Ashley Judd: How online abuse of women has spiraled out of control
Ashley Judd: Kako je spletna zloraba žensk ušla izpod nadzora
Delivering pointedly frank observations with down-home sincerity, actor Ashley Judd is building a committed activist career on intense personal experience. Full bio
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and descriptions of sexual violence]
in opise spolnega nasilja.]
for calling them a cunt."
ker ti rečejo pizda."
fuck off, whore."
would die a horrible death.
umrla strašne smrti.
women shouldn't vote."
zakaj ženske ne bi smele voliti."
She'll die alone with a dried out vagina."
sama z izsušeno vagino."
gender rights tragedy,
tragedija za pravice spolov
are constrained in ways
so omejeni na načine,
ki jo počnem najbolje:
the whistle when I was telling them to.
ko sem jim ukazala.
to me before the opening tip,
pred prvo žogo,
zato sem naredila drugo najboljšo stvar:
so I did the next best thing ...
my team's free throw making a --
lahko poliže r.. moji ekipi.
3 okrvavljeni zaenkrat]
@espn Bloodied 3 players so far.]
do mene, kot sem prej opisala.
in the ways I've already described to you.
such as Twitter and Facebook.
npr. Twitter in Facebook.
have amply demonstrated
obilno dokazali,
I can say that, you can't --
jaz to lahko rečem, vi pa ne -
with various strategies.
hypersexual, nasty stuff,
ogabne vsebine,
that you may think about
You're right. I apologize."
want to be held accountable.
to I don't know who
different things in different countries --
reči v različnih državah ...
the global standard of a dick."
utelešate globalni standard kurca."
I've tried to get in the trenches,
poskušala sem se boriti,
these social media platforms
vse te družabne platforme
trying not to see it,
da teh stvari ne bi videla,
a cucumber out of a pickle.
in some part of me
and about me wasn't ...
in which we all participate,
after the basketball game
'spletna drhal'.
of the most heinous hate speech:
odvratnega sovražnega govora:
alone in my nightgown,
in bil je moj dragi bivši mož
and it was my beloved former husband,
taking a stand for me that night ...
tiste noči zavzel zame,
to take a stand for myself.
da sem se zavzela zase.
of all forms of sexual abuse,
vse oblike spolne zlorabe,
I get in response to that --
v odgovor ...
posted to news outlets.
poslanih novinarskim izpostavam.
je resnično smešno.
May your grace and mercy shine.
obsenči tvoja milost.
it is entitled,
in pisanje naslovila:
Toward Girls And Women
in ženskam
and I published it alone,
that is inevitable --
ki je neizogibna ...
endured by us all,
ki ga vsi prenašamo
endured by girls and women,
prenašajo dekleta in ženske.
our emotional well-being
naše emocionalno počutje
neurobiologically as violence.
the limbic system gets fired,
limbični sistem odpove,
reveal nude pictures of them,
službo, razkrije njihove gole fotografije,
spolno prenosljive bolezni,
that they are available for sex
da so na voljo za seks,
at this house for said sex.
pri njih doma za seks.
times more likely --
pogosteje -
about revenge porn.
o maščevalni pornografiji.
mojega tvita,
with allies and other activists
in drugimi aktivisti,
for a safe and free internet.
in svoboden internet.
called the Speech Project;
in širimo svobodo.
provides a critical forum,
legalna stvar,
a standardized list of definitions,
standardiziran seznam definicij,
a behavior in the right way
na pravi način,
a definition of what that behavior is.
kaj sploh to vedenje je.
is often dangerously misapplied.
pornografija pogosto nevarno zlorabljena.
sharing of an image
and humiliate a girl or woman
in ponižati dekle ali žensko,
v pornografski objekt.
pretty gorgeous and wonderful.
precej sijajna in čudovita.
does not pornography make.
ni pornografija.
so many people in the world do not.
toliko ljudi na svetu nima.
the Speech Project with colleagues.
začela s svojimi kolegi.
company's attention.
podjetij družabnih omrežij.
to Facebook HQ coming up.
v centrali Facebooka.
reporting standards yet ...
standardom prijavljanja ...
to scrub my social media feeds,
komentarje na mojih družabnih omrežjih
svojim možganom prihraniti
of the trauma of hate speech.
sovražnega govora.
of me with my mouth open
mene z odprtimi usti in reče:
to cum on my face,"
pride po njenem obrazu,
between virtual and real is specious
in realnim je varljiva,
once when I was a child,
ko sem bila otrok,
We take all of this hate speech,
Vzamemo ves ta sovražni govor
the intersectionality of it:
when it's about all of it.
to create and contribute your own.
in prispevate svoje.
with digital media literacy,
digitalno medijsko opismenjevati,
o prijateljih v tehnologiji?
se mora končati.
maso v vsakem oddelku vaših podjetij,
in every department at your companies,
from the ground up,
od spodaj navzgor,
about priorities and solutions change.
o prioritetah in rešitvah spremenili.
prijatelje v tehnologiji:
in video games must end.
v video igrah se mora končati.
talk to me at cocktail parties --
weeks ago in Aspen --
organizirali v Aspnu,
je gibanje Gamergate,
billions of dollars off games
milijarde dolarjev z igrami,
in zametujejo ženske.
have much to do,
na policiji imajo veliko dela,
is an extension of in-person violence.
fizičnega medosebnega nasilja.
murdered by their intimate partners
intimni partnerji,
in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.
in Iraku skupaj.
about what men are doing over there
kaj moški počno tam,
partner violence services in this country.
na terapijo za partnersko nasilje.
and women and boys who needed them.
in žensk in fantov, ki so jih potrebovali.
of these platforms --
when Amanda Hess called
ko je Amanda Hess poklicala
she was getting on Twitter,
ki jo je dobila na Twitterju,
and pass astute legislation
in sprejeti bistro zakonodajo,
in sovražnega govora.
could not be applied to a perpetrator
sprožiti postopka proti storilcu,
must have been committed --
by telephone, in mail,
technologically neutral.
and a choice to make.
in morate se odločiti.
by a white man, Robert Moritz,
belega moškega,
naj ga vključim v svoj govor.
and help groups,
linije in skupine za pomoč,
in finance uničena.
have been derailed.
gender violence as it is happening.
nasilje na podlagi spola, ko se zgodi.
takemu nasilju.
as it is unfolding.
a problem of human interaction.
človeške interakcije.
is at the core of our healing,
interakcija srž našega celjenja,
will be trauma transferred.
naprej prenesena travma.
"The end is latent in the beginning,"
"Konec je na začetku skrit."
replacing hate speech with love speech.
da sovražni govor zamenjamo z ljubeznivim.
offset negative interactions.
izničijo negativne interakcije.
to offset one negative interaction,
eno negativno interakcijo.
any time, anywhere,
kadar koli, kjer koli,
dobrimi stvarmi.
awesome stuff about myself.
to reflect it back to me.
odbije nazaj k meni.
and you would say, "Yes, you are."
vi pa recite: Ja, si.
for letting me be of service.
da vam pomagam.
Ashley Judd - Actor, activistDelivering pointedly frank observations with down-home sincerity, actor Ashley Judd is building a committed activist career on intense personal experience.
Why you should listen
In 2015, Ashley Judd tweeted a casual, critical comment at the Arkansas Razorbacks -- and found herself plunged into the world of cyberbullying and violence. But rather than backing off, Judd pushed back, seeking legal action and lending her voice to growing demands for a safe internet free from abuse.
In addition to her acclaimed roles in films such as Ruby in Paradise and Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood, Judd is the author of a memoir, All That Is Bitter and Sweet. As a humanitarian and advocate, she’s worked with organizations ranging from the United Nations Population Fund (for whom she serves as Goodwill Ambassador) to Population Services International.
Ashley Judd | Speaker |