Sydney Chaffee: How teachers can help kids find their political voices
Sydney Chaffee: Como professores podem ajudar alunos a encontrarem a voz política deles
Sydney Chaffee believes that teachers and students can change the world together. Full bio
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é um conceito simples.
that all people in a society
em uma sociedade,
opportunities and access to resources.
oportunidades e acesso a recursos.
controversial and nebulous,
controverso e nebuloso,
for social justice actually looks like.
trabalhar pela justiça social.
can look like this ...
pode parecer assim,
my work or my priorities as a teacher,
e minhas prioridades como professora,
can be a tool for social justice.
uma ferramenta para a justiça social.
onto Twitter -- as I do --
had taken issue with that belief.
havia discordado dessa opinião.
"should not be social justice warriors,
guerreiros da justiça social,
of education is to educate."
don't just teach subjects,
walk into our classrooms,
entram nas salas de aula,
is bound up in historical context,
está ligado ao contexto histórico,
happens in a vacuum,
acontece em um vácuo,
doesn't really matter,
que a educação não importa,
to what's happening all around them.
para o que acontece ao seu redor.
of the Implicit Association Test,
do Teste de Associação Implícita,
subconscious biases against black people,
preconceitos subconscientes contra negros,
lazier and more dangerous than whites.
mais preguiçosos e perigosos.
of the insidious effects
dos efeitos capciosos
on our country.
e sistêmico em nosso país.
we could look at incarceration rates;
de encarceramento,
violence against black people;
policial contra negros,
gap in education --
belongs in our schools.
fazer parte de nossas escolas.
of the mission of every school
da missão de todas as escolas,
to be more than a slogan ...
para todos" seja mais do que um slogan.
for children to become active citizens
se tornem cidadãos ativos
that they need to change the world.
necessárias para mudar o mundo.
that will lead to justice
que levarão à justiça
into the work of schools.
collaboration, perseverance --
colaboração, perseverança.
revolutionary on its own.
revolucionário por si só.
to understand history
de entender a história,
on which we all agree,
com a qual todos concordam,
countless interpretations.
inúmeras interpretações.
to explore history with our students
a história com nossos alunos
that history is ongoing
que essa história está em curso,
to current movements for justice.
atuais pela justiça.
as potential players
como potenciais atores
how to work for justice.
a trabalhar pela justiça.
wasn't happy with that idea
não tenha apoiado essa ideia
with my definition of justice.
com a minha definição de justiça.
eye to eye, politically.
sejam diferentes.
to articulate their own opinions,
a articular opiniões próprias,
if he and I agree.
se eu e ele concordarmos.
students have those conversations
a ter esse tipo de diálogo
effective facilitators
facilitadores efetivos
how to have really tricky conversations,
de conversas complexas,
to different opinions,
connects to the world outside.
na escola conecta-se ao mundo.
the history of apartheid in South Africa
o apartheid da África do Sul
in South Africa imposed racist laws
por brancos, impôs leis racistas
you risked jail time, violence or death.
risco de prisão, violência ou morte.
other countries' governments,
governos de outros países,
South Africa, because ...
a África do Sul porque,
government passed a new law
aprovou uma nova lei
in South Africa
referred to that language
referiam-se a essa língua
were outraged at this law.
nor their teachers spoke.
e nem seus professores falavam.
from the township of Soweto
do município de Soweto
through the streets to protest the law.
para protestar contra a lei.
they met up with the police,
os policiais soltaram cães atrás deles
until almost 20 years later,
in Soweto profoundly changed
de Soweto mudou profundamente
what was happening in South Africa.
acontecendo na África do Sul.
published this photo
publicaram esta foto
killed by police in Soweto,
pela polícia em Soweto.
to ignore the brutality
ignorar a brutalidade
that followed the Soweto uprising,
exerted political and economic pressure
política e econômica
to end apartheid,
para acabar com o apartheid,
of those kids in Soweto.
daqueles jovens em Soweto.
aprendem sobre isso.
to draw connections
in Soweto and themselves.
and agency they have.
e intervenção eles possuem.
there would ever be a reason
could live in a more just world.
viver em um mundo mais justo.
every single year,
will ever listen to their voices.
prestarão atenção à voz deles.
from one of our students.
de um dos nossos alunos
to walk out of school.
of Michael Brown's death
to join a walkout and march
participar de uma passeata
Matter movement.
had a decision to make.
teve que tomar uma decisão.
to try to control the students
para controlar os alunos
the principles of social justice
os princípios da justiça social
since the ninth-grade year?
the kids left school en masse
os jovens saíram da escola
jumped up on a picnic table
em uma mesa de piquenique
took it very seriously.
e observamos os alunos saindo.
spent that afternoon in class.
passaram a tarde na sala de aula.
of the Black Lives Matter movement,
do movimento Black Lives Matter,
with classes as scheduled.
participated in a citywide student walkout
com estudantes por toda a cidade,
voice for justice.
to spend the afternoon,
valuable lessons that day.
lições valiosas naquele dia.
in their lives would support them
com a sua segurança.
to tell them how or when
para dizer a eles como, quando,
of a community of young people
de uma comunidade de jovens
of a more equitable society,
de uma sociedade mais igualitária,
within that society.
dentro dessa sociedade.
like the Soweto uprising
como a revolta de Soweto
for social justice can look like.
uma ferramenta para a justiça social.
estão preparados para isso.
foram entrevistados,
they would participate in a protest
participariam de um protesto
de alunos a dizer isto desde 1967.
of students to say that since 1967.
who are having difficulty
or "essential" goal for them.
importante ou essencial,
to say that since the late 1960s.
desde o final dos anos 1960.
for justice doesn't just follow
pela justiça não consiste apenas
I talked about earlier --
mas também acontece o inverso.
engaging in activism,
engajar-se no ativismo,
like leadership and critical thinking,
como liderança e pensamento crítico,
with their political participation
com a participação política deles,
to their communities later in life.
deles com a comunidade.
that social justice matters to them
é importante para eles,
that it helps students learn.
que ela favorece o aprendizado.
who participated in the Soweto uprising,
que participou da revolta de Soweto
represented divorce
representou uma separação
had grown up under apartheid,
sob o apartheid,
it was to speak out.
to lay low and stay safe.
e em segurança.
were really conflicted, too.
entraram em conflito também.
encounter violence.
que os alunos sairiam,
that they would walk out
por que estavam protestando.
why they were protesting.
some students' families,
that the school hadn't done more
about getting this stuff wrong --
a situação ser mal compreendida
that we will listen to their voices
estamos atentos ao que eles têm a dizer
to effect change.
to equip our students
that they need
e habilidades que precisam
to get out of their way,
to things that they care about.
o que é importante para eles.
is going to require
that we're creative.
that we're brave enough
who try to silence
que tentam silenciar
that sometimes we will be the ones
às vezes, seremos as pessoas
como os sistemas que criamos,
in which systems that we have created,
contribuem para a desigualdade.
and it's going to be painful
our own assumptions and beliefs.
suposições e crenças.
about rebellion in our kids?
dos jovens de outra forma?
against our ideas
that we're doing something right
de que estamos fazendo algo certo
manifested in more convenient ways --
se manifestassem de modo mais conveniente,
or their standardized tests --
ou nos testes deles, entendo.
do not often go hand in hand.
nem sempre andam de mãos dadas.
critically about the world around them,
a pensar criticamente sobre o mundo,
injustice when they see it
e questionar a injustiça,
is going to require some rethinking
exigirá repensar o significado
and learning look like,
they're going to walk all over us
irão dominar os professores
will devolve into total chaos.
irão se transformar em um caos total.
and passively receive knowledge from us,
fiquem sentados, em silêncio,
feel overwhelming.
that learning is sometimes messy,
que o aprendizado pode ser confuso
to brainstorm and mess up
novas ideias, desordená-las
and want to learn
de caos e querem aprender
to facilitate that kind of learning.
que facilitem esse tipo de aprendizado.
your eyes for a second
where teachers are thought partners,
são considerados parceiros,
with complex, hard issues
com questões complexas e difíceis,
the right answers.
dando-lhes as respostas certas.
where we let students make choices --
que os alunos façam escolhas,
the consequences of those choices.
as consequências dessas escolhas.
we let students be humans,
os estudantes serem humanos,
and the uncertainty
are already pushing the boundaries
já estão ampliando as fronteiras
and learning can look like
in all kinds of schools,
for teachers who want to get better
in a way that's more authentic
de um modo mais autêntico,
escrito por Ted e Nancy Sizer.
that the work of education
sound really impressive,
podem soar impressionantes,
to actually mean anything in practice.
não significam nada na prática.
but, rather, engines."
driving our work as teachers?
nosso trabalho como professores?
to be found in the words of Cornel West,
nas palavras de Cornel West,
is what love looks like in public."
"A justiça é o amor em público".
teachers in the crowd
correspondente é amar.
than "I teach my subject."
a political act.
do poder dos nossos alunos.
make tomorrow better.
a construir um futuro melhor.
to practice today.
should start in our schools.
em nossas escolas.
Sydney Chaffee - EducatorSydney Chaffee believes that teachers and students can change the world together.
Why you should listen
As the 2017 National Teacher of the Year, Sydney Chaffee traveled the world to advocate for education as a transformative tool to help young people create more just societies. Chaffee teaches ninth grade Humanities at Codman Academy Charter Public School in Boston, MA and is a National Board Certified Teacher.
(Photo: Edwin Yoo)
Sydney Chaffee | Speaker |