David Gallo: Deep ocean mysteries and wonders
A pioneer in ocean exploration, David Gallo is an enthusiastic ambassador between the sea and those of us on dry land. Full bio
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in school with ADD,
pažnje u školi, a imam doktorat.
da pratim biologiju, geologiju,
tough to pay attention --
chemistry -- really tough for me.
je privukla moju pažnju.
you'll see that Earth is mostly water.
to je Tihi okean.
je prekriveno vodom i mogli biste reći:
is covered with water.
I know Earth. I live here."
Ovde živim."
because most of it's covered with that --
njen najveći deo prekriven vodom -
Empajer stejt bilding, Krajsler bilding,
Building, Chrysler Building,
naslaganih jedna na drugu.
is 15 of those on top of one another.
of what's in that water.
što se nalazi u toj vodi.
go peek and see what's there.
i videli šta ima tamo.
da vam pokažem
is show you some things
o okeanima.
down to the deep water,
iz plićaka do dubokih voda
videti neke stvari
you'll see some things
na istraživanje planete Zemlje.
on exploring planet Earth.
you've seen plenty of corals,
koji su bili na plaži i ronili,
to the beach, snorkeling,
neverovatna mesta
to go -- full of life,
nekih manjih, nekih lepih,
some nice, some dangerous,
ali verovatno ne znate da
is in the very deep part of the ocean,
najdubljim delovima okeana
are at the bottom of the sea --
je na dnu mora -
i u stvari, imamo vatru
u ovom trenutku.
going on right now.
the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean.
u Atlantiku, u Indijskom okeanu,
stene se pretvaraju u tečnost.
the rocks actually turn to liquid.
na dnu okeana.
on the ocean floor.
da živi ovde, ali ako dobro pogledamo,
but when we look in detail,
mestima na Zemlji, nalazimo život
darkest places on Earth, we find life,
želi da nastane.
really wants to happen.
na morsko dno
with our robots,
podmornicama, robotima,
that's usually surprising,
and sometimes revolutionary.
a ponekad revolucionarno.
of water sitting there.
there's a little cliff,
Videćete plažu malo bolje,
the beach a little bit better,
in that water, down there.
sa ovom vodom je to
Meksičkog zaliva.
of the Gulf of Mexico.
gledajući kroz prozor
at a little pond of water beneath the sea.
lakes, we see rivers --
at the bottom of the ocean
ka gornjem desnom.
left to the upper right.
kako ovo može postojati na dnu?
i gledate u neku drugu vodu.
that only live in that water.
koje žive samo u toj vodi.
in the middle of the ocean,
planinski lanac usred okeana.
je najveći na Zemlji.
on Earth, called the mid-ocean ridge --
a otkrili smo tek njegov mali deo.
and we've hardly had a peek at it.
many thousands of valleys,
na hiljade dolina
than the Grand Canyon.
Velikog kanjona Kolorada.
lakes, rivers, waterfalls.
jezera, reke, vodopade.
u blizini Islanda.
up near Iceland.
koje smo istražili.
that we've explored.
morate imati tehnologiju.
is that to explore it,
ili jedna osoba, koja istražuje.
but it's not just Dave Gallo
it's a team of people.
Morate imati tim, tehnologiju.
naš brod Atlantis i podmornica Alvin.
and the submarine, Alvin.
this is an Alvin launch --
ovo je Alvinovo porinuće - je troje ljudi.
making sure that these people are okay.
da sa svima bude sve u redu.
sada misle jedno:
is thinking one thing right now:
da odem u toalet još jedanput?
to the bathroom one more time?
i niko neće biti pored vas.
and nobody is going to be around you.
and once you hit the water, it's amazing.
neverovatno je.
that penetrates right inside you.
prodire direktno u vas.
you've got sonar on there --
tamo imate sonar -
kao i ono koje se vraća.
down to the bottom and comes back up.
da vide je l' napolju sve u redu
sure the outside is okay,
of the ocean and it's an amazing trip.
i to je neverovatno putovanje.
you sink down to the bottom.
ste u mrklom mraku.
is totally pitch black.
could live inside that world
da živi u tom svetu na dnu okeana.
neverovatne stvari.
we find some amazing things.
pojas između vrha i dna
we call it the mid-water --
down to the bottom, we find life.
nalazimo život.
neke od meduza
od najfinijih stvorenja na Zemlji.
of the coolest creatures on Earth.
just flailing his arms around.
sa spojenim ustima.
with their mouths hooked together,
duže od ove bine.
some can be longer than this stage.
i ne možete ih uhvatiti mrežom.
sa kamerama i pogledamo ih.
and take a look at them.
nalazimo nove vrste života.
pronalazimo tople izvore.
we find hot springs.
jer je ovo otrovna voda,
because this is poisonous water,
da bi zgnječila Titanik
it would crush the Titanic
an empty cup in your hand --
no life there at all.
raznolikosti i gustine
and diversity and density
kroz prozor podmornice
out the window of the sub,
iz osnova izmenilo
we think about life on Earth;
o životu na Zemlji, a to je
have to have sunlight
da biste imali život.
some that look familiar.
nekih koje izgledaju poznato.
Obožavam ga. Dambo je sjajan.
I love him. Dumbo's great.
da imam više snimaka ovoga.
I wish I had more footage of this.
together to go look at this
ekspediciju za posmatranje ovoga
za godinu dana.
The vampire squid.
Vampirska lignja.
he's got glowing tentacles,
ona ima svetleće pipke,
i napadam vas, raširim ruke u mraku
I put my arms out in the darkness
svetlucanje na krajevima,
glowing things over here.
ima ove svetleće mahune
on his butt that look like eyes.
Baš kul stvar.
How cool is that?
because when it gets protective,
i sklupča se u loptu.
over its whole body,
"brod snova" -
da se pojavi u Njujorku.
to show up in New York.
u ekspediciji tamo prošle godine.
out there last year.
place for biology,
in to live on the Titanic.
na Titanik da žive.
eating the hull of the Titanic.
Džek je bio kralj sveta.
there on the bow of the Titanic.
i ono što mi je uzbudljivo je to
is that we're making a virtual Titanic,
napraviti virtuelni Titanik,
with your joystick and your headset on,
sa džojstikom i slušalicama
the Titanic for yourself.
make these virtual worlds,
exploring the world; it's you.
onaj koji istražuje svet, već vi sami.
koliko je to važno
you how important that is,
i na sve nas utiče more,
you breathe, the water you drink,
vazduh koji dišete,
hranu koju jedete.
in some way by the ocean,
kontroliše okean,
osim pet procenata.
that we haven't even explored --
pokazao sam vam neke kul stvari.
I showed you some cool stuff.
u okean, otkrijemo nešto novo o moru.
we find something new about the sea.
or is there more out there?
uzbudljive stvari ili ih ima još?
da je okean pun iznenađenja.
that the ocean is full of surprises.
koji volim:
is not so much in seeking new landscapes,"
nije toliko u traženju novih predela",
"već u novom pogledu."
pokazivanjem ovoga
by showing you some of this,
na ovu planetu
about this planet,
da razmislite o tome na drugačiji način.
I want you to think about it differently.
David Gallo - OceanographerA pioneer in ocean exploration, David Gallo is an enthusiastic ambassador between the sea and those of us on dry land.
Why you should listen
David Gallo works to push the bounds of oceanic discovery. Active in undersea exploration (sometimes in partnership with legendary Titanic-hunter Robert Ballard), he was one of the first oceanographers to use a combination of manned submersibles and robots to map the ocean world with unprecedented clarity and detail. He was a co-expedition leader during an exploration of the RMS Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck, using Russian Mir subs.
On behalf of the Woods Hole labs, he appears around the country speaking on ocean and water issues. Most recently he co-led an expedition to create the first detailed and comprehensive map of the RMS Titanic and he co-led the successful international effort to locate the wreck site of Air France flight 447. He is involved in planning an international Antarctic expedition to locate and document the wreckage of Ernest Shackleton’s ship, HMS Endurance.
David Gallo | Speaker | TED.com