Lucy Marcil: Why doctors are offering free tax prep in their waiting rooms
Lucy Marcil: Pse mjekët po ofrojnë përgatitje falas të taksave në dhomat e tyre të pritjes.
Lucy Marcil is providing fiscal services to low-income families in the doctor’s waiting room. Full bio
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your doctor ask you about sex?
rreth seksit?
your doctor ask you about money?
rreth parave?
compared to most high-income countries,
krahasuar me vendet me të ardhura të larta
in the United States.
një epidemi në USA.
stress hormone levels
nivelin e hormoneve të stresit
times more likely to die
e gjysmë më të riskuar për të vdekur
t'u hospitalizuar
klasës së mesme.
and I started asking moms about money.
unë filluam të pyesnim nënat rreth parave.
what a doctor's visit looks like,
se si duket vizita te mjeku për
at a healthy life.
për një jetë të shëndetshme.
to a surprising solution:
një zgjidhje surprizuese:
tax credit, or EITC,
kredia tatimore, ose EITC,
we have in the US.
që kemi ne në USA.
thousand dollars a year from it.
mijë dollarë në vit prej saj.
moms and babies are healthier:
nënat dhe fëmijët janë më të shëndetshëm:
në lindje.
who could get it doesn't,
që i takon nuk e marrin atë,
lose of hundreds of dollars
humbin qindra dollarë
tax-preparation industry.
why we couldn't do her taxes
pse ne nuk mund ta bënim taksën e saj
Why not make good use of that time?
Pse të mos bënim diçka gjatë asaj kohe?
tax preparation in clinics serving kids.
e taksave në klinikat e fëmijëve.
questioning our sanity.
aftësinë tonë mendore.
jo kontabilistë.
nuk e kanë;
see a doctor at least once a year.
te mjeku të paktën një herë në vit.
to give them a better life.
siguruar atyre një jetë më të mirë.
could be doing this work, too --
bëjnë gjithashtu të njëjtën gjë--
as a tax-preparation site,
e përgatitjes së taksave,
students to retirees,
ashtu dhe ata në pension,
after passing an IRS exam.
e taksave, pasi kanë kaluar provimin IRS.
ju premtoj.
I would be doing other people's taxes,
menduar se do përgatisja taksat,
të tretë.
1.6 million dollars
1.6 milionë dollarë
to nine sites in four states.
nëntë vende në katër shtete.
have never heard of the EITC.
dëgjuar kurrë për EITC-në.
you haven't heard of?
cilën nuk ke dëgjuar asgjë?
free tax preparation.
përgatitje falas takse.
në vit,
for a mom and two young kids
për një nënë me dy fëmijë
can eat for five to six months.
të ushqehet për 5 deri në 6 muaj.
lack access to care
i mungon aksesi në vizitat
is only 400 dollars per kid per year.
është vetëm 400 dollarë për fëmijë në vit.
this access problem.
për ta rregulluar këtë problem me aksesin.
for her son to study abroad in Spain.
djalin e saj që të studionte në Spanjë.
e qerasë,
as his shot at a better future.
i tij drejt një të ardhme më të mirë.
the causes of poor health,
e shëndetit të dobët,
Lucy Marcil - Pediatrician, social entrepreneurLucy Marcil is providing fiscal services to low-income families in the doctor’s waiting room.
Why you should listen
Lucy Marcil, MD MPH, creates innovative solutions buffering kids from the adversity they face growing up with economic stress and poverty. As a pediatrician, she cares for children at Boston Medical Center. She co-founded StreetCred, a nonprofit addressing the health impact of financial stress by providing fiscal services to low-income families in the the doctor’s waiting room. StreetCred increases access to critical anti-poverty tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit by integrating tax preparation services into pediatric clinics; it has returned over $3.2 million to 1700 clients at 9 sites in 4 states since its inception in 2016. StreetCred is now bundling tax services with enrollment in other economic mobility services to create greater financial stability.
Internationally, Dr. Marcil has undertaken pediatric health-systems strengthening. As a HIV/AIDS & Community Health Peace Corps volunteer in Namibia, she leveraged public-private partnerships to create a comprehensive orphan care program and girls’ leadership camps. In Bangladesh, she identified community engagement methods to build maternal-child healthcare systems in urban slums. In Kenya, she consulted for Jacaranda Health to transform newborn care systems.
For her work, Dr. Marcil has been recognized with the American Academy of Pediatrics Anne E. Dyson Child Advocacy Award and the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Quinn Prize, and has been named a Café 100, Davidson College Game Changer and 2018 TED Fellow.
Lucy Marcil | Speaker |