Gabe Barcia-Colombo: My DNA vending machine
Gabriel Barcia-Colombo: Automati im i shitjeve të ADN
Gabe Barcia-Colombo creates madcap art inspired both by Renaissance era curiosity cabinets and the modern-day digital chronicling of everyday life. Think: miniature people projected in objects and a DNA Vending Machine. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
grow E. coli that glows in the dark
DNA extractions about a year ago,
të nxirte ADN-në e luleshtrydhes,
fascinating, because it's so beautiful.
tërheqëse, e mrekullueshme.
being a beautiful thing before,
ADN-në si diçka të bukur,
në shkencë në këtë mënyrë.
we can do this strawberries,
mund ta bëjmë këtë tek luleshtrydhet,
some friends, some artist friends,
miq artistë,
you could actually see DNA.
out some supplies right now.
nxjerrim disa të tilla tani.
parties at my house on Friday nights
do with your Friday nights,
kështu të Premtet ne mbrëmje,
think about a couple of things.
mbi ca gjëra të tjera.
me faqen time të Facebook.
one time a friend came over
kur një mik erdhi për vizitë
person more rare than the other one?"
A është ky person më i rrallë se ky tjetri?"
was the order that I extracted the DNA in.
në te cilën e kisha nxjerrë ADN.
rreth mbledhjes së lodrave,
me kutitë e panjohura të lodrave,
what's going to be inside of them.
se çfarë do të kenë brenda.
vending machine and the Art-o-mat all together,
e shitjes së haviarit dhe krijimeve të artit,
night drawing a vending machine,
përfundova duke skicuar një automat,
piktura të një automati,
qëndronte pikërisht atje,
një bashkëpunim i bukur mes
coils of a vending machine.
dhe spiraleve të një automati.
to create an art installation
të krijoj një instalim artistik
about our increasing access to biotechnology."]
mund të blini një kampion
një makineri tradicionale shitjesh,"]
dhe nxjerr në dritë
the DNA Vending Machine
një tjetër së shpejti.
edhe nëpër stacionet e metrove
vending machines in that location.
që ekzistojnë aty.
and a lot of my art projects
projekte të tjera artistike të miat
audiencës, e cila është,
DNA to be part of the vending machine?
ADN suaj që të shitej në këto automate?
të bënit me këtë kampion?
Gabriel Barcia-Colombo - Video sculptorGabe Barcia-Colombo creates madcap art inspired both by Renaissance era curiosity cabinets and the modern-day digital chronicling of everyday life. Think: miniature people projected in objects and a DNA Vending Machine.
Why you should listen
Gabe Barcia-Colombo is an American artist who creates installation pieces that both delight and point to the strangeness of our modern, digital world. His latest work is a DNA Vending Machine, which dispenses vials of DNA extracted from friends at dinner parties. He's also created video installations of "miniature people" encased inside ordinary objects like suitcases, blenders and more. His work comments on the act of leaving one's imprint for the next generation. Call it "artwork with consequences."
As he explains it: "While formally implemented by natural history museums and collections (which find their roots in Renaissance-era 'cabinets of curiosity'), this process has grown more pointed and pervasive in the modern-day obsession with personal digital archiving and the corresponding growth of social media culture. My video sculptures play upon this exigency in our culture to chronicle, preserve and wax nostalgic, an idea which I render visually by 'collecting' human beings (alongside cultural archetypes) as scientific specimens. I repurpose everyday objects like blenders, suitcases and cans of Spam into venues for projecting and inserting videos of people."
Barcia-Colombo is an alumnus and instructor at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program. Read about his latest work on CoolHunting and in his TED Fellows profile.
Gabriel Barcia-Colombo | Speaker |