotions,
hisia nyingi,
are either fleeting or hidden.
ni aidha za muda mfupi au zimejificha
to reveal these hidden emotions.
ya kuonyesha hisia hizi zilizojificha.
za nyuso zetu,
bila kujua.
by the autonomic system
kwa mfumo wa autonomiki
wa damu usoni,
facial blood flow changes
na mabadiliko ya msukumo wa damu usoni
people's facial emotions,
hisia za watu usoni,
video camera to record people
ya kawaida kurekodi watu
various hidden emotions.
processing technology,
ya usindikaji picha,
of facial blood flow changes.
za mabadiliko ya msukumo wa damu usoni.
kupitia ngozi,
with the various hidden emotions.
yanayohusiana na hisia zilizojificha.
associated with lying,
zinazohusiana na udanganyifu,
a Pinocchio effect.
athari za Pinikio.
on the cheeks decreases,
kwenye mashavu hupungua,
on the nose increases.
kwenye pua huongezeka.
we can help this mathematics teacher
tunaweza kumsaidia mwalimu huyu wa hesabu
about the topic he's teaching
kuhusu mada anayofundisha
za afya.
Skype kuwasilina na wazazi wangu,
what's going on in their lives
katika maisha yao
their heart rate, their stress level,
yao ya moyo na kiwango cha msongo,
they are experiencing pain.
au hawapati maumivu.
or hypertension.
shinikizo la damu
politicians' emotions?
kuonyesha hisia za wanasiasa?
kwenye TV,
the politicians' heart rate,
ya mwanasiasa,
whether or not they are lying to us.
iwe wanatudanganya au sivyo.
in marketing research,
katika utafiti wa masoko,
certain consumer products.
bidhaa fulani za matumizi.
that we don't know today.
ambayo hatuyajui leo.
be the same again.
hakutakuwa kama zamani tena.
Kang Lee - Developmental researcherKang Lee has devoted his career to understanding the development of social cognition and behavior.
Why you should listen
With an international team based at the University of Toronto, Kang Lee investigates the neurological and social basis of emerging social behaviors in young children. His two-pronged research focuses first on how and when children develop the capacity to lie, to detect liesand to feel guilty about it afterwards.
The second focus of Lee's research is facial recognition, which has led to revelations of when children develop the ability to distinguish races and has helped explain why some people occasionally see Jesus' face on a piece of toast.
Kang Lee | Speaker | TED.com