Grace Kim: How cohousing can make us happier (and live longer)
Grace Kimová: Byť šťastní a žiť dlhšie – aj o tom je komunitné bývanie (cohousing)
Grace H. Kim is an internationally recognized expert in cohousing -- the art and craft of creating communities. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
zažijeme osamelosť.
will experience loneliness
a function of being alone,
ako veľmi ste spojení so svojím okolím.
of how socially connected you are
in this room right now
kto sa cíti osamelo.
je spôsobená mnohými faktormi,
can be attributed to many things,
how loneliness can be the result
ktoré si budujeme,
susedstve či štvrti.
in a neighborhood like this.
screaming at me inside their head,
and that's my neighborhood,
ako vy, bolo viac,
more people like you,
že dnes je tu viac ľudí,
there's more people in the room
pravdepodobne nepoznajú.
a pozdravia sa im,
na znak toho, že sa poznajú.
to signify they know them.
k falošnému pocitu blízkosti.
to this false sense of connection.
you've been in a situation
slúchadlá z uší a opýtal sa:
yank out their earbuds
to share with you today
kultúrach po celom svete.
non-European cultures
žijú desaťtisíce Dánov.
have been living in this connected way.
čoraz viac vyhľadávaný,
more widely around the globe
s úmyslom spoznať iných
where people know each other
vonkajšie i vnútorné priestory.
both indoors and out.
some pictures of cohousing,
svojich priateľov Sheilu a Spencera.
to my friends Sheila and Spencer.
mali čerstvých 60 rokov
they were just entering their 60s,
keď skončí ako učiteľ na základnej škole.
at the end of a long career
children in his life
ktorý som navrhla,
that I not only designed,
tam aj svoj ateliér.
do kontaktu vedome.
about our social interactions.
druhý bytový dom.
any other small apartment building.
to the one next door,
je rozmiestnených 9 bytov.
around a central courtyard.
uniquely cohousing
ktorá sa sústredí okolo hlavného nádvoria.
in and around that central courtyard.
this is what I see,
pri príprave raňajok.
as we're making our breakfasts.
into the courtyard,
"Hey, quit hitting me!"
there are a set of double doors,
za tajnú ingredienciu cohousingu.
the secret sauce of cohousing.
kde sa sociálna interakcia
where the social interactions
do celej našej komunity.
through the rest of the community.
we have a large dining room
we have a large kitchen
sa striedame v tímoch po troch.
cooking for each other
s prípravou a umývaním.
and help my team
a delicious meal
na to, že som vegetariánka.
about my vegetarian preferences.
alternatívny spôsob života.
have intentionally chosen
v rodinných domoch,
in our single-family homes,
sociálne prepojiť.
our social connections.
najdôležitejšia vlastnosť,
important characteristic
od ostatných modelov bývania.
from any other housing model.
pár obrázkov ukázať.
but show you more pictures.
ako bol úmysel vyjadrený v komunitách,
selection of furniture,
čím sa podporilo spoločné stolovanie;
to support eating together;
and visual access
a okolo neho;
and inside the common house;
s cieľom obohatiť bežné dni.
to support our daily lives,
posilňujú a zveľaďujú
contribute to and elevate
na označenie ducha komunity.
of saying "spirit of community."
som ducha komunity hodnotila podľa toho,
over 80 different communities,
ktoré spolu večerajú každý deň
every single night
raz alebo dvakrát mesačne.
once or twice a month.
že tí, ktorí spolu jedia častejšie,
more activities together.
Navzájom si strážite deti.
you share more things.
You borrow each other's cars.
„včeličky a hviezdičky“.
and unicorns in cohousing,
s každým z komunity.
with every single person in my community.
k vzťahom pristupujeme vedome.
we're intentional about our relationships.
to resolve our differences.
zaujímavý a atraktívny
is only interesting or attractive
around the globe,
len mizivé percento obyvateľov.
are just a fractional percent.
zavŕšila výskum,
completed a study
zvýšené riziko predčasnej smrti u tých,
increase risk of premature death
has declared isolation
is not restricted to the US alone.
is an antidote to isolation,
predpísala by som vám aspirín s tým,
to take two aspirin,
that you take a walk with your neighbor,
Grace Kim - ArchitectGrace H. Kim is an internationally recognized expert in cohousing -- the art and craft of creating communities.
Why you should listen
Grace H. Kim is an architect and co-founding principal of Schemata Workshop, an award-winning, 16-person architectural practice with a keen focus on building community and social equity. She brings innovative ideas to her projects that merge client goals and sustainability measures -- such as urban agriculture, modular construction, and a focus on building community.
Kim is also the founder of Capitol Hill Urban Cohousing, a collaborative residential community that includes her street-level office and a rooftop urban farm. She walks the talk of sustainability -- leaving a small ecological footprint while incorporating holistic ideals of social and economic resilience into her daily life.
Grace Kim | Speaker |