Tom Gruber: How AI can enhance our memory, work and social lives
Tom Gruber: Qanday qilib sun'iy intellekt bizning xotiramiz va ijtimoiy hayotimizni yaxshilashi mumkin
As co-creator of Siri, Tom Gruber helped redefine the role of machine intelligence in our lives and transformed the way we interact with our devices. Full bio
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a new way to think about my field,
sun'iy intellekt haqida
with machine intelligence.
bilan kuchaytirishdir.
designed to meet human needs
ishlashi va ularni rivojlanishiga
ehtiyojlarini qondiradi.
for the interface between humans and AI.
ifodalash uchun o'rinli metaforadir.
is called Siri.
Siri deb ataladi.
hamda uni
is that we designed Siri
biz Sirini odamlar
with a conversational interface
to use mobile computing,
and their abilities.
biroz bo'lsa-da
a little bit easier to use.
in these systems is a life changer.
Daniel juda ham kirishimli yigit,
that we all take for granted.
oladigan moslamalarni u ishlata olmaydi.
his brother said,
uning akasi
he met online."
gaplashyapti" dedi.
to manage his own social life --
uchun Siridan foydalanadi.
olishi mumkin.
muloqot qilishda
with genuine human beings.
life-changing consequences
and send it to a pathologist,
hundreds of slides
SI yaratishdi.
"Is this cancer or is this not cancer?"
saraton bor
of the machine and the human together,
mashina qobiliyatini birlashtira olganda
eliminated 85 percent of the errors
patologlar bir o'zlari
would have made working alone.
85 foizga kamaytirdi.
that would have otherwise gone untreated.
saraton kasalliklaridir.
at rejecting false positives,
mashina esa aniqlanishi qiyin
at recognizing those hard-to-spot cases.
which agent is better
of the human and machine,
birlashtirish orqali
that had superhuman performance.
sheriklik yaratilishidir.
software tools, CAD tools,
3D dasturingizda tayyorlaysiz
and then you analyze performance.
So'ng siz bajarilishini tahlil qilasiz.
inson sifatida o'zi
the goals of the design,
mos tushadigan
better than anyone else,
nature would have designed,
of humanistic AI might lead us
ortidan ergashsak, qayerga yetaklab
the speculative beyond.
that we would all like to have?
deb so'raylik.
of human intelligence.
hammaga ma'lum.
bilan sustlashadi.
and can I go there, too?
men ham o'sha yerga ketaman.
that was as good as computer memory,
xotira bo'lganda
every person you ever met,
inson ismini eslab,
their favorite sports,
Sizda shunday xotira
at all the interactions
insonlar bilan qilingan suhbatlarni
of your relationships.
oladigan SI bo'lsa.
everything you've ever read
o'qib bera olsa va eshitgan har qanday
you've ever heard?
nima bo'lgan bo'lardi?
it could help you retrieve
oldin eshitgan har qanday narsani
for the ability to make new connections
qobiliyatiga ega bo'lishni
of every food we eat,
qilgan tabletkamiz
on our own data
chiqib, nimalar
good and stay healthy.
haqida ilmiy ish qilishimiz mumkin.
allergies and chronic disease.
qo'l kelishini.
personal memory enhancement a reality.
olishiga ishonaman.
form factors are involved,
bog'liqligini aniq
that make AI successful today --
qilgan narsa bu
to make sense of that data --
kunlik turmushda
available for all of us,
uchun mavjud,
is a private memory.
xususiy xotiradir.
recalled and retained.
that this be kept very secure.
from Alzheimer's and dementia,
uchragan millionlab odamlar uchun
memory could make
between a life of isolation
in artificial intelligence right now.
davri o'rtasida turibmiz.
solutions to AI problems
with literally for decades:
va rasmni
this powerful technology.
foydalanishni o'zimiz tanlashimiz mumkin.
to automate and compete with us,
bilan raqobatlasha olishi,
and collaborate with us,
bilan birga ishlashi uchun,
bajarish maqsadida
to give machines intelligence,
yangi yo'llarini topganimiz sari,
regardless of circumstance.
ulashishga arziydi.
Tom Gruber - AI product designerAs co-creator of Siri, Tom Gruber helped redefine the role of machine intelligence in our lives and transformed the way we interact with our devices.
Why you should listen
By connecting humans and machines with AI, designer, inventor and polymath Tom Gruber is opening up new ways to improve our lives and augment human intelligence.
Gruber led the team that revolutionized human-machine interaction with Siri, the intelligent personal assistant that can understand your spoken language and help you get things done. Launched in 2010, Siri is now used billions of times a week in more than 30 countries around the world.
Tom Gruber | Speaker |