Andrew Bastawrous: A new way to fund health care for the most vulnerable
أندرو باستوروس: طريقة جديدة لتمويل الرعاية الصحية لأكثر الفئات ضعفًا
Andrew Bastawrous studies eye health -- and builds accessible new tools to bring eye care to more people. Full bio
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literally, for 10 years,
حرفياً منذ 10 سنوات،
from a curable condition called cataracts.
قابل للشفاء، يسمى بالسَّاد.
sat together for over an hour
جنبا الى جنب، لأكثر من ساعة
at the nearest hospital.
she would poison her grandson,
what she was cooking for him.
ماذا كانت تطهو له.
from cooking on a charcoal stove,
من الطهي على موقد الفحم،
her six-year-old grandson of his childhood
طفولة حفيدها ذو الست سنوات
was going through the generations.
للمدرسة أو كسر حلقة الفقر.
or break the cycle of poverty.
solutions existing.
in under 10 minutes
تُجَرى في أقل من 10 دقائق
who are blind don't need to be;
لا يبصرون، يمكن أن يعالجوا؛
treatments already exist.
to the nearest hospital
look me in the eyes,
on her eyes called pterygium
عينيها، والذي يدعى الظُفْرَة
for marriage or children
it was pretty straightforward.
كانت بسيطةً جداً.
that the funds we had
بأن التبرعات التي نملكها
to cover her treatment,
التبرعات لتغطية علاجها،
were common every day,
funding hadn't been earmarked.
لم يكن التبرع لها شائعاً.
or smart philanthropy on paper,
قد تبدو تجارة ذكية أو إحْسَانٌ ذَكِيٌّ،
when you're looking the person in the eye.
عندما تنظر للشخص في عينيه.
to millions of people the world over.
الصحية للملايين حول العالم.
for a very long time.
that completely transformed my life.
وغيرت حياتي بالكامل.
that I would go for an eye test.
brown boy in the school,
a chocolate chip in rice pudding,
was not particularly appealing.
لم تكن جذابة.
an eye test with wearing glasses
الرؤية بارتداء النظارات
with the trial lenses
at just how poor my sight was.
حول ما يمكنني رؤيته.
to report what I could see.
ورؤيتي للأشجار وهي تحمل أوراقاً.
trees had leaves on them.
رأيت النجوم في السماء.
I saw stars in the night sky.
of my life changed.
who was constantly told I was lazy
يُقَالُ له دائماً أنه كسول
with opportunity and potential.
this opportunity was not universal.
هذه الفرصة لم تكن عالمية.
are originally from,
a lot more like me
وهم لهم حياتهم تلك؟
and they had theirs?
that completely changed my life
النظارات حياتي بالكامل
من الناس لا يستطيعون الحصول عليها.
still can't access them.
قادني لأصبح طبيباً،
drove me to become a doctor,
packed our bags and moved to Kenya
أنا وزوجتي، وانتقلنا الى كينيا
a hundred eye clinics
مثل ماما جاين وتيريزا.
like Mama Jane and Theresa.
called Peek Vision,
we built smartphone technology
تكنولوجيات للأجهزة الذكية
for people in the community
الذين نُسّيوا بالكامل.
who are being missed,
easier to diagnose them
واجهتني وأنا طفل،
I'd had as a child,
25 of them, with smartphones
in 21,000 children
ليصل إلى 200000 طفل،
to reach 200,000 children,
هذا في ستة برامج جديدة
in six new programs
المشكلات التي لاقيتها مع تيريزا.
same problems I had with Theresa
لأمراض معينة فقط،
كان تكوين فريق مدهش
was build an incredible team
that would change the lives
whatever their needs were.
with partners who understood,
مع الشركاء الذين تفهموا،
تثق بالجهة التي تتبرع لها،
where your money's going,
من خلال المتطلبات اللازمة
through the requirement
العديد من أوراق العمل.
lots of paperwork.
احتياجات الناس الديناميكية
if the dynamic needs of people
متوقف على تسليم تلك الخطة؟
on delivering the plan?
we should have to make,
يمكننا أن نخدم سيداً واحداً فقط.
we can only serve one master.
vulnerable amongst us.
وقد تُرِكَ العديد من المحتاجين.
and too many people are being left behind.
مؤيدين وشركاء مدهشين،
incredible supporters and partners,
برنامجٍ جديدٍ في بوتسوانا،
is being screened and treated
that good vision affords.
partners and stakeholders,
to eventually come on board.
بميزانيتهم الوطنية الخاصة.
in their own national budget.
the resources to do this.
came alongside us,
we were aligned on mission,
what had to be done.
وما الذي يجب القيام به.
مرنين ومنحونا حرية التصرف
and gave us autonomy
ambitious and take risk.
الصحية بهذا المنوال؟
the social causes we're trying to solve?
الاجتماعية التي نحاول حلها؟
the autonomy to be creative
القدر من الطموح
vulnerable in our societies.
على معالجة الأهداف العالمية
the amount on tackling the global goals
الفوارق التي لا نخدمها.
the very inequalities we're not serving.
يجعل التجارة ذات معنى أيضاً.
it makes business sense.
would gain 1.3 billion dollars
1.3 بليون دولار.
أن الربح يتحقق في المستقبل.
that value is generated in the future,
to pay for it up front,
توفر المال لتدفع ثمنه،
can realize that future value now.
أن يحققوا القيمة المستقبلية الآن.
in the house straightaway.
أن تجمع كل المبلغ لتسكن المنزل،
all of the money to move into the house,
whilst trying to save the money
بحيث لن تصل إليه ابداً،
never able to get there,
الذي وضعناه على أنفسنا.
we've put on ourselves.
من ممولينا وشركائنا،
of our funders and partners,
مع اثنين من البنوك الرائدة في العالم،
two world-leading banks,
والمنظمات الخيرية الخاصة،
not-for-profit organizations,
built in by design.
تخدم حاجة الأكثر ضعفاً.
the need of the most vulnerable.
ستعمل معا في شراكة.
can work together in partnership,
of an entire population,
للأفراد المتضررين
the individuals affected
واجتماعياً فحسب،
and social difference,
سوف تخلق الاستدامة
will create sustainability
catalytic cycle of improvement and change.
مثلي أنا، يمكن أن تُلبى.
like myself can be met.
التحالفات هذا العام،
has come together this year
with 53 heads of government,
to quality eye care for all.
of glasses to the fund
النظارات منحت للصندوق
الديناميكية والفردية ...
and individual needs of people --
required simple surgery --
مكانها مرة أخرى في المجتمع،
her place back in society,
فقط استعادة لبصرها،
it wasn't just restoring her sight,
Andrew Bastawrous - Eye surgeon, inventorAndrew Bastawrous studies eye health -- and builds accessible new tools to bring eye care to more people.
Why you should listen
Andrew Bastawrous is cofounder and CEO of Peek Vision, a social impact organization that uses smartphone technology to radically increase access to eye care in some of the most challenging places in the world. Bastawrous is also an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) and Associate Professor in International Eye Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Peek's vision app, Peek Acuity, is being used to transform eye health in more than 150 countries. The organization ran one of the top-ten all-time Indiegogo crowd-funding campaigns in the health sector -- for Peek Retina, a smartphone ophthalmoscope -- and was voted "best social-impact start-up in Europe" by Google and McKinsey in 2016. All prize money has been re-invested in Peek.
Bastawrous is working with astrophysicists to crowdsource retinal data; with National Geographic explorers to reach isolated communities; and with artists and activists to advocate for eye care globally. He and his wife Madeleine have established a social enterprise healthy bakery in Kenya that provides employment, with profits paying for eye care.
In 2018, Bastawrous was invited to deliver the Commonwealth Address in the presence of the British Royal Family, where he announced the creation of a new one-billion-dollar Vision Catalyst Fund -- a new vision for international aid.
Andrew Bastawrous | Speaker |