John Lloyd: An animated tour of the invisible
Kaj je nevidno? Več, kot si mislite - John Lloyd
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
Yew Chube Common - Vhod z Googlove avtoceste]
Johna Lloyda leta 2009]
given by John Lloyd in 2009]
ukvarja z vzbujanjem radovednosti.
has spent his whole career
kot si mislite, v bistvu.
than you think, actually.
everything that matters --
but we can't see what holds them apart,
ampak ne vidimo, kaj jih ločuje
we see only the skin of things,
vidimo le površino,
ne vidimo tiktakanja v ljudeh,
we can't see what makes people tick,
the more it disappears.
really closely at stuff,
če pogledaš osnovno podstrukturo snovi,
substructure of matter,
v nekakšni meglici in tam je samo energija.
and there is only energy.
da so nam nevidne stvari
about invisibility is,
we also can't understand.
and which we don't understand.
ki je ne vidimo in ki je ne razumemo.
of all the four fundamental forces,
od štirih temeljnih sil
kaj je ali zakaj sploh je.
knows what it is or why it's there.
the greatest scientist who ever lived,
največji znanstvenik, ki je kdajkoli živel,
da bi upravljal vzvode gravitacije.
to Earth specifically
o tem motil? Kaj pa vem. (Smeh)
on that one, I don't know.
kaj kdorkoli med vami misli.
I've no idea what any of you are thinking.
da eden drugemu ne moremo brati misli,
each other's minds,
mogoče, če pridemo dovolj blizu,
taste each other,
but we can't read each other's minds.
this great Middle Eastern religion
is the root of all religions,
all telepaths, so they say,
nam pošiljajo močne signale, da ne obstaja.
to the rest of us that it doesn't exist.
the Sufi masters working on us.
Sufi mojstri, ki se ukvarjajo z nami.
and artificial intelligence,
umetne inteligence,
like the study of consciousness,
tako kot študija zavesti,
kako zavest deluje.
how consciousness works.
umetne inteligence,
artificial intelligence,
artificial stupidity.
eternal, omnipresent, all powerful.
povsod prisotni, vsemogočni.
nisem materialist, sem imaterialist.
not a materialist, I'm an immaterialist.
ignostik. V redu? Jaz sem ignostik,
new word -- ignostic.
on whether God exists
is the human genome.
je človeški genom.
because about 20 years ago
ker pred približno 20 leti,
they thought it would probably contain
da bo verjetno vseboval
Od takrat je bilo vsako leto
it's been revised downwards.
verjetno le nekaj čez 20 tisoč genov
to be just over 20 thousand genes
because rice -- get this --
two more than people,
Dva več kot človek
but they are very strange.
think that's fascinating.
vedno zdelo fascinantno.
manj lahko vidiš.
the less you can see.
obstaja gibanje v moderni fiziki,
ker je preveč neprimeren za številke.
for the figures.
except in your memory.
razen v lastnem spominu.
things about the past
da ne moreš videti--
"Oče, se me spomniš, ko sem imel dve leti?"
what I was like when I was two?
In on je rekel: "Zakaj pa se jaz ne?"
kaj se ti je zgodilo,
earlier than the age of two or three.
because otherwise they'd be out of a job.
ker drugače ne bi imeli dela.
is the grid on which we hang.
veste, da se celice neprestano obnavljajo.
that cells are continually renewed.
nails, that kind of stuff --
is replaced at some point.
take a bit longer.
potrebujejo nekoliko več časa.
not one cell in your body
vašega telesa
seven years ago.
pred sedmimi leti.
who then are we? What are we?
Kaj je ta stvar, s katere visimo,
So manjši kot valovna dolžina svetlobe.
than the wavelength of light.
nekdo je omenil 1600 nazadnje.
mentioned 1600 recently.
nemški kemik imenovan Van Helmont.
by a Dutch chemist called van Helmont.
invention of a word by a known individual.
besede, s strani znanega posameznika.
called "blas," meaning astral radiation.
ki pomeni zvezdno sevanje.
videti svetlobe.
če nekdo posveti žarek svetlobe
you won't see it.
will disagree with this.
svetlobnega žarka.
the beam of light,
vam kdo reče, da razume elektriko, je ne.
they understand electricity, they don't.
elektroni v električnem kablu nemudoma
in an electric wire move instantaneously
s svetlobno hitrostjo, ko prižgeš luč.
at the speed of light,
približno tako, kot se cedi med, pravijo.
honey, they say.
približno sto milijard. Sto milijard.
Hundred billion.
stotih milijard galaksij, z golim očesom.
galaxies, with the naked eye.
unless you've got very good eyesight.
zelo dober vid.
odkril radijske valove,
radio waves, in 1887,
ker so valovali.
because they radiated.
Heinrich? Kaj je poanta teh radijskih valov,
"What's the point of these, Heinrich?
that you've found?"
ampak se bo že kdo domislil, kaj z njimi.
a use for them someday.
je to, kar ne vemo.
to us is what we don't know.
niti enega odstotka milijoninke o čemerkoli.
of one millionth about anything."
"What's another thing we can't see?"
česa še ne vidimo?
vprašanji, ki si ju je vredno zastaviti.
really worth asking.
medtem ko smo?
we do about it while we are?"
you with, from two great philosophers,
vas bom pustil, dva velika filozofa,
misleca dvajsetega stoletja.
thinkers of the 20th century.
in drugi je pesnik.
and the other a poet.
prepričan, da ne zato, da bi uživali.
in order to enjoy ourselves."
W.H. Auden, one of my favorite poets,
eden od mojih najljubših pesnikov,
on Earth to help others.
drugim. Zakaj so tu drugi, pa nimam pojma.
are here for, I've no idea."
Nadaljuj potovanje v neznano!]
John Lloyd - ProducerJohn Lloyd helps make some of the cleverest television in the UK.
Why you should listen
John Lloyd seems to have known every brilliant and funny person in Britain, and his collaborations are legendary. He's been a fixture on the BBC for four decades, producing such classic comedies as Blackadder, Spitting Image, the BBC's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and lately QI (short for "Quite Interesting"), hosted by Stephen Fry (read his Reddit AMA about it).
Lloyd has also written more than a dozen funny books -- including The Meaning of Liff, a collaboration with his friend Douglas Adams, which has been in print for 26 years.
John Lloyd | Speaker |